Package 'rpact'

Title: Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
Description: Design and analysis of confirmatory adaptive clinical trials with continuous, binary, and survival endpoints according to the methods described in the monograph by Wassmer and Brannath (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32562-0>. This includes classical group sequential as well as multi-stage adaptive hypotheses tests that are based on the combination testing principle.
Authors: Gernot Wassmer [aut] , Friedrich Pahlke [aut, cre] , Till Jensen [ctb], Stephen Schueuerhuis [ctb], Tobias Muetze [ctb]
Maintainer: Friedrich Pahlke <[email protected]>
License: LGPL-3
Built: 2025-03-06 13:32:30 UTC

Help Index

Algorithm AS 251: Normal Distribution


Calculates the Multivariate Normal Distribution with Product Correlation Structure published by Charles Dunnett, Algorithm AS 251.1 Appl.Statist. (1989), Vol.38, No.3, doi:10.2307/2347754.


  eps = 1e-06,
  errorControl = c("strict", "halvingIntervals"),
  intervalSimpsonsRule = 0



Lower limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Upper limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Values defining correlation structure. Array of N dimensions


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


desired accuracy. Defaults to 1e-06


error control. If set to 1, strict error control based on fourth derivative is used. If set to zero, error control based on halving intervals is used


Interval width for Simpson's rule. Value of zero caused a default .24 to be used


For a multivariate normal vector with correlation structure defined by rho(i,j) = bpd(i) * bpd(j), computes the probability that the vector falls in a rectangle in n-space with error less than eps.

This function calculates the bdp value from sigma, determines the right inf value and calls mvnprd.

Algorithm AS 251: Student T Distribution


Calculates the Multivariate Normal Distribution with Product Correlation Structure published by Charles Dunnett, Algorithm AS 251.1 Appl.Statist. (1989), Vol.38, No.3, doi:10.2307/2347754.


  eps = 1e-06,
  errorControl = c("strict", "halvingIntervals"),
  intervalSimpsonsRule = 0



Lower limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Upper limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Values defining correlation structure. Array of N dimensions


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Degrees of Freedom. Use 0 for infinite D.F.


desired accuracy. Defaults to 1e-06


error control. If set to 1, strict error control based on fourth derivative is used. If set to zero, error control based on halving intervals is used


Interval width for Simpson's rule. Value of zero caused a default .24 to be used


For a multivariate normal vector with correlation structure defined by rho(i,j) = bpd(i) * bpd(j), computes the probability that the vector falls in a rectangle in n-space with error less than eps.

This function calculates the bdp value from sigma, determines the right inf value and calls mvstud.

Get Accrual Time


Returns an AccrualTime object that contains the accrual time and the accrual intensity.


  accrualTime = NA_real_,
  accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
  accrualIntensityType = c("auto", "absolute", "relative"),
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_



The assumed accrual time intervals for the study, default is c(0, 12) (for details see getAccrualTime()).


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


A numeric vector of accrual intensities, default is the relative intensity 0.1 (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A character value specifying the accrual intensity input type. Must be one of "auto", "absolute", or "relative"; default is "auto", i.e., if all values are < 1 the type is "relative", otherwise it is "absolute".


The maximum number of subjects.


Returns an AccrualTime object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

Staggered patient entry

accrualTime is the time period of subjects' accrual in a study. It can be a value that defines the end of accrual or a vector. In this case, accrualTime can be used to define a non-constant accrual over time. For this, accrualTime is a vector that defines the accrual intervals. The first element of accrualTime must be equal to 0 and, additionally, accrualIntensity needs to be specified. accrualIntensity itself is a value or a vector (depending on the length of accrualTime) that defines the intensity how subjects enter the trial in the intervals defined through accrualTime.

accrualTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the accrual time and accrual intensity (see below and examples for details).

If the length of accrualTime and the length of accrualIntensity are the same (i.e., the end of accrual is undefined), maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified and the end of accrual is calculated. In that case, accrualIntensity is the number of subjects per time unit, i.e., the absolute accrual intensity.

If the length of accrualTime equals the length of accrualIntensity - 1 (i.e., the end of accrual is defined), maxNumberOfSubjects is calculated if the absolute accrual intensity is given. If all elements in accrualIntensity are smaller than 1, accrualIntensity defines the relative intensity how subjects enter the trial. For example, accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2) specifies that in the second accrual interval the intensity is doubled as compared to the first accrual interval. The actual (absolute) accrual intensity is calculated for the calculated or given maxNumberOfSubjects. Note that the default is accrualIntensity = 0.1 meaning that the absolute accrual intensity will be calculated.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

getNumberOfSubjects() for calculating the number of subjects at given time points.


## Not run: 
# Assume that in a trial the accrual after the first 6 months is doubled
# and the total accrual time is 30 months.
# Further assume that a total of 1000 subjects are entered in the trial.
# The number of subjects to be accrued in the first 6 months and afterwards
# is achieved through
    accrualTime = c(0, 6, 30),
    accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2), maxNumberOfSubjects = 1000

# The same result is obtained via the list based definition
        "0 - <6"   = 0.1,
        "6 - <=30" = 0.2
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 1000

# Calculate the end of accrual at given absolute intensity:
    accrualTime = c(0, 6),
    accrualIntensity = c(18, 36), maxNumberOfSubjects = 1000

# Via the list based definition this is
        "0 - <6" = 18,
        ">=6" = 36
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 1000

# You can use an accrual time object in getSampleSizeSurvival() or
# getPowerSurvival().
# For example, if the maximum number of subjects and the follow up
# time needs to be calculated for a given effect size:
accrualTime <- getAccrualTime(
    accrualTime = c(0, 6, 30),
    accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2)
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = accrualTime, pi1 = 0.4, pi2 = 0.2)

# Or if the power and follow up time needs to be calculated for given
# number of events and subjects:
accrualTime <- getAccrualTime(
    accrualTime = c(0, 6, 30),
    accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2), maxNumberOfSubjects = 110
    accrualTime = accrualTime, pi1 = 0.4, pi2 = 0.2,
    maxNumberOfEvents = 46

# How to show accrual time details

# You can use a sample size or power object as argument for the function
# getAccrualTime():
sampleSize <- getSampleSizeSurvival(
    accrualTime = c(0, 6), accrualIntensity = c(22, 53),
    lambda2 = 0.05, hazardRatio = 0.8, followUpTime = 6
accrualTime <- getAccrualTime(sampleSize)

## End(Not run)

Get Analysis Results


Calculates and returns the analysis results for the specified design and data.


  directionUpper = NA,
  thetaH0 = NA_real_,
  nPlanned = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
  stage = NA_integer_,
  maxInformation = NULL,
  informationEpsilon = NULL



The trial design.


The summary data used for calculating the test results. This is either an element of DatasetMeans, of DatasetRates, or of DatasetSurvival and should be created with the function getDataset(). For more information see getDataset().


Further arguments to be passed to methods (cf., separate functions in "See Also" below), e.g.,

thetaH1 and stDevH1 (or assumedStDev / assumedStDevs), pi1, pi2, or piTreatments, piControl(s)

The assumed effect size, standard deviation or rates to calculate the conditional power if nPlanned is specified. For survival designs, thetaH1 refers to the hazard ratio. For one-armed trials with binary outcome, only pi1 can be specified, for two-armed trials with binary outcome, pi1 and pi2 can be specified referring to the assumed treatment and control rate, respectively. In multi-armed or enrichment designs, you can specify a value or a vector with elements referring to the treatment arms or the sub-populations, respectively. For testing rates, the parameters to be specified are piTreatments and piControl (multi-arm designs) and piTreatments and piControls (enrichment designs).
If not specified, the conditional power is calculated under the assumption of observed effect sizes, standard deviations, rates, or hazard ratios.


Iterations for simulating the power for Fisher's combination test. If the power for more than one remaining stages is to be determined for Fisher's combination test, it is estimated via simulation with specified
iterations, the default is 1000.


Seed for simulating the conditional power for Fisher's combination test. See above, default is a random seed.


The type of computation of the p-values. Default is FALSE for testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and TRUE for testing rates and the hazard ratio. For testing rates, if normalApproximation = FALSE is specified, the binomial test (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values. In the survival setting, normalApproximation = FALSE has no effect.


The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this, i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is TRUE.


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses when testing multiple hypotheses. Five options are available in multi-arm designs: "Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", and "Hierarchical", default is "Dunnett". Four options are available in population enrichment designs: "SpiessensDebois" (one subset only), "Bonferroni", "Simes", and "Sidak", default is "Simes".


Defines the way to calculate the variance in multiple treatment arms (> 2) or population enrichment designs for testing means. For multiple arms, three options are available: "overallPooled", "pairwisePooled", and "notPooled", default is "overallPooled". For enrichment designs, the options are: "pooled", "pooledFromFull" (one subset only), and "notPooled", default is "pooled".


For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. For testing means and rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is TRUE.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The additional (i.e., "new" and not cumulative) sample size planned for each of the subsequent stages. The argument must be a vector with length equal to the number of remaining stages and contain the combined sample size from both treatment groups if two groups are considered. For survival outcomes, it should contain the planned number of additional events. For multi-arm designs, it is the per-comparison (combined) sample size. For enrichment designs, it is the (combined) sample size for the considered sub-population.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The stage number (optional). Default: total number of existing stages in the data input.


Positive value specifying the maximum information.


Positive integer value specifying the absolute information epsilon, which defines the maximum distance from the observed information to the maximum information that causes the final analysis. Updates at the final analysis in case the observed information at the final analysis is smaller ("under-running") than the planned maximum information maxInformation, default is 0. Alternatively, a floating-point number > 0 and < 1 can be specified to define a relative information epsilon.


Given a design and a dataset, at given stage the function calculates the test results (effect sizes, stage-wise test statistics and p-values, overall p-values and test statistics, conditional rejection probability (CRP), conditional power, Repeated Confidence Intervals (RCIs), repeated overall p-values, and final stage p-values, median unbiased effect estimates, and final confidence intervals.

For designs with more than two treatments arms (multi-arm designs) or enrichment designs a closed combination test is performed. That is, additionally the statistics to be used in a closed testing procedure are provided.

The conditional power is calculated if the planned sample size for the subsequent stages (nPlanned) is specified. The conditional power is calculated either under the assumption of the observed effect or under the assumption of an assumed effect, that has to be specified (see above).
For testing rates in a two-armed trial, pi1 and pi2 typically refer to the rates in the treatment and the control group, respectively. This is not mandatory, however, and so pi1 and pi2 can be interchanged. In many-to-one multi-armed trials, piTreatments and piControl refer to the rates in the treatment arms and the one control arm, and so they cannot be interchanged. piTreatments and piControls in enrichment designs can principally be interchanged, but we use the plural form to indicate that the rates can be differently specified for the sub-populations.

Median unbiased effect estimates and confidence intervals are calculated if a group sequential design or an inverse normal combination test design was chosen, i.e., it is not applicable for Fisher's p-value combination test design. For the inverse normal combination test design with more than two stages, a warning informs that the validity of the confidence interval is theoretically shown only if no sample size change was performed.

A final stage p-value for Fisher's combination test is calculated only if a two-stage design was chosen. For Fisher's combination test, the conditional power for more than one remaining stages is estimated via simulation.

Final stage p-values, median unbiased effect estimates, and final confidence intervals are not calculated for multi-arm and enrichment designs.


Returns an AnalysisResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also


Other analysis functions: getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
# Example 1 One-Sample t Test
# Perform an analysis within a three-stage group sequential design with
# O'Brien & Fleming boundaries and one-sample data with a continuous outcome
# where H0: mu = 1.2 is to be tested
dsnGS <- getDesignGroupSequential()
dataMeans <- getDataset(
    n = c(30, 30),
    means = c(1.96, 1.76),
    stDevs = c(1.92, 2.01)
getAnalysisResults(design = dsnGS, dataInput = dataMeans, thetaH0 = 1.2)

# You can obtain the results when performing an inverse normal combination test
# with these data by using the commands
dsnIN <- getDesignInverseNormal()
getAnalysisResults(design = dsnIN, dataInput = dataMeans, thetaH0 = 1.2)

# Example 2 Use Function Approach with Time to Event Data
# Perform an analysis within a use function approach according to an
# O'Brien & Fleming type use function and survival data where
# where H0: hazard ratio = 1 is to be tested. The events were observed
# over time and maxInformation = 120, informationEpsilon = 5 specifies
# that 116 > 120 - 5 observed events defines the final analysis.
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(typeOfDesign = "asOF")
dataSurvival <- getDataset(
    cumulativeEvents = c(33, 72, 116),
    cumulativeLogRanks = c(1.33, 1.88, 1.902)
    dataInput = dataSurvival,
    maxInformation = 120, informationEpsilon = 5

# Example 3 Multi-Arm Design
# In a four-stage combination test design with O'Brien & Fleming boundaries
# at the first stage the second treatment arm was dropped. With the Bonferroni
# intersection test, the results together with the CRP, conditional power
# (assuming a total of 40 subjects for each comparison and effect sizes 0.5
# and 0.8 for treatment arm 1 and 3, respectively, and standard deviation 1.2),
# RCIs and p-values of a closed adaptive test procedure are
# obtained as follows with the given data (treatment arm 4 refers to the
# reference group; displayed with summary and plot commands):
data <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(22, 23),
    n2 = c(21, NA),
    n3 = c(20, 25),
    n4 = c(25, 27),
    means1 = c(1.63, 1.51),
    means2 = c(1.4, NA),
    means3 = c(0.91, 0.95),
    means4 = c(0.83, 0.75),
    stds1 = c(1.2, 1.4),
    stds2 = c(1.3, NA),
    stds3 = c(1.1, 1.14),
    stds4 = c(1.02, 1.18)
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 4)
x <- getAnalysisResults(design,
    dataInput = data, intersectionTest = "Bonferroni",
    nPlanned = c(40, 40), thetaH1 = c(0.5, NA, 0.8), assumedStDevs = 1.2
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(x, thetaRange = c(0, 0.8))
design <- getDesignConditionalDunnett(secondStageConditioning = FALSE)
y <- getAnalysisResults(design,
    dataInput = data,
    nPlanned = 40, thetaH1 = c(0.5, NA, 0.8), assumedStDevs = 1.2, stage = 1
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(y, thetaRange = c(0, 0.4))

# Example 4 Enrichment Design
# Perform an two-stage enrichment design analysis with O'Brien & Fleming boundaries
# where one sub-population (S1) and a full population (F) are considered as primary
# analysis sets. At interim, S1 is selected for further analysis and the sample
# size is increased accordingly. With the Spiessens & Debois intersection test,
# the results of a closed adaptive test procedure together with the CRP, repeated
# RCIs and p-values are obtained as follows with the given data (displayed with
# summary and plot commands):
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2, typeOfDesign = "OF")
dataS1 <- getDataset(
    means1 = c(13.2, 12.8),
    means2 = c(11.1, 10.8),
    stDev1 = c(3.4, 3.3),
    stDev2 = c(2.9, 3.5),
    n1 = c(21, 42),
    n2 = c(19, 39)
dataNotS1 <- getDataset(
    means1 = c(11.8, NA),
    means2 = c(10.5, NA),
    stDev1 = c(3.6, NA),
    stDev2 = c(2.7, NA),
    n1 = c(15, NA),
    n2 = c(13, NA)
dataBoth <- getDataset(S1 = dataS1, R = dataNotS1)
x <- getAnalysisResults(design,
    dataInput = dataBoth,
    intersectionTest = "SpiessensDebois",
    varianceOption = "pooledFromFull",
    stratifiedAnalysis = TRUE
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(x, type = 2)

## End(Not run)

Get Closed Combination Test Results


Calculates and returns the results from the closed combination test in multi-arm and population enrichment designs.





The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Returns a ClosedCombinationTestResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
# In a four-stage combination test design with O'Brien & Fleming boundaries
# at the first stage the second treatment arm was dropped. With the Bonferroni
# intersection test, the results of a closed adaptive test procedure are
# obtained as follows with the given data (treatment arm 4 refers to the
# reference group):
data <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(22, 23),
    n2 = c(21, NA),
    n3 = c(20, 25),
    n4 = c(25, 27),
    means1 = c(1.63, 1.51),
    means2 = c(1.4, NA),
    means3 = c(0.91, 0.95),
    means4 = c(0.83, 0.75),
    stds1 = c(1.2, 1.4),
    stds2 = c(1.3, NA),
    stds3 = c(1.1, 1.14),
    stds4 = c(1.02, 1.18)

design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 4)
stageResults <- getStageResults(design,
    dataInput = data,
    intersectionTest = "Bonferroni"

## End(Not run)

Get Closed Conditional Dunnett Test Results


Calculates and returns the results from the closed conditional Dunnett test.


  stage = stageResults$stage



The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The stage number (optional). Default: total number of existing stages in the data input.


For performing the conditional Dunnett test the design must be defined through the function getDesignConditionalDunnett().
See Koenig et al. (2008) and Wassmer & Brannath (2016), chapter 11 for details of the test procedure.


Returns a ClosedCombinationTestResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
# In a two-stage design a conditional Dunnett test should be performed
# where the  unconditional second stage p-values should be used for the
# test decision.
# At the first stage the second treatment arm was dropped. The results of
# a closed conditionsal Dunnett test are obtained as follows with the given
# data (treatment arm 4 refers to the reference group):
data <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(22, 23),
    n2 = c(21, NA),
    n3 = c(20, 25),
    n4 = c(25, 27),
    means1 = c(1.63, 1.51),
    means2 = c(1.4, NA),
    means3 = c(0.91, 0.95),
    means4 = c(0.83, 0.75),
    stds1 = c(1.2, 1.4),
    stds2 = c(1.3, NA),
    stds3 = c(1.1, 1.14),
    stds4 = c(1.02, 1.18)

# For getting the results of the closed test procedure, use the following commands:
design <- getDesignConditionalDunnett(secondStageConditioning = FALSE)
stageResults <- getStageResults(design, dataInput = data)

## End(Not run)

Get Conditional Power


Calculates and returns the conditional power.


getConditionalPower(stageResults, ..., nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = 1)



The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Further (optional) arguments to be passed:

thetaH1 and stDevH1 (or assumedStDev / assumedStDevs), pi1, pi2, or piTreatments, piControl(s)

The assumed effect size, standard deviation or rates to calculate the conditional power if nPlanned is specified. For survival designs, thetaH1 refers to the hazard ratio. For one-armed trials with binary outcome, only pi1 can be specified, for two-armed trials with binary outcome, pi1 and pi2 can be specified referring to the assumed treatment and control rate, respectively. In multi-armed or enrichment designs, you can specify a value or a vector with elements referring to the treatment arms or the sub-populations, respectively. For testing rates, the parameters to be specified are piTreatments and piControl (multi-arm designs) and piTreatments and piControls (enrichment designs).
If not specified, the conditional power is calculated under the assumption of observed effect sizes, standard deviations, rates, or hazard ratios.


Iterations for simulating the power for Fisher's combination test. If the power for more than one remaining stages is to be determined for Fisher's combination test, it is estimated via simulation with specified
iterations, the default is 1000.


Seed for simulating the conditional power for Fisher's combination test. See above, default is a random seed.


The additional (i.e., "new" and not cumulative) sample size planned for each of the subsequent stages. The argument must be a vector with length equal to the number of remaining stages and contain the combined sample size from both treatment groups if two groups are considered. For survival outcomes, it should contain the planned number of additional events. For multi-arm designs, it is the per-comparison (combined) sample size. For enrichment designs, it is the (combined) sample size for the considered sub-population.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The conditional power is calculated if the planned sample size for the subsequent stages is specified.
For testing rates in a two-armed trial, pi1 and pi2 typically refer to the rates in the treatment and the control group, respectively. This is not mandatory, however, and so pi1 and pi2 can be interchanged. In many-to-one multi-armed trials, piTreatments and piControl refer to the rates in the treatment arms and the one control arm, and so they cannot be interchanged. piTreatments and piControls in enrichment designs can principally be interchanged, but we use the plural form to indicate that the rates can be differently specified for the sub-populations.

For Fisher's combination test, the conditional power for more than one remaining stages is estimated via simulation.


Returns a ConditionalPowerResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

plot.StageResults() or plot.AnalysisResults() for plotting the conditional power.

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
data <- getDataset(
    n1     = c(22, 13, 22, 13),
    n2     = c(22, 11, 22, 11),
    means1 = c(1, 1.1, 1, 1),
    means2 = c(1.4, 1.5, 1, 2.5),
    stds1  = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3),
    stds2  = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3)
stageResults <- getStageResults(
    getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 4),
    dataInput = data, stage = 2, directionUpper = FALSE
getConditionalPower(stageResults, thetaH1 = -0.4,
    nPlanned = c(64, 64), assumedStDev = 1.5, 
    allocationRatioPlanned = 3

## End(Not run)

Get Conditional Rejection Probabilities


Calculates the conditional rejection probabilities (CRP) for given test results.


getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(stageResults, ...)



The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Further (optional) arguments to be passed:


Iterations for simulating the conditional rejection probabilities for Fisher's combination test. For checking purposes, it can be estimated via simulation with specified iterations.


Seed for simulating the conditional rejection probabilities for Fisher's combination test. See above, default is a random seed.


The conditional rejection probability is the probability, under H0, to reject H0 in one of the subsequent (remaining) stages. The probability is calculated using the specified design. For testing rates and the survival design, the normal approximation is used, i.e., it is calculated with the use of the prototype case testing a mean for normally distributed data with known variance.

The conditional rejection probabilities are provided up to the specified stage.

For Fisher's combination test, you can check the validity of the CRP calculation via simulation.


Returns a numeric vector of length kMax or in case of multi-arm stage results a matrix (each column represents a stage, each row a comparison) containing the conditional rejection probabilities.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
# Calculate CRP for a Fisher's combination test design with
# two remaining stages and check the results by simulation.
design <- getDesignFisher(
    kMax = 4, alpha = 0.01,
    informationRates = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 1)
data <- getDataset(n = c(40, 40), events = c(20, 22))
sr <- getStageResults(design, data, thetaH0 = 0.4)
    simulateCRP = TRUE,
    seed = 12345, iterations = 10000

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Data


Returns the aggregated simulation data.






A SimulationResults object created by getSimulationMeans(),
getSimulationRates(), getSimulationSurvival(), getSimulationMultiArmMeans(),
getSimulationMultiArmRates(), or getSimulationMultiArmSurvival().


This function can be used to get the aggregated simulated data from an simulation results object, for example, obtained by getSimulationSurvival(). In this case, the data frame contains the following columns:

  1. iterationNumber: The number of the simulation iteration.

  2. stageNumber: The stage.

  3. pi1: The assumed or derived event rate in the treatment group.

  4. pi2: The assumed or derived event rate in the control group.

  5. hazardRatio: The hazard ratio under consideration (if available).

  6. analysisTime: The analysis time.

  7. numberOfSubjects: The number of subjects under consideration when the (interim) analysis takes place.

  8. eventsPerStage1: The observed number of events per stage in treatment group 1.

  9. eventsPerStage2: The observed number of events per stage in treatment group 2.

  10. eventsPerStage: The observed number of events per stage in both treatment groups.

  11. rejectPerStage: 1 if null hypothesis can be rejected, 0 otherwise.

  12. eventsNotAchieved: 1 if number of events could not be reached with observed number of subjects, 0 otherwise.

  13. futilityPerStage: 1 if study should be stopped for futility, 0 otherwise.

  14. testStatistic: The test statistic that is used for the test decision, depends on which design was chosen (group sequential, inverse normal, or Fisher combination test)'

  15. logRankStatistic: Z-score statistic which corresponds to a one-sided log-rank test at considered stage.

  16. conditionalPowerAchieved: The conditional power for the subsequent stage of the trial for selected sample size and effect. The effect is either estimated from the data or can be user defined with thetaH1 or pi1H1 and pi2H1.

  17. trialStop: TRUE if study should be stopped for efficacy or futility or final stage, FALSE otherwise.

  18. hazardRatioEstimateLR: The estimated hazard ratio, derived from the log-rank statistic.

A subset of variables is provided for getSimulationMeans(), getSimulationRates(), getSimulationMultiArmMeans(),
getSimulationMultiArmRates(), or getSimulationMultiArmSurvival().


Returns a data.frame.


## Not run: 
results <- getSimulationSurvival(
    pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 12,
    accrualTime = 24, plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50
data <- getData(results)

## End(Not run)

Get Dataset


Creates a dataset object and returns it.


getDataset(..., floatingPointNumbersEnabled = FALSE)

getDataSet(..., floatingPointNumbersEnabled = FALSE)



A data.frame or some data vectors defining the dataset.


If TRUE, sample sizes and event numbers can be specified as floating-point numbers (this make sense, e.g., for theoretical comparisons);
by default floatingPointNumbersEnabled = FALSE, i.e., samples sizes and event numbers defined as floating-point numbers will be truncated.


The different dataset types DatasetMeans, of DatasetRates, or DatasetSurvival can be created as follows:

  • An element of DatasetMeans for one sample is created by
    getDataset(sampleSizes =, means =, stDevs =) where
    sampleSizes, means, stDevs are vectors with stage-wise sample sizes, means and standard deviations of length given by the number of available stages.

  • An element of DatasetMeans for two samples is created by
    getDataset(sampleSizes1 =, sampleSizes2 =, means1 =, means2 =,
    stDevs1 =, stDevs2 =) where sampleSizes1, sampleSizes2, means1, means2, stDevs1, stDevs2 are vectors with stage-wise sample sizes, means and standard deviations for the two treatment groups of length given by the number of available stages.

  • An element of DatasetRates for one sample is created by
    getDataset(sampleSizes =, events =) where sampleSizes, events are vectors with stage-wise sample sizes and events of length given by the number of available stages.

  • An element of DatasetRates for two samples is created by
    getDataset(sampleSizes1 =, sampleSizes2 =, events1 =, events2 =) where sampleSizes1, sampleSizes2, events1, events2 are vectors with stage-wise sample sizes and events for the two treatment groups of length given by the number of available stages.

  • An element of DatasetSurvival is created by
    getDataset(events =, logRanks =, allocationRatios =) where events, logRanks, and allocation ratios are the stage-wise events, (one-sided) logrank statistics, and allocation ratios.

  • An element of DatasetMeans, DatasetRates, and DatasetSurvival for more than one comparison is created by adding subsequent digits to the variable names. The system can analyze these data in a multi-arm many-to-one comparison setting where the group with the highest index represents the control group.

Prefix overall[Capital case of first letter of variable name]... for the variable names enables entering the overall (cumulative) results and calculates stage-wise statistics. Since rpact version 3.2, the prefix cumulative[Capital case of first letter of variable name]... or cum[Capital case of first letter of variable name]... can alternatively be used for this.

n can be used in place of samplesizes.

Note that in survival design usually the overall (cumulative) events and logrank test statistics are provided in the output, so
getDataset(cumulativeEvents=, cumulativeLogRanks =, cumulativeAllocationRatios =)
is the usual command for entering survival data. Note also that for cumulativeLogranks also the z scores from a Cox regression can be used.

For multi-arm designs, the index refers to the considered comparison. For example,
getDataset(events1=c(13, 33), logRanks1 = c(1.23, 1.55), events2 = c(16, NA), logRanks2 = c(1.55, NA))
refers to the case where one active arm (1) is considered at both stages whereas active arm 2 was dropped at interim. Number of events and logrank statistics are entered for the corresponding comparison to control (see Examples).

For enrichment designs, the comparison of two samples is provided for an unstratified (sub-population wise) or stratified data input.
For non-stratified (sub-population wise) data input the data sets are defined for the sub-populations S1, S2, ..., F, where F refers to the full populations. Use of getDataset(S1 = , S2, ..., F = ) defines the data set to be used in getAnalysisResults() (see examples)
For stratified data input the data sets are defined for the strata S1, S12, S2, ..., R, where R refers to the remainder of the strata such that the union of all sets is the full population. Use of getDataset(S1 = , S12 = , S2, ..., R = ) defines the data set to be used in getAnalysisResults() (see examples)
For survival data, for enrichment designs the log-rank statistics can only be entered as stratified log-rank statistics in order to provide strong control of Type I error rate. For stratified data input, the variables to be specified in getDataset() are cumEvents, cumExpectedEvents, cumVarianceEvents, and cumAllocationRatios or overallEvents, overallExpectedEvents, overallVarianceEvents, and overallAllocationRatios. From this, (stratified) log-rank tests and and the independent increments are calculated.


Returns a Dataset object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:


## Not run: 
# Create a Dataset of Means (one group):
datasetOfMeans <- getDataset(
    n      = c(22, 11, 22, 11),
    means  = c(1, 1.1, 1, 1),
    stDevs = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3)
datasetOfMeans$show(showType = 2)

datasetOfMeans2 <- getDataset(
    cumulativeSampleSizes = c(22, 33, 55, 66),
    cumulativeMeans = c(1.000, 1.033, 1.020, 1.017),
    cumulativeStDevs = c(1.00, 1.38, 1.64, 1.58)
datasetOfMeans2$show(showType = 2)

# Create a Dataset of Means (two groups):
datasetOfMeans3 <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(22, 11, 22, 11),
    n2 = c(22, 13, 22, 13),
    means1  = c(1, 1.1, 1, 1),
    means2  = c(1.4, 1.5, 3, 2.5),
    stDevs1 = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3),
    stDevs2 = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3)

datasetOfMeans4 <- getDataset(
    cumulativeSampleSizes1 = c(22, 33, 55, 66),
    cumulativeSampleSizes2 = c(22, 35, 57, 70),
    cumulativeMeans1  = c(1, 1.033, 1.020, 1.017),
    cumulativeMeans2  = c(1.4, 1.437, 2.040, 2.126),
    cumulativeStDevs1 = c(1, 1.38, 1.64, 1.58),
    cumulativeStDevs2 = c(1, 1.43, 1.82, 1.74)

df <- data.frame(
    stages = 1:4,
    n1      = c(22, 11, 22, 11),
    n2      = c(22, 13, 22, 13),
    means1  = c(1, 1.1, 1, 1),
    means2  = c(1.4, 1.5, 3, 2.5),
    stDevs1 = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3),
    stDevs2 = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3)
datasetOfMeans5 <- getDataset(df)

# Create a Dataset of Means (three groups) where the comparison of 
# treatment arm 1 to control is dropped at the second interim stage:
datasetOfMeans6 <- getDataset(
   cumN1      = c(22, 33, NA),
   cumN2      = c(20, 34, 56),
   cumN3      = c(22, 31, 52),
   cumMeans1  = c(1.64, 1.54, NA),
   cumMeans2  = c(1.7, 1.5, 1.77),
   cumMeans3  = c(2.5, 2.06, 2.99),
   cumStDevs1 = c(1.5, 1.9, NA),
   cumStDevs2 = c(1.3, 1.3, 1.1),
   cumStDevs3 = c(1, 1.3, 1.8))

# Create a Dataset of Rates (one group):
datasetOfRates <- getDataset(
    n = c(8, 10, 9, 11), 
    events = c(4, 5, 5, 6)

# Create a Dataset of Rates (two groups):
datasetOfRates2 <- getDataset(
    n2      = c(8, 10, 9, 11),
    n1      = c(11, 13, 12, 13),
    events2 = c(3, 5, 5, 6),
    events1 = c(10, 10, 12, 12)

# Create a Dataset of Rates (three groups) where the comparison of 
# treatment arm 2 to control is dropped at the first interim stage:
datasetOfRates3 <- getDataset(
    cumN1      = c(22, 33, 44),
    cumN2      = c(20, NA, NA),
    cumN3      = c(20, 34, 44),
    cumEvents1 = c(11, 14, 22),
    cumEvents2 = c(17, NA, NA),
    cumEvents3 = c(17, 19, 33))

# Create a Survival Dataset
datasetSurvival <- getDataset(
    cumEvents = c(8, 15, 19, 31),
    cumAllocationRatios = c(1, 1, 1, 2),
    cumLogRanks = c(1.52, 1.98, 1.99, 2.11)
# Create a Survival Dataset with four comparisons where treatment
# arm 2 was dropped at the first interim stage, and treatment arm 4
# at the second.
datasetSurvival2 <- getDataset(
    cumEvents1   = c(18, 45, 56),
    cumEvents2   = c(22, NA, NA),
    cumEvents3   = c(12, 41, 56),
    cumEvents4   = c(27, 56, NA),
    cumLogRanks1 = c(1.52, 1.98, 1.99),
    cumLogRanks2 = c(3.43, NA, NA),
    cumLogRanks3 = c(1.45, 1.67, 1.87),
    cumLogRanks4 = c(1.12, 1.33, NA)

# Enrichment: Stratified and unstratified data input
# The following data are from one study. Only the first 
# (stratified) data input enables a stratified analysis. 

# Stratified data input
S1 <- getDataset(
    sampleSize1 = c(18, 17), 
    sampleSize2 = c(12, 33), 
    mean1       = c(125.6, 111.1), 
    mean2       = c(107.7, 77.7), 
    stDev1      = c(120.1, 145.6),
    stDev2      = c(128.5, 133.3)) 
S2 <- getDataset(
    sampleSize1 = c(11, NA), 
    sampleSize2 = c(14, NA), 
    mean1       = c(100.1, NA), 
    mean2      = c( 68.3, NA), 
    stDev1      = c(116.8, NA),
    stDev2      = c(124.0, NA)) 
S12 <- getDataset(           
    sampleSize1 = c(21, 17), 
    sampleSize2 = c(21, 12), 
    mean1       = c(135.9, 117.7), 
    mean2       = c(84.9, 107.7), 
    stDev1      = c(185.0, 92.3),
    stDev2      = c(139.5, 107.7)) 
R <- getDataset(
    sampleSize1 = c(19, NA), 
    sampleSize2 = c(33, NA), 
    mean1       = c(142.4, NA), 
    mean2       = c(77.1, NA), 
    stDev1      = c(120.6, NA),
    stDev2      = c(163.5, NA)) 
dataEnrichment <- getDataset(S1 = S1, S2 = S2, S12 = S12, R = R)

# Unstratified data input
S1N <- getDataset(
    sampleSize1 = c(39, 34), 
    sampleSize2 = c(33, 45), 
    stDev1      = c(156.503, 120.084), 
    stDev2      = c(134.025, 126.502), 
    mean1       = c(131.146, 114.4), 
    mean2       = c(93.191, 85.7))
S2N <- getDataset(
    sampleSize1 = c(32, NA), 
    sampleSize2 = c(35, NA), 
    stDev1      = c(163.645, NA), 
    stDev2      = c(131.888, NA),
    mean1       = c(123.594, NA), 
    mean2       = c(78.26, NA))
F <- getDataset(
    sampleSize1 = c(69, NA), 
    sampleSize2 = c(80, NA), 
    stDev1      = c(165.468, NA), 
    stDev2      = c(143.979, NA), 
    mean1       = c(129.296, NA), 
    mean2       = c(82.187, NA))
dataEnrichmentN <- getDataset(S1 = S1N, S2 = S2N, F = F)

## End(Not run)

Get Design Characteristics


Calculates the characteristics of a design and returns it.


getDesignCharacteristics(design = NULL, ...)



The trial design.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Calculates the inflation factor (IF), the expected reduction in sample size under H1, under H0, and under a value in between H0 and H1. Furthermore, absolute information values are calculated under the prototype case testing H0: mu = 0 against H1: mu = 1.


Returns a TrialDesignCharacteristics object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other design functions: getDesignConditionalDunnett(), getDesignFisher(), getDesignGroupSequential(), getDesignInverseNormal(), getGroupSequentialProbabilities(), getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber()


## Not run: 
# Calculate design characteristics for a three-stage O'Brien & Fleming 
# design at power 90% and compare it with Pocock's design.  
getDesignCharacteristics(getDesignGroupSequential(beta = 0.1))
getDesignCharacteristics(getDesignGroupSequential(beta = 0.1, typeOfDesign = "P")) 

## End(Not run)

Get Design Conditional Dunnett Test


Defines the design to perform an analysis with the conditional Dunnett test.


  alpha = 0.025,
  informationAtInterim = 0.5,
  secondStageConditioning = TRUE,
  directionUpper = NA



The significance level alpha, default is 0.025. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The information to be expected at interim, default is informationAtInterim = 0.5.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The way the second stage p-values are calculated within the closed system of hypotheses. If secondStageConditioning = FALSE is specified, the unconditional adjusted p-values are used, otherwise conditional adjusted p-values are calculated, default is secondStageConditioning = TRUE (for details, see Koenig et al., 2008).


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


For performing the conditional Dunnett test the design must be defined through this function. You can define the information fraction and the way of how to compute the second stage p-values only in the design definition, and not in the analysis call.
See getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults() for an example and Koenig et al. (2008) and Wassmer & Brannath (2016), chapter 11 for details of the test procedure.


Returns a TrialDesign object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other design functions: getDesignCharacteristics(), getDesignFisher(), getDesignGroupSequential(), getDesignInverseNormal(), getGroupSequentialProbabilities(), getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber()

Get Design Fisher


Performs Fisher's combination test and returns critical values for this design.


  kMax = NA_integer_,
  alpha = NA_real_,
  method = c("equalAlpha", "fullAlpha", "noInteraction", "userDefinedAlpha"),
  userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
  alpha0Vec = NA_real_,
  informationRates = NA_real_,
  sided = 1,
  bindingFutility = NA,
  directionUpper = NA,
  tolerance = 1e-14,
  iterations = 0,
  seed = NA_real_



Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The maximum number of stages K. Must be a positive integer of length 1 (default value is 3). The maximum selectable kMax is 20 for group sequential or inverse normal and 6 for Fisher combination test designs.


The significance level alpha, default is 0.025. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


"equalAlpha", "fullAlpha", "noInteraction", or "userDefinedAlpha", default is "equalAlpha" (for details, see Wassmer, 1999).


The user defined alpha spending. Numeric vector of length kMax containing the cumulative alpha-spending (Type I error rate) up to each interim stage: 0 <= alpha_1 <= ... <= alpha_K <= alpha.


Stopping for futility bounds for stage-wise p-values.


The information rates t_1, ..., t_kMax (that must be fixed prior to the trial), default is (1:kMax) / kMax. For the weighted inverse normal design, the weights are derived through w_1 = sqrt(t_1), and w_k = sqrt(t_k - t_(k-1)). For the weighted Fisher's combination test, the weights (scales) are w_k = sqrt((t_k - t_(k-1)) / t_1) (see the documentation).


Is the alternative one-sided (1) or two-sided (2), default is 1. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


If bindingFutility = TRUE is specified the calculation of the critical values is affected by the futility bounds (default is TRUE).


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The numerical tolerance, default is 1e-14.


The number of simulation iterations, e.g., getDesignFisher(iterations = 100000) checks the validity of the critical values for the design. The default value of iterations is 0, i.e., no simulation will be executed.


Seed for simulating the power for Fisher's combination test. See above, default is a random seed.


getDesignFisher() calculates the critical values and stage levels for Fisher's combination test as described in Bauer (1989), Bauer and Koehne (1994), Bauer and Roehmel (1995), and Wassmer (1999) for equally and unequally sized stages.


Returns a TrialDesign object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

getDesignSet() for creating a set of designs to compare.

Other design functions: getDesignCharacteristics(), getDesignConditionalDunnett(), getDesignGroupSequential(), getDesignInverseNormal(), getGroupSequentialProbabilities(), getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber()


## Not run: 
# Calculate critical values for a two-stage Fisher's combination test 
# with full level alpha = 0.05 at the final stage and stopping for 
# futility bound alpha0 = 0.50, as described in Bauer and Koehne (1994). 
getDesignFisher(kMax = 2, method = "fullAlpha", alpha = 0.05, alpha0Vec = 0.50) 

## End(Not run)

Get Design Group Sequential


Provides adjusted boundaries and defines a group sequential design.


  kMax = NA_integer_,
  alpha = NA_real_,
  beta = NA_real_,
  sided = 1L,
  informationRates = NA_real_,
  futilityBounds = NA_real_,
  typeOfDesign = c("OF", "P", "WT", "PT", "HP", "WToptimum", "asP", "asOF", "asKD",
    "asHSD", "asUser", "noEarlyEfficacy"),
  deltaWT = NA_real_,
  deltaPT1 = NA_real_,
  deltaPT0 = NA_real_,
  optimizationCriterion = c("ASNH1", "ASNIFH1", "ASNsum"),
  gammaA = NA_real_,
  typeBetaSpending = c("none", "bsP", "bsOF", "bsKD", "bsHSD", "bsUser"),
  userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
  userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
  gammaB = NA_real_,
  bindingFutility = NA,
  directionUpper = NA,
  betaAdjustment = NA,
  constantBoundsHP = 3,
  twoSidedPower = NA,
  delayedInformation = NA_real_,
  tolerance = 1e-08



Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The maximum number of stages K. Must be a positive integer of length 1 (default value is 3). The maximum selectable kMax is 20 for group sequential or inverse normal and 6 for Fisher combination test designs.


The significance level alpha, default is 0.025. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


Type II error rate, necessary for providing sample size calculations (e.g., getSampleSizeMeans()), beta spending function designs, or optimum designs, default is 0.20. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


Is the alternative one-sided (1) or two-sided (2), default is 1. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The information rates t_1, ..., t_kMax (that must be fixed prior to the trial), default is (1:kMax) / kMax. For the weighted inverse normal design, the weights are derived through w_1 = sqrt(t_1), and w_k = sqrt(t_k - t_(k-1)). For the weighted Fisher's combination test, the weights (scales) are w_k = sqrt((t_k - t_(k-1)) / t_1) (see the documentation).


The futility bounds, defined on the test statistic z scale (numeric vector of length kMax - 1).


The type of design. Type of design is one of the following: O'Brien & Fleming ("OF"), Pocock ("P"), Wang & Tsiatis Delta class ("WT"), Pampallona & Tsiatis ("PT"), Haybittle & Peto ("HP"), Optimum design within Wang & Tsiatis class ("WToptimum"), O'Brien & Fleming type alpha spending ("asOF"), Pocock type alpha spending ("asP"), Kim & DeMets alpha spending ("asKD"), Hwang, Shi & DeCani alpha spending ("asHSD"), user defined alpha spending ("asUser"), no early efficacy stop ("noEarlyEfficacy"), default is "OF".


Delta for Wang & Tsiatis Delta class.


Delta1 for Pampallona & Tsiatis class rejecting H0 boundaries.


Delta0 for Pampallona & Tsiatis class rejecting H1 boundaries.


Optimization criterion for optimum design within Wang & Tsiatis class ("ASNH1", "ASNIFH1", "ASNsum"), default is "ASNH1", see details.


Parameter for alpha spending function.


Type of beta spending. Type of of beta spending is one of the following: O'Brien & Fleming type beta spending, Pocock type beta spending, Kim & DeMets beta spending, Hwang, Shi & DeCani beta spending, user defined beta spending ("bsOF", "bsP", "bsKD", "bsHSD", "bsUser", default is "none").


The user defined alpha spending. Numeric vector of length kMax containing the cumulative alpha-spending (Type I error rate) up to each interim stage: 0 <= alpha_1 <= ... <= alpha_K <= alpha.


The user defined beta spending. Vector of length kMax containing the cumulative beta-spending up to each interim stage.


Parameter for beta spending function.


Logical. If bindingFutility = TRUE is specified the calculation of the critical values is affected by the futility bounds and the futility threshold is binding in the sense that the study must be stopped if the futility condition was reached (default is FALSE).


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


For two-sided beta spending designs, if betaAdjustement = TRUE a linear adjustment of the beta spending values is performed if an overlapping of decision regions for futility stopping at earlier stages occurs, otherwise no adjustment is performed (default is TRUE).


The constant bounds up to stage kMax - 1 for the Haybittle & Peto design (default is 3).


For two-sided testing, if twoSidedPower = TRUE is specified the sample size calculation is performed by considering both tails of the distribution. Default is FALSE, i.e., it is assumed that one tail probability is equal to 0 or the power should be directed to one part.


Delay of information for delayed response designs. Can be a numeric value or a numeric vector of length kMax - 1


The numerical tolerance, default is 1e-08.


Depending on typeOfDesign some parameters are specified, others not. For example, only if typeOfDesign "asHSD" is selected, gammaA needs to be specified.

If an alpha spending approach was specified ("asOF", "asP", "asKD", "asHSD", or "asUser") additionally a beta spending function can be specified to produce futility bounds.

For optimum designs, "ASNH1" minimizes the expected sample size under H1, "ASNIFH1" minimizes the sum of the maximum sample and the expected sample size under H1, and "ASNsum" minimizes the sum of the maximum sample size, the expected sample size under a value midway H0 and H1, and the expected sample size under H1.


Returns a TrialDesign object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

getDesignSet() for creating a set of designs to compare different designs.

Other design functions: getDesignCharacteristics(), getDesignConditionalDunnett(), getDesignFisher(), getDesignInverseNormal(), getGroupSequentialProbabilities(), getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber()


## Not run: 
# Calculate two-sided critical values for a four-stage 
# Wang & Tsiatis design with Delta = 0.25 at level alpha = 0.05
getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, sided = 2, 
    typeOfDesign = "WT", deltaWT = 0.25) 

# Calculate one-sided critical values and binding futility bounds for a three-stage 
# design with alpha- and beta-spending functions according to Kim & DeMets with gamma = 2.5
# (planned informationRates as specified, default alpha = 0.025 and beta = 0.2)
getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 3, informationRates = c(0.3, 0.75, 1), 
    typeOfDesign = "asKD", gammaA = 2.5, typeBetaSpending = "bsKD", 
    gammaB = 2.5, bindingFutility = TRUE)

# Calculate the Pocock type alpha spending critical values if the first 
# interim analysis was performed after 40% of the maximum information was observed
# and the second after 70% of the maximum information was observed (default alpha = 0.025)
getDesignGroupSequential(informationRates = c(0.4, 0.7), typeOfDesign = "asP") 

## End(Not run)

Get Design Inverse Normal


Provides adjusted boundaries and defines a group sequential design for its use in the inverse normal combination test.


  kMax = NA_integer_,
  alpha = NA_real_,
  beta = NA_real_,
  sided = 1L,
  informationRates = NA_real_,
  futilityBounds = NA_real_,
  typeOfDesign = c("OF", "P", "WT", "PT", "HP", "WToptimum", "asP", "asOF", "asKD",
    "asHSD", "asUser", "noEarlyEfficacy"),
  deltaWT = NA_real_,
  deltaPT1 = NA_real_,
  deltaPT0 = NA_real_,
  optimizationCriterion = c("ASNH1", "ASNIFH1", "ASNsum"),
  gammaA = NA_real_,
  typeBetaSpending = c("none", "bsP", "bsOF", "bsKD", "bsHSD", "bsUser"),
  userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
  userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
  gammaB = NA_real_,
  bindingFutility = NA,
  directionUpper = NA,
  betaAdjustment = NA,
  constantBoundsHP = 3,
  twoSidedPower = NA,
  tolerance = 1e-08



Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The maximum number of stages K. Must be a positive integer of length 1 (default value is 3). The maximum selectable kMax is 20 for group sequential or inverse normal and 6 for Fisher combination test designs.


The significance level alpha, default is 0.025. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


Type II error rate, necessary for providing sample size calculations (e.g., getSampleSizeMeans()), beta spending function designs, or optimum designs, default is 0.20. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


Is the alternative one-sided (1) or two-sided (2), default is 1. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The information rates t_1, ..., t_kMax (that must be fixed prior to the trial), default is (1:kMax) / kMax. For the weighted inverse normal design, the weights are derived through w_1 = sqrt(t_1), and w_k = sqrt(t_k - t_(k-1)). For the weighted Fisher's combination test, the weights (scales) are w_k = sqrt((t_k - t_(k-1)) / t_1) (see the documentation).


The futility bounds, defined on the test statistic z scale (numeric vector of length kMax - 1).


The type of design. Type of design is one of the following: O'Brien & Fleming ("OF"), Pocock ("P"), Wang & Tsiatis Delta class ("WT"), Pampallona & Tsiatis ("PT"), Haybittle & Peto ("HP"), Optimum design within Wang & Tsiatis class ("WToptimum"), O'Brien & Fleming type alpha spending ("asOF"), Pocock type alpha spending ("asP"), Kim & DeMets alpha spending ("asKD"), Hwang, Shi & DeCani alpha spending ("asHSD"), user defined alpha spending ("asUser"), no early efficacy stop ("noEarlyEfficacy"), default is "OF".


Delta for Wang & Tsiatis Delta class.


Delta1 for Pampallona & Tsiatis class rejecting H0 boundaries.


Delta0 for Pampallona & Tsiatis class rejecting H1 boundaries.


Optimization criterion for optimum design within Wang & Tsiatis class ("ASNH1", "ASNIFH1", "ASNsum"), default is "ASNH1", see details.


Parameter for alpha spending function.


Type of beta spending. Type of of beta spending is one of the following: O'Brien & Fleming type beta spending, Pocock type beta spending, Kim & DeMets beta spending, Hwang, Shi & DeCani beta spending, user defined beta spending ("bsOF", "bsP", "bsKD", "bsHSD", "bsUser", default is "none").


The user defined alpha spending. Numeric vector of length kMax containing the cumulative alpha-spending (Type I error rate) up to each interim stage: 0 <= alpha_1 <= ... <= alpha_K <= alpha.


The user defined beta spending. Vector of length kMax containing the cumulative beta-spending up to each interim stage.


Parameter for beta spending function.


Logical. If bindingFutility = TRUE is specified the calculation of the critical values is affected by the futility bounds and the futility threshold is binding in the sense that the study must be stopped if the futility condition was reached (default is FALSE).


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


For two-sided beta spending designs, if betaAdjustement = TRUE a linear adjustment of the beta spending values is performed if an overlapping of decision regions for futility stopping at earlier stages occurs, otherwise no adjustment is performed (default is TRUE).


The constant bounds up to stage kMax - 1 for the Haybittle & Peto design (default is 3).


For two-sided testing, if twoSidedPower = TRUE is specified the sample size calculation is performed by considering both tails of the distribution. Default is FALSE, i.e., it is assumed that one tail probability is equal to 0 or the power should be directed to one part.


The numerical tolerance, default is 1e-08.


Depending on typeOfDesign some parameters are specified, others not. For example, only if typeOfDesign "asHSD" is selected, gammaA needs to be specified.

If an alpha spending approach was specified ("asOF", "asP", "asKD", "asHSD", or "asUser") additionally a beta spending function can be specified to produce futility bounds.

For optimum designs, "ASNH1" minimizes the expected sample size under H1, "ASNIFH1" minimizes the sum of the maximum sample and the expected sample size under H1, and "ASNsum" minimizes the sum of the maximum sample size, the expected sample size under a value midway H0 and H1, and the expected sample size under H1.


Returns a TrialDesign object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

getDesignSet() for creating a set of designs to compare different designs.

Other design functions: getDesignCharacteristics(), getDesignConditionalDunnett(), getDesignFisher(), getDesignGroupSequential(), getGroupSequentialProbabilities(), getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber()


## Not run: 
# Calculate two-sided critical values for a four-stage 
# Wang & Tsiatis design with Delta = 0.25 at level alpha = 0.05
getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, sided = 2, 
    typeOfDesign = "WT", deltaWT = 0.25) 

# Defines a two-stage design at one-sided alpha = 0.025 with provision of early stopping  
# if the one-sided p-value exceeds 0.5 at interim and no early stopping for efficacy. 
# The futility bound is non-binding.
getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2, typeOfDesign = "noEarlyEfficacy", futilityBounds = 0)  

# Calculate one-sided critical values and binding futility bounds for a three-stage 
# design with alpha- and beta-spending functions according to Kim & DeMets with gamma = 2.5
# (planned informationRates as specified, default alpha = 0.025 and beta = 0.2)
getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 3, informationRates = c(0.3, 0.75, 1), 
    typeOfDesign = "asKD", gammaA = 2.5, typeBetaSpending = "bsKD", 
    gammaB = 2.5, bindingFutility = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Get Design Set


Creates a trial design set object and returns it.





designs or design and one or more design parameters, e.g., deltaWT = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.4).

  • design The master design (optional, you need to specify an additional parameter that shall be varied).

  • designs The designs to compare (optional, you need to specify the variable variedParameters).


Specify a master design and one or more design parameters or a list of designs.


Returns a TrialDesignSet object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Example 1
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, kMax = 6,
    sided = 2, typeOfDesign = "WT", deltaWT = 0.1
designSet <- getDesignSet()
designSet$add(design = design, deltaWT = c(0.3, 0.4))
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(designSet, type = 1)

# Example 2 (shorter script)
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, kMax = 6,
    sided = 2, typeOfDesign = "WT", deltaWT = 0.1
designSet <- getDesignSet(design = design, deltaWT = c(0.3, 0.4))
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(designSet, type = 1)

# Example 3 (use of designs instead of design)
d1 <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, kMax = 2,
    sided = 1, beta = 0.2, typeOfDesign = "asHSD",
    gammaA = 0.5, typeBetaSpending = "bsHSD", gammaB = 0.5
d2 <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, kMax = 4,
    sided = 1, beta = 0.2, typeOfDesign = "asP",
    typeBetaSpending = "bsP"
designSet <- getDesignSet(
    designs = c(d1, d2),
    variedParameters = c("typeOfDesign", "kMax")
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(designSet, type = 8, nMax = 20)

## End(Not run)

Get Event Probabilities


Returns the event probabilities for specified parameters at given time vector.


  accrualTime = c(0, 12),
  accrualIntensity = 0.1,
  accrualIntensityType = c("auto", "absolute", "relative"),
  kappa = 1,
  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
  hazardRatio = NA_real_,
  dropoutRate1 = 0,
  dropoutRate2 = 0,
  dropoutTime = 12,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_



A numeric vector with time values.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The assumed accrual time intervals for the study, default is c(0, 12) (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A numeric vector of accrual intensities, default is the relative intensity 0.1 (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A character value specifying the accrual intensity input type. Must be one of "auto", "absolute", or "relative"; default is "auto", i.e., if all values are < 1 the type is "relative", otherwise it is "absolute".


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.


A vector that specifies the time intervals for the piecewise definition of the exponential survival time cumulative distribution function
(for details see getPiecewiseSurvivalTime()).


The assumed hazard rate in the reference group, there is no default. lambda2 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed hazard rate in the treatment group, there is no default. lambda1 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. If allocationRatioPlanned = 0 is entered, the optimal allocation ratio yielding the smallest overall sample size is determined.


The vector of hazard ratios under consideration. If the event or hazard rates in both treatment groups are defined, the hazard ratio needs not to be specified as it is calculated, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed drop-out rate in the treatment group, default is 0.


The assumed drop-out rate in the control group, default is 0.


The assumed time for drop-out rates in the control and the treatment group, default is 12.


If maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 is specified, the end of accrual at specified accrualIntensity for the specified number of subjects is determined or accrualIntensity is calculated at fixed end of accrual.


The function computes the overall event probabilities in a two treatment groups design. For details of the parameters see getSampleSizeSurvival().


Returns a EventProbabilities object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Calculate event probabilities for staggered subjects' entry, piecewisely defined
# survival time and hazards, and plot it.
timeVector <- seq(0, 100, 1)
y <- getEventProbabilities(timeVector, accrualTime = c(0, 20, 60), 
    accrualIntensity = c(5, 20), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 20, 80),
    lambda2 = c(0.02, 0.06, 0.1), 
    hazardRatio = 2
plot(timeVector, y$cumulativeEventProbabilities, type = 'l')

## End(Not run)

Get Final Confidence Interval


Returns the final confidence interval for the parameter of interest. It is based on the prototype case, i.e., the test for testing a mean for normally distributed variables.


  directionUpper = NA,
  thetaH0 = NA_real_,
  tolerance = 1e-06,
  stage = NA_integer_



The trial design.


The summary data used for calculating the test results. This is either an element of DatasetMeans, of DatasetRates, or of DatasetSurvival and should be created with the function getDataset(). For more information see getDataset().


Further (optional) arguments to be passed:


The type of computation of the p-values. Default is FALSE for testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and TRUE for testing rates and the hazard ratio. For testing rates, if normalApproximation = FALSE is specified, the binomial test (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values. In the survival setting, normalApproximation = FALSE has no effect.


The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this, i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is TRUE.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The numerical tolerance, default is 1e-06. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The stage number (optional). Default: total number of existing stages in the data input.


Depending on design and dataInput the final confidence interval and median unbiased estimate that is based on the stage-wise ordering of the sample space will be calculated and returned. Additionally, a non-standardized ("general") version is provided, the estimated standard deviation must be used to obtain the confidence interval for the parameter of interest.

For the inverse normal combination test design with more than two stages, a warning informs that the validity of the confidence interval is theoretically shown only if no sample size change was performed.


Returns a list containing

  • finalStage,

  • medianUnbiased,

  • finalConfidenceInterval,

  • medianUnbiasedGeneral, and

  • finalConfidenceIntervalGeneral.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
data <- getDataset(
    n = c(20, 30),
    means = c(50, 51),
    stDevs = c(130, 140)
getFinalConfidenceInterval(design, dataInput = data)

## End(Not run)

Get Final P Value


Returns the final p-value for given stage results.


getFinalPValue(stageResults, ...)



The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Only available for backward compatibility.


The calculation of the final p-value is based on the stage-wise ordering of the sample space. This enables the calculation for both the non-adaptive and the adaptive case. For Fisher's combination test, it is available for kMax = 2 only.


Returns a list containing

  • finalStage,

  • pFinal.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
data <- getDataset(
    n      = c( 20,  30),
    means  = c( 50,  51),
    stDevs = c(130, 140)
getFinalPValue(getStageResults(design, dataInput = data))

## End(Not run)

Get Group Sequential Probabilities


Calculates probabilities in the group sequential setting.


getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix, informationRates)



A matrix with either 2 or 4 rows and kMax = length(informationRates) columns, see details.


The information rates t_1, ..., t_kMax (that must be fixed prior to the trial), default is (1:kMax) / kMax. For the weighted inverse normal design, the weights are derived through w_1 = sqrt(t_1), and w_k = sqrt(t_k - t_(k-1)). For the weighted Fisher's combination test, the weights (scales) are w_k = sqrt((t_k - t_(k-1)) / t_1) (see the documentation).


Given a sequence of information rates (fixing the correlation structure), and decisionMatrix with either 2 or 4 rows and kMax = length(informationRates) columns, this function calculates a probability matrix containing, for two rows, the probabilities:
P(Z_1 < l_1), P(l_1 < Z_1 < u_1, Z_2 < l_2),..., P(l_kMax-1 < Z_kMax-1 < u_kMax-1, Z_kMax < l_l_kMax)
P(Z_1 < u_1), P(l_1 < Z_1 < u_1, Z_2 < u_2),..., P(l_kMax-1 < Z_kMax-1 < u_kMax-1, Z_kMax < u_l_kMax)
P(Z_1 < Inf), P(l_1 < Z_1 < u_1, Z_2 < Inf),..., P(l_kMax-1 < Z_kMax-1 < u_kMax-1, Z_kMax < Inf)
with continuation matrix
That is, the output matrix of the function provides per stage (column) the cumulative probabilities for values specified in decisionMatrix and Inf, and reaching the stage, i.e., the test statistics is in the continuation region for the preceding stages. For 4 rows, the continuation region contains of two regions and the probability matrix is obtained analogously (cf., Wassmer and Brannath, 2016).


Returns a numeric matrix containing the probabilities described in the details section.

See Also

Other design functions: getDesignCharacteristics(), getDesignConditionalDunnett(), getDesignFisher(), getDesignGroupSequential(), getDesignInverseNormal(), getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber()


## Not run: 
# Calculate Type I error rates in the two-sided group sequential setting when
# performing kMax stages with constant critical boundaries at level alpha:
alpha <- 0.05
kMax <- 10
decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(
    rep(-qnorm(1 - alpha / 2), kMax),
    rep(qnorm(1 - alpha / 2), kMax)
), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
informationRates <- (1:kMax) / kMax
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix, informationRates)
cumsum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ] + probs[1, ])

# Do the same for a one-sided design without futility boundaries:
decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(
    rep(-Inf, kMax),
    rep(qnorm(1 - alpha), kMax)
), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
informationRates <- (1:kMax) / kMax
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix, informationRates)
cumsum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ])

# Check that two-sided Pampallona and Tsiatis boundaries with binding 
# futility bounds obtain Type I error probabilities equal to alpha:
x <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.1, kMax = 3, typeOfDesign = "PT",
    deltaPT0 = 0, deltaPT1 = 0.4, sided = 2, bindingFutility = TRUE
dm <- matrix(c(
    -x$criticalValues, -x$futilityBounds, 0,
    x$futilityBounds, 0, x$criticalValues
), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
dm[] <- 0
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
    decisionMatrix = dm, informationRates = (1:3) / 3
sum(probs[5, ] - probs[4, ] + probs[1, ])

# Check the Type I error rate decrease when using non-binding futility bounds:
x <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.1, kMax = 3, typeOfDesign = "PT",
    deltaPT0 = 0, deltaPT1 = 0.4, sided = 2, bindingFutility = FALSE
dm <- matrix(c(
    -x$criticalValues, -x$futilityBounds, 0,
    x$futilityBounds, 0, x$criticalValues
), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
dm[] <- 0
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
    decisionMatrix = dm, informationRates = (1:3) / 3
sum(probs[5, ] - probs[4, ] + probs[1, ])

## End(Not run)

Get Number Of Subjects


Returns the number of recruited subjects at given time vector.


  accrualTime = c(0, 12),
  accrualIntensity = 0.1,
  accrualIntensityType = c("auto", "absolute", "relative"),
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_



A numeric vector with time values.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The assumed accrual time intervals for the study, default is c(0, 12) (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A numeric vector of accrual intensities, default is the relative intensity 0.1 (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A character value specifying the accrual intensity input type. Must be one of "auto", "absolute", or "relative"; default is "auto", i.e., if all values are < 1 the type is "relative", otherwise it is "absolute".


If maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 is specified, the end of accrual at specified accrualIntensity for the specified number of subjects is determined or accrualIntensity is calculated at fixed end of accrual.


Calculate number of subjects over time range at given accrual time vector and accrual intensity. Intensity can either be defined in absolute or relative terms (for the latter, maxNumberOfSubjects needs to be defined)
The function is used by getSampleSizeSurvival().


Returns a NumberOfSubjects object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

AccrualTime for defining the accrual time.


## Not run: 
getNumberOfSubjects(time = seq(10, 70, 10), accrualTime = c(0, 20, 60), 
    accrualIntensity = c(5, 20))

getNumberOfSubjects(time = seq(10, 70, 10), accrualTime = c(0, 20, 60), 
    accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.4), maxNumberOfSubjects = 900)

## End(Not run)

Get Observed Information Rates


Recalculates the observed information rates from the specified dataset.


  maxInformation = NULL,
  informationEpsilon = NULL,
  stage = NA_integer_



The dataset for which the information rates shall be recalculated.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Positive value specifying the maximum information.


Positive integer value specifying the absolute information epsilon, which defines the maximum distance from the observed information to the maximum information that causes the final analysis. Updates at the final analysis in case the observed information at the final analysis is smaller ("under-running") than the planned maximum information maxInformation, default is 0. Alternatively, a floating-point number > 0 and < 1 can be specified to define a relative information epsilon.


The stage number (optional). Default: total number of existing stages in the data input.


For means and rates the maximum information is the maximum number of subjects or the relative proportion if informationEpsilon < 1; for survival data it is the maximum number of events or the relative proportion if informationEpsilon < 1.


Returns a list that summarizes the observed information rates.

See Also


## Not run: 
# Absolute information epsilon:
# decision rule 45 >= 46 - 1, i.e., under-running
data <- getDataset(
    overallN = c(22, 45),
    overallEvents = c(11, 28)
    maxInformation = 46, informationEpsilon = 1

# Relative information epsilon:
# last information rate = 45/46 = 0.9783,
# is > 1 - 0.03 = 0.97, i.e., under-running
data <- getDataset(
    overallN = c(22, 45),
    overallEvents = c(11, 28)
    maxInformation = 46, informationEpsilon = 0.03

## End(Not run)

Get Output Format


With this function the format of the standard outputs of all rpact objects can be shown and written to a file.


  parameterName = NA_character_,
  file = NA_character_,
  default = FALSE,
  fields = TRUE



The name of the parameter whose output format shall be returned. Leave the default NA_character_ if the output format of all parameters shall be returned.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


An optional file name where to write the output formats (see Details for more information).


If TRUE the default output format of the specified parameter(s) will be returned, default is FALSE.


If TRUE the names of all affected object fields will be displayed, default is TRUE.


Output formats can be written to a text file by specifying a file. See setOutputFormat()() to learn how to read a formerly saved file.

Note that the parameterName must not match exactly, e.g., for p-values the following parameter names will be recognized amongst others:

  1. p value

  2. p.values

  3. p-value

  4. pValue

  5. rpact.output.format.p.value


A named list of output formats.

See Also

Other output formats: setOutputFormat()


## Not run: 
# show output format of p values

# set new p value output format
setOutputFormat("p.value", digits = 5, nsmall = 5)

# show sample sizes as smallest integers not less than the not rounded values
setOutputFormat("sample size", digits = 0, nsmall = 0, roundFunction = "ceiling")

# show sample sizes as smallest integers not greater than the not rounded values
setOutputFormat("sample size", digits = 0, nsmall = 0, roundFunction = "floor")

# set new sample size output format without round function
setOutputFormat("sample size", digits = 2, nsmall = 2)

# reset sample size output format to default
setOutputFormat("sample size")
getOutputFormat("sample size")

## End(Not run)

Get Performance Score


Calculates the conditional performance score, its sub-scores and components according to (Herrmann et al. (2020), doi:10.1002/sim.8534) and (Bokelmann et al. (2024), doi:10.1186/s12874-024-02150-4) for a given simulation result from a two-stage design with continuous or binary endpoint. Larger (sub-)score and component values refer to a better performance.





A simulation result.


The conditional performance score consists of two sub-scores, one for the sample size (subscoreSampleSize) and one for the conditional power (subscoreConditionalPower). Each of those are composed of a location (locationSampleSize, locationConditionalPower) and variation component (variationSampleSize, variationConditionalPower). The term conditional refers to an evaluation perspective where the interim results suggest a trial continuation with a second stage. The score can take values between 0 and 1. More details on the performance score can be found in Herrmann et al. (2020), doi:10.1002/sim.8534 and Bokelmann et al. (2024) doi:10.1186/s12874-024-02150-4.


Stephen Schueuerhuis


## Not run: 
# Example from Table 3 in "A new conditional performance score for 
# the evaluation of adaptive group sequential designs with samplesize 
# recalculation from Herrmann et al 2023", p. 2097 for 
# Observed Conditional Power approach and Delta = 0.5

# Create two-stage Pocock design with binding futility boundary at 0
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 2, typeOfDesign = "P", 
    futilityBounds = 0, bindingFutility = TRUE)

# Initialize sample sizes and effect; 
# Sample sizes are referring to overall stage-wise sample sizes
n1 <- 100
n2 <- 100
nMax <- n1 + n2
alternative <- 0.5

# Perform Simulation; nMax * 1.5 defines the maximum 
# sample size for the additional stage
simulationResult <- getSimulationMeans(
    design = design,
    normalApproximation = TRUE,
    thetaH0 = 0,
    alternative = alternative,
    plannedSubjects = c(n1, nMax),
    minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(NA_real_, 1),
    maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(NA_real_, nMax * 1.5),
    conditionalPower = 0.8,
    directionUpper = TRUE,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 1e05,
    seed = 140

# Calculate performance score

## End(Not run)

Get Piecewise Survival Time


Returns a PiecewiseSurvivalTime object that contains the all relevant parameters of an exponential survival time cumulative distribution function. Use names to obtain the field names.


  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  hazardRatio = NA_real_,
  pi1 = NA_real_,
  pi2 = NA_real_,
  median1 = NA_real_,
  median2 = NA_real_,
  eventTime = 12,
  kappa = 1,
  delayedResponseAllowed = FALSE



A vector that specifies the time intervals for the piecewise definition of the exponential survival time cumulative distribution function (see details).


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The assumed hazard rate in the treatment group, there is no default. lambda1 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed hazard rate in the reference group, there is no default. lambda2 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The vector of hazard ratios under consideration. If the event or hazard rates in both treatment groups are defined, the hazard ratio needs not to be specified as it is calculated, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed event rate in the treatment group, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed event rate in the control group, default is 0.2.


The assumed median survival time in the treatment group, there is no default.


The assumed median survival time in the reference group, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed time under which the event rates are calculated, default is 12.


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.


If TRUE, delayed response is allowed; otherwise it will be validated that the response is not delayed, default is FALSE.


Returns a PiecewiseSurvivalTime object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

Piecewise survival time

The first element of the vector piecewiseSurvivalTime must be equal to 0. piecewiseSurvivalTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the time intervals and hazard rates in the reference group. The definition of the survival time in the treatment group is obtained by the specification of the hazard ratio (see examples for details).

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(lambda2 = 0.5, hazardRatio = 0.8)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(lambda2 = 0.5, lambda1 = 0.4)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(pi2 = 0.5, hazardRatio = 0.8)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(pi2 = 0.5, pi1 = 0.4)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(pi1 = 0.3)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(hazardRatio = c(0.6, 0.8), lambda2 = 0.4)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6, 9), 
    lambda2 = c(0.025, 0.04, 0.015), hazardRatio = 0.8)

getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6, 9), 
    lambda2 = c(0.025, 0.04, 0.015), 
    lambda1 = c(0.025, 0.04, 0.015) * 0.8)

pwst <- getPiecewiseSurvivalTime(list(
    "0 - <6"   = 0.025, 
    "6 - <9"   = 0.04, 
    "9 - <15"  = 0.015, 
    "15 - <21" = 0.01, 
    ">=21"     = 0.007), hazardRatio = 0.75)

# The object created by getPiecewiseSurvivalTime() can be used directly in 
# getSampleSizeSurvival():
getSampleSizeSurvival(piecewiseSurvivalTime = pwst)

# The object created by getPiecewiseSurvivalTime() can be used directly in 
# getPowerSurvival():
getPowerSurvival(piecewiseSurvivalTime = pwst, 
    maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 100)

## End(Not run)

Get Power And Average Sample Number


Returns the power and average sample number of the specified design.


getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber(design, theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.02), nMax = 100)



The trial design.


A vector of standardized effect sizes (theta values), default is a sequence from -1 to 1.


The maximum sample size. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


This function returns the power and average sample number (ASN) of the specified design for the prototype case which is testing H0: mu = mu0 in a one-sample design. theta represents the standardized effect (mu - mu0) / sigma and power and ASN is calculated for maximum sample size nMax. For other designs than the one-sample test of a mean the standardized effect needs to be adjusted accordingly.


Returns a PowerAndAverageSampleNumberResult object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other design functions: getDesignCharacteristics(), getDesignConditionalDunnett(), getDesignFisher(), getDesignGroupSequential(), getDesignInverseNormal(), getGroupSequentialProbabilities()


## Not run: 
# Calculate power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample 
# size for the default design with specified theta and nMax  
    theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.5), nMax = 100)

## End(Not run)

Get Power Counts


Returns the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing mean rates for negative binomial distributed event numbers in two samples at given sample sizes.


  design = NULL,
  directionUpper = NA,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  lambda = NA_real_,
  theta = NA_real_,
  thetaH0 = 1,
  overdispersion = 0,
  fixedExposureTime = NA_real_,
  accrualTime = NA_real_,
  accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
  followUpTime = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified for power calculations or calculation of necessary follow-up (count data). For two treatment arms, it is the maximum number of subjects for both treatment arms.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the active treatment group, there is no default.


A numeric value that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the control group, there is no default.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the pooled treatment groups, there is no default.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed mean ratios lambda1/lambda2 of a homogeneous Poisson process, there is no default.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value that represents the assumed overdispersion of the negative binomial distribution, default is 0.


If specified, the fixed time of exposure per subject for count data, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed accrual time interval(s) for the study, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed accrual intensities for the study, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed (additional) follow-up time for the study, there is no default. The total study duration is accrualTime + followUpTime.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


At given design the function calculates the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing the ratio of two mean rates of negative binomial distributed event numbers in two samples at given maximum sample size and effect. The power calculation is performed either for a fixed exposure time or a variable exposure time with fixed follow-up where the information over the stages is calculated according to the specified information rate in the design. Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups. A null hypothesis value thetaH0 can also be specified.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other power functions: getPowerMeans(), getPowerRates(), getPowerSurvival()


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size trial where a therapy is assumed to decrease the 
# exacerbation rate from 1.4 to 1.05 (25% decrease) within an 
# observation period of 1 year, i.e., each subject has a equal 
# follow-up of 1 year.
# Calculate power at significance level 0.025 at given sample size = 180 
# for a range of lambda1 values if the overdispersion is assumed to be 
# equal to 0.5, is obtained by
getPowerCounts(alpha = 0.025, lambda1 = seq(1, 1.4, 0.05), lambda2 = 1.4, 
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 180, overdispersion = 0.5, fixedExposureTime = 1)

# Group sequential alpha and beta spending function design with O'Brien and 
# Fleming type boundaries: Power and test characteristics for N = 286, 
# under the assumption of a fixed exposure time, and for a range of 
# lambda1 values: 
getPowerCounts(design = getDesignGroupSequential(
        kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.2, 
        typeOfDesign = "asOF", typeBetaSpending = "bsOF"), 
    lambda1 = seq(0.17, 0.23, 0.01), lambda2 = 0.3, 
    directionUpper = FALSE, overdispersion = 1, maxNumberOfSubjects = 286, 
    fixedExposureTime = 12, accrualTime = 6)

# Group sequential design alpha spending function design with O'Brien and 
# Fleming type boundaries: Power and test characteristics for N = 1976, 
# under variable exposure time with uniform recruitment over 1.25 months,
# study time (accrual + followup) = 4 (lambda1, lambda2, and overdispersion 
# as specified, no futility stopping):
getPowerCounts(design = getDesignGroupSequential(
        kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.2, typeOfDesign = "asOF"),
    lambda1 = seq(0.08, 0.09, 0.0025), lambda2 = 0.125, 
    overdispersion = 5, directionUpper = FALSE, maxNumberOfSubjects = 1976, 
    followUpTime = 2.75, accrualTime = 1.25)

## End(Not run)

Get Power Means


Returns the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing means in one or two samples at given maximum sample size.


  design = NULL,
  groups = 2L,
  normalApproximation = FALSE,
  meanRatio = FALSE,
  thetaH0 = ifelse(meanRatio, 1, 0),
  alternative = seq(0, 1, 0.2),
  stDev = 1,
  directionUpper = NA,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of treatment groups (1 or 2), default is 2.


The type of computation of the p-values. If TRUE, the variance is assumed to be known, default is FALSE, i.e., the calculations are performed with the t distribution.


If TRUE, the sample size for one-sided testing of H0: mu1 / mu2 = thetaH0 is calculated, default is FALSE.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The alternative hypothesis value for testing means. This can be a vector of assumed alternatives, default is seq(0, 1, 0.2) (power calculations) or seq(0.2, 1, 0.2) (sample size calculations).


The standard deviation under which the sample size or power calculation is performed, default is 1. For two-armed trials, it is allowed to specify the standard deviations separately, i.e., as vector with two elements. If meanRatio = TRUE is specified, stDev defines the coefficient of variation sigma / mu2.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified for power calculations or calculation of necessary follow-up (count data). For two treatment arms, it is the maximum number of subjects for both treatment arms.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


At given design the function calculates the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing means at given sample size. In a two treatment groups design, additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups. A null hypothesis value thetaH0 != 0 for testing the difference of two means or thetaH0 != 1 for testing the ratio of two means can be specified. For the specified sample size, critical bounds and stopping for futility bounds are provided at the effect scale (mean, mean difference, or mean ratio, respectively)


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other power functions: getPowerCounts(), getPowerRates(), getPowerSurvival()


## Not run: 
# Calculate the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size 
# for testing H0: mu1 - mu2 = 0 in a two-armed design against a range of 
# alternatives H1: mu1 - m2 = delta, delta = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 
# standard deviation sigma = 8, maximum sample size N = 80 (both treatment 
# arms), and an allocation ratio n1/n2 = 2. The design is a three stage 
# O'Brien & Fleming design with non-binding futility bounds (-0.5, 0.5) 
# for the two interims. The computation takes into account that the t test 
# is used (normalApproximation = FALSE). 
getPowerMeans(getDesignGroupSequential(alpha = 0.025, 
    sided = 1, futilityBounds = c(-0.5, 0.5)), 
    groups = 2, alternative = c(0:5), stDev = 8,
    normalApproximation = FALSE, maxNumberOfSubjects = 80, 
    allocationRatioPlanned = 2)

## End(Not run)

Get Power Rates


Returns the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing rates in one or two samples at given maximum sample size.


  design = NULL,
  groups = 2L,
  riskRatio = FALSE,
  thetaH0 = ifelse(riskRatio, 1, 0),
  pi1 = seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1),
  pi2 = 0.2,
  directionUpper = NA,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of treatment groups (1 or 2), default is 2.


If TRUE, the power for one-sided testing of H0: pi1 / pi2 = thetaH0 is calculated, default is FALSE.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed probability in the active treatment group if two treatment groups are considered, or the alternative probability for a one treatment group design, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed probability in the reference group if two treatment groups are considered, default is 0.2.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified for power calculations or calculation of necessary follow-up (count data). For two treatment arms, it is the maximum number of subjects for both treatment arms.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


At given design the function calculates the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing rates at given maximum sample size. The sample sizes over the stages are calculated according to the specified information rate in the design. In a two treatment groups design, additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups. If a null hypothesis value thetaH0 != 0 for testing the difference of two rates or thetaH0 != 1 for testing the risk ratio is specified, the formulas according to Farrington & Manning (Statistics in Medicine, 1990) are used (only one-sided testing). Critical bounds and stopping for futility bounds are provided at the effect scale (rate, rate difference, or rate ratio, respectively). For the two-sample case, the calculation here is performed at fixed pi2 as given as argument in the function. Note that the power calculation for rates is always based on the normal approximation.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other power functions: getPowerCounts(), getPowerMeans(), getPowerSurvival()


## Not run: 
# Calculate the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size in a
# two-armed design at given maximum sample size N = 200 in a three-stage 
# O'Brien & Fleming design with information rate vector (0.2,0.5,1), 
# non-binding futility boundaries (0,0), i.e., the study stops for futility 
# if the p-value exceeds 0.5 at interm, and allocation ratio = 2 for a range 
# of pi1 values when testing H0: pi1 - pi2 = -0.1:
getPowerRates(getDesignGroupSequential(informationRates = c(0.2, 0.5, 1), 
    futilityBounds = c(0, 0)), groups = 2, thetaH0 = -0.1, 
    pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), directionUpper = FALSE, 
    pi2 = 0.7, allocationRatioPlanned = 2, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Calculate the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size in a single 
# arm design at given maximum sample size N = 60 in a three-stage two-sided 
# O'Brien & Fleming design with information rate vector (0.2, 0.5,1) 
# for a range of pi1 values when testing H0: pi = 0.3:
getPowerRates(getDesignGroupSequential(informationRates = c(0.2, 0.5,1), 
    sided = 2), groups = 1, thetaH0 = 0.3, pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.5, 0.05),  
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 60)

## End(Not run)

Get Power Survival


Returns the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size for testing the hazard ratio in a two treatment groups survival design.


  design = NULL,
  typeOfComputation = c("Schoenfeld", "Freedman", "HsiehFreedman"),
  thetaH0 = 1,
  directionUpper = NA,
  pi1 = NA_real_,
  pi2 = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  median1 = NA_real_,
  median2 = NA_real_,
  kappa = 1,
  hazardRatio = NA_real_,
  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
  eventTime = 12,
  accrualTime = c(0, 12),
  accrualIntensity = 0.1,
  accrualIntensityType = c("auto", "absolute", "relative"),
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfEvents = NA_real_,
  dropoutRate1 = 0,
  dropoutRate2 = 0,
  dropoutTime = 12



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Three options are available: "Schoenfeld", "Freedman", "HsiehFreedman", the default is "Schoenfeld". For details, see Hsieh (Statistics in Medicine, 1992). For non-inferiority testing (i.e., thetaH0 != 1), only Schoenfeld's formula can be used.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed event rate in the treatment group, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed event rate in the control group, default is 0.2.


The assumed hazard rate in the treatment group, there is no default. lambda1 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed hazard rate in the reference group, there is no default. lambda2 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed median survival time in the treatment group, there is no default.


The assumed median survival time in the reference group, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.


The vector of hazard ratios under consideration. If the event or hazard rates in both treatment groups are defined, the hazard ratio needs not to be specified as it is calculated, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


A vector that specifies the time intervals for the piecewise definition of the exponential survival time cumulative distribution function
(for details see getPiecewiseSurvivalTime()).


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The assumed time under which the event rates are calculated, default is 12.


The assumed accrual time intervals for the study, default is c(0, 12) (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A numeric vector of accrual intensities, default is the relative intensity 0.1 (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A character value specifying the accrual intensity input type. Must be one of "auto", "absolute", or "relative"; default is "auto", i.e., if all values are < 1 the type is "relative", otherwise it is "absolute".


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified. If accrual time and accrual intensity are specified, this will be calculated. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


maxNumberOfEvents > 0 is the maximum number of events, it determines the power of the test and needs to be specified.


The assumed drop-out rate in the treatment group, default is 0.


The assumed drop-out rate in the control group, default is 0.


The assumed time for drop-out rates in the control and the treatment group, default is 12.


At given design the function calculates the power, stopping probabilities, and expected sample size at given number of events and number of subjects. It also calculates the time when the required events are expected under the given assumptions (exponentially, piecewise exponentially, or Weibull distributed survival times and constant or non-constant piecewise accrual). Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups.

The formula of Kim & Tsiatis (Biometrics, 1990) is used to calculate the expected number of events under the alternative (see also Lakatos & Lan, Statistics in Medicine, 1992). These formulas are generalized to piecewise survival times and non-constant piecewise accrual over time.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

Piecewise survival time

The first element of the vector piecewiseSurvivalTime must be equal to 0. piecewiseSurvivalTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the time intervals and hazard rates in the reference group. The definition of the survival time in the treatment group is obtained by the specification of the hazard ratio (see examples for details).

Staggered patient entry

accrualTime is the time period of subjects' accrual in a study. It can be a value that defines the end of accrual or a vector. In this case, accrualTime can be used to define a non-constant accrual over time. For this, accrualTime is a vector that defines the accrual intervals. The first element of accrualTime must be equal to 0 and, additionally, accrualIntensity needs to be specified. accrualIntensity itself is a value or a vector (depending on the length of accrualTime) that defines the intensity how subjects enter the trial in the intervals defined through accrualTime.

accrualTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the accrual time and accrual intensity (see below and examples for details).

If the length of accrualTime and the length of accrualIntensity are the same (i.e., the end of accrual is undefined), maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified and the end of accrual is calculated. In that case, accrualIntensity is the number of subjects per time unit, i.e., the absolute accrual intensity.

If the length of accrualTime equals the length of accrualIntensity - 1 (i.e., the end of accrual is defined), maxNumberOfSubjects is calculated if the absolute accrual intensity is given. If all elements in accrualIntensity are smaller than 1, accrualIntensity defines the relative intensity how subjects enter the trial. For example, accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2) specifies that in the second accrual interval the intensity is doubled as compared to the first accrual interval. The actual (absolute) accrual intensity is calculated for the calculated or given maxNumberOfSubjects. Note that the default is accrualIntensity = 0.1 meaning that the absolute accrual intensity will be calculated.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other power functions: getPowerCounts(), getPowerMeans(), getPowerRates()


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size with minimum required definitions, pi1 = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) and 
# pi2 = 0.2 at event time 12, accrual time 12 and follow-up time 6 as default 
getPowerSurvival(maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Four stage O'Brien & Fleming group sequential design with minimum required 
# definitions, pi1 = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) and pi2 = 0.2 at event time 12, 
# accrual time 12 and follow-up time 6 as default  
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 4), 
    maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# For fixed sample design, determine necessary accrual time if 200 subjects and 
# 30 subjects per time unit can be recruited 
getPowerSurvival(maxNumberOfEvents = 40, accrualTime = c(0), 
    accrualIntensity = 30, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Determine necessary accrual time if 200 subjects and if the first 6 time units 
# 20 subjects per time unit can be recruited, then 30 subjects per time unit 
getPowerSurvival(maxNumberOfEvents = 40, accrualTime = c(0, 6), 
    accrualIntensity = c(20, 30), maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Determine maximum number of Subjects if the first 6 time units 20 subjects per 
# time unit can be recruited, and after 10 time units 30 subjects per time unit
getPowerSurvival(maxNumberOfEvents = 40, accrualTime = c(0, 6, 10), 
    accrualIntensity = c(20, 30))

# Specify accrual time as a list
at <- list(
    "0 - <6"  = 20,
    "6 - Inf" = 30)
getPowerSurvival(maxNumberOfEvents = 40, accrualTime = at, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Specify accrual time as a list, if maximum number of subjects need to be calculated
at <- list(
    "0 - <6"   = 20,
    "6 - <=10" = 30) 
getPowerSurvival(maxNumberOfEvents = 40, accrualTime = at)

# Specify effect size for a two-stage group design with O'Brien & Fleming boundaries
# Effect size is based on event rates at specified event time, directionUpper = FALSE 
# needs to be specified because it should be shown that hazard ratio < 1
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), pi1 = 0.2, pi2 = 0.3, 
    eventTime = 24, maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, 
    directionUpper = FALSE)

# Effect size is based on event rate at specified event time for the reference group 
# and hazard ratio, directionUpper = FALSE needs to be specified 
# because it should be shown that hazard ratio < 1
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), hazardRatio = 0.5, 
    pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 24, maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, 
    directionUpper = FALSE)

# Effect size is based on hazard rate for the reference group and hazard ratio, 
# directionUpper = FALSE needs to be specified because it should be shown that 
# hazard ratio < 1
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), hazardRatio = 0.5, 
    lambda2 = 0.02, maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, 
    directionUpper = FALSE) 

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time and hazard ratios  
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04), 
    hazardRatio = c(1.5, 1.8, 2),  maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time as list and hazard ratios 
pws <- list(
    "0 - <5"  = 0.01,
    "5 - <10" = 0.02,
    ">=10"    = 0.04)
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = pws, hazardRatio = c(1.5, 1.8, 2), 
    maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time for both treatment arms  
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04), 
    lambda1 = c(0.015,0.03,0.06),  maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time as a list
pws <- list(
    "0 - <5"  = 0.01,
    "5 - <10" = 0.02,
    ">=10"    = 0.04)
getPowerSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = pws, hazardRatio = c(1.5, 1.8, 2), 
    maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Specify effect size based on median survival times
getPowerSurvival(median1 = 5, median2 = 3, 
    maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, directionUpper = FALSE)

# Specify effect size based on median survival times of 
# Weibull distribtion with kappa = 2
getPowerSurvival(median1 = 5, median2 = 3, kappa = 2, 
    maxNumberOfEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, directionUpper = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Raw Data for Survival


Returns the raw survival data which was generated for simulation.


getRawData(x, aggregate = FALSE)



A SimulationResults object created by getSimulationSurvival().


Logical. If TRUE the raw data will be aggregated similar to the result of getData(), default is FALSE.


This function works only if getSimulationSurvival() was called with a
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage > 0 (default is 0).

This function can be used to get the simulated raw data from a simulation results object obtained by getSimulationSurvival(). Note that getSimulationSurvival() must called before with maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage > 0. The data frame contains the following columns:

  1. iterationNumber: The number of the simulation iteration.

  2. stopStage: The stage of stopping.

  3. subjectId: The subject id (increasing number 1, 2, 3, ...)

  4. accrualTime: The accrual time, i.e., the time when the subject entered the trial.

  5. treatmentGroup: The treatment group number (1 or 2).

  6. survivalTime: The survival time of the subject.

  7. dropoutTime: The dropout time of the subject (may be NA).

  8. lastObservationTime: The specific observation time.

  9. timeUnderObservation: The time under observation is defined as follows:

    if (event == TRUE) {
        timeUnderObservation <- survivalTime
    } else if (dropoutEvent == TRUE) {
        timeUnderObservation <- dropoutTime
    } else {
        timeUnderObservation <- lastObservationTime - accrualTime
  10. event: TRUE if an event occurred; FALSE otherwise.

  11. dropoutEvent: TRUE if an dropout event occurred; FALSE otherwise.


Returns a data.frame.


## Not run: 
results <- getSimulationSurvival(
    pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 12,
    accrualTime = 24, plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50, maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 5
rawData <- getRawData(results)

## End(Not run)

Get Repeated Confidence Intervals


Calculates and returns the lower and upper limit of the repeated confidence intervals of the trial.


  directionUpper = NA,
  tolerance = 1e-06,
  stage = NA_integer_



The trial design.


The summary data used for calculating the test results. This is either an element of DatasetMeans, of DatasetRates, or of DatasetSurvival and should be created with the function getDataset(). For more information see getDataset().


Further arguments to be passed to methods (cf., separate functions in "See Also" below), e.g.,


The type of computation of the p-values. Default is FALSE for testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and TRUE for testing rates and the hazard ratio. For testing rates, if normalApproximation = FALSE is specified, the binomial test (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values. In the survival setting, normalApproximation = FALSE has no effect.


The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this, i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is TRUE.


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses when testing multiple hypotheses. Five options are available in multi-arm designs: "Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", and "Hierarchical", default is "Dunnett". Four options are available in population enrichment designs: "SpiessensDebois" (one subset only), "Bonferroni", "Simes", and "Sidak", default is "Simes".


Defines the way to calculate the variance in multiple treatment arms (> 2) or population enrichment designs for testing means. For multiple arms, three options are available: "overallPooled", "pairwisePooled", and "notPooled", default is "overallPooled". For enrichment designs, the options are: "pooled", "pooledFromFull" (one subset only), and "notPooled", default is "pooled".


For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. For testing means and rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is TRUE.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The numerical tolerance, default is 1e-06. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The stage number (optional). Default: total number of existing stages in the data input.


The repeated confidence interval at a given stage of the trial contains the parameter values that are not rejected using the specified sequential design. It can be calculated at each stage of the trial and can thus be used as a monitoring tool.

The repeated confidence intervals are provided up to the specified stage.


Returns a matrix with 2 rows and kMax columns containing the lower RCI limits in the first row and the upper RCI limits in the second row, where each column represents a stage.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
data <- getDataset(
    n      = c( 20,  30),
    means  = c( 50,  51),
    stDevs = c(130, 140)
getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(design, dataInput = data)

## End(Not run)

Get Repeated P Values


Calculates the repeated p-values for a given test results.


getRepeatedPValues(stageResults, ..., tolerance = 1e-06)



The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The numerical tolerance, default is 1e-06. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The repeated p-value at a given stage of the trial is defined as the smallest significance level under which at given test design the test results obtain rejection of the null hypothesis. It can be calculated at each stage of the trial and can thus be used as a monitoring tool.

The repeated p-values are provided up to the specified stage.

In multi-arm trials, the repeated p-values are defined separately for each treatment comparison within the closed testing procedure.


Returns a numeric vector of length kMax or in case of multi-arm stage results a matrix (each column represents a stage, each row a comparison) containing the repeated p values.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getStageResults(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
data <- getDataset(
    n      = c( 20,  30),
    means  = c( 50,  51),
    stDevs = c(130, 140)
getRepeatedPValues(getStageResults(design, dataInput = data))

## End(Not run)

Get Sample Size Counts


Returns the sample size for testing the ratio of mean rates of negative binomial distributed event numbers in two samples at given effect.


  design = NULL,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  lambda = NA_real_,
  theta = NA_real_,
  thetaH0 = 1,
  overdispersion = 0,
  fixedExposureTime = NA_real_,
  accrualTime = NA_real_,
  accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
  followUpTime = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_integer_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the active treatment group, there is no default.


A numeric value that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the control group, there is no default.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the pooled treatment groups, there is no default.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed mean ratios lambda1/lambda2 of a homogeneous Poisson process, there is no default.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value that represents the assumed overdispersion of the negative binomial distribution, default is 0.


If specified, the fixed time of exposure per subject for count data, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed accrual time interval(s) for the study, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed accrual intensities for the study, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed (additional) follow-up time for the study, there is no default. The total study duration is accrualTime + followUpTime.


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified for power calculations or calculation of necessary follow-up (count data). For two treatment arms, it is the maximum number of subjects for both treatment arms.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. If allocationRatioPlanned = 0 is entered, the optimal allocation ratio yielding the smallest overall sample size is determined.


At given design the function calculates the information, and stage-wise and maximum sample size for testing mean rates of negative binomial distributed event numbers in two samples at given effect. The sample size calculation is performed either for a fixed exposure time or a variable exposure time with fixed follow-up. For the variable exposure time case, at given maximum sample size the necessary follow-up time is calculated. The planned calendar time of interim stages is calculated if an accrual time is defined. Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups. A null hypothesis value thetaH0 can also be specified.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other sample size functions: getSampleSizeMeans(), getSampleSizeRates(), getSampleSizeSurvival()


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size trial where a therapy is assumed to decrease the 
# exacerbation rate from 1.4 to 1.05 (25% decrease) within an observation 
# period of 1 year, i.e., each subject has an equal follow-up of 1 year.
# The sample size that yields 90% power at significance level 0.025 for 
# detecting such a difference, if the overdispersion is assumed to be 
# equal to 0.5, is obtained by
getSampleSizeCounts(alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, lambda2 = 1.4, 
    theta = 0.75, overdispersion = 0.5, fixedExposureTime = 1)

# Noninferiority test with blinded sample size reassessment to reproduce 
# Table 2 from Friede and Schmidli (2010):
getSampleSizeCounts(alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.2, lambda = 1, theta = 1,
    thetaH0 = 1.15, overdispersion = 0.4, fixedExposureTime = 1)

# Group sequential alpha and beta spending function design with O'Brien and 
# Fleming type boundaries: Estimate observation time under uniform 
# recruitment of patients over 6 months and a fixed exposure time of 12 
# months (lambda1, lambda2, and overdispersion as specified):
getSampleSizeCounts(design = getDesignGroupSequential(
        kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.2, 
        typeOfDesign = "asOF", typeBetaSpending = "bsOF"), 
    lambda1 = 0.2, lambda2 = 0.3, overdispersion = 1, 
    fixedExposureTime = 12, accrualTime = 6)

# Group sequential alpha spending function design with O'Brien and Fleming 
# type boundaries: Sample size for variable exposure time with uniform 
# recruitment over 1.25 months and study time (accrual + followup) = 4 
# (lambda1, lambda2, and overdispersion as specified, no futility stopping):
getSampleSizeCounts(design = getDesignGroupSequential(
        kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.2, typeOfDesign = "asOF"),
    lambda1 = 0.0875, lambda2 = 0.125, overdispersion = 5, 
    followUpTime = 2.75, accrualTime = 1.25)

## End(Not run)

Get Sample Size Means


Returns the sample size for testing means in one or two samples.


  design = NULL,
  groups = 2L,
  normalApproximation = FALSE,
  meanRatio = FALSE,
  thetaH0 = ifelse(meanRatio, 1, 0),
  alternative = seq(0.2, 1, 0.2),
  stDev = 1,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of treatment groups (1 or 2), default is 2.


The type of computation of the p-values. If TRUE, the variance is assumed to be known, default is FALSE, i.e., the calculations are performed with the t distribution.


If TRUE, the sample size for one-sided testing of H0: mu1 / mu2 = thetaH0 is calculated, default is FALSE.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The alternative hypothesis value for testing means. This can be a vector of assumed alternatives, default is seq(0, 1, 0.2) (power calculations) or seq(0.2, 1, 0.2) (sample size calculations).


The standard deviation under which the sample size or power calculation is performed, default is 1. For two-armed trials, it is allowed to specify the standard deviations separately, i.e., as vector with two elements. If meanRatio = TRUE is specified, stDev defines the coefficient of variation sigma / mu2.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. If allocationRatioPlanned = 0 is entered, the optimal allocation ratio yielding the smallest overall sample size is determined.


At given design the function calculates the stage-wise and maximum sample size for testing means. In a two treatment groups design, additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups. A null hypothesis value thetaH0 != 0 for testing the difference of two means or thetaH0 != 1 for testing the ratio of two means can be specified. Critical bounds and stopping for futility bounds are provided at the effect scale (mean, mean difference, or mean ratio, respectively) for each sample size calculation separately.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other sample size functions: getSampleSizeCounts(), getSampleSizeRates(), getSampleSizeSurvival()


## Not run: 
# Calculate sample sizes in a fixed sample size parallel group design 
# with allocation ratio \code{n1 / n2 = 2} for a range of 
# alternative values 1, ..., 5 with assumed standard deviation = 3.5; 
# two-sided alpha = 0.05, power 1 - beta = 90%:
getSampleSizeMeans(alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.1, sided = 2, groups = 2, 
    alternative = seq(1, 5, 1), stDev = 3.5, allocationRatioPlanned = 2)

# Calculate sample sizes in a three-stage Pocock paired comparison design testing 
# H0: mu = 2 for a range of alternative values 3,4,5 with assumed standard 
# deviation = 3.5; one-sided alpha = 0.05, power 1 - beta = 90%:
getSampleSizeMeans(getDesignGroupSequential(typeOfDesign = "P", alpha = 0.05, 
    sided = 1, beta = 0.1), groups = 1, thetaH0 = 2, 
    alternative = seq(3, 5, 1), stDev = 3.5)
# Calculate sample sizes in a three-stage Pocock two-armed design testing 
# H0: mu = 2 for a range of alternative values 3,4,5 with assumed standard 
# deviations = 3 and 4, respectively, in the two groups of observations; 
# one-sided alpha = 0.05, power 1 - beta = 90%:
getSampleSizeMeans(getDesignGroupSequential(typeOfDesign = "P", alpha = 0.05, 
    sided = 1, beta = 0.1), groups = 2,
    alternative = seq(3, 5, 1), stDev = c(3, 4))

## End(Not run)

Get Sample Size Rates


Returns the sample size for testing rates in one or two samples.


  design = NULL,
  groups = 2L,
  normalApproximation = TRUE,
  riskRatio = FALSE,
  thetaH0 = ifelse(riskRatio, 1, 0),
  pi1 = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6),
  pi2 = 0.2,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of treatment groups (1 or 2), default is 2.


If FALSE, the sample size for the case of one treatment group is calculated exactly using the binomial distribution, default is TRUE.


If TRUE, the sample size for one-sided testing of H0: pi1 / pi2 = thetaH0 is calculated, default is FALSE.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed probability in the active treatment group if two treatment groups are considered, or the alternative probability for a one treatment group design, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed probability in the reference group if two treatment groups are considered, default is 0.2.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. If allocationRatioPlanned = 0 is entered, the optimal allocation ratio yielding the smallest overall sample size is determined.


At given design the function calculates the stage-wise and maximum sample size for testing rates. In a two treatment groups design, additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups. If a null hypothesis value thetaH0 != 0 for testing the difference of two rates or thetaH0 != 1 for testing the risk ratio is specified, the sample size formula according to Farrington & Manning (Statistics in Medicine, 1990) is used. Critical bounds and stopping for futility bounds are provided at the effect scale (rate, rate difference, or rate ratio, respectively) for each sample size calculation separately. For the two-sample case, the calculation here is performed at fixed pi2 as given as argument in the function.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other sample size functions: getSampleSizeCounts(), getSampleSizeMeans(), getSampleSizeSurvival()


## Not run: 
# Calculate the stage-wise sample sizes, maximum sample sizes, and the optimum 
# allocation ratios for a range of pi1 values when testing 
# H0: pi1 - pi2 = -0.1 within a two-stage O'Brien & Fleming design;
# alpha = 0.05 one-sided, power 1 - beta = 90%:
getSampleSizeRates(getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2, alpha = 0.05,  
    beta = 0.1), groups = 2, thetaH0 = -0.1, pi1 = seq(0.4, 0.55, 0.025), 
    pi2 = 0.4, allocationRatioPlanned = 0)

# Calculate the stage-wise sample sizes, maximum sample sizes, and the optimum 
# allocation ratios for a range of pi1 values when testing 
# H0: pi1 / pi2 = 0.80 within a three-stage O'Brien & Fleming design;
# alpha = 0.025 one-sided, power 1 - beta = 90%:
getSampleSizeRates(getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025, 
    beta = 0.1), groups = 2, riskRatio = TRUE, thetaH0 = 0.80, 
    pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.5, 0.025), pi2 = 0.3, allocationRatioPlanned = 0)

## End(Not run)

Get Sample Size Survival


Returns the sample size for testing the hazard ratio in a two treatment groups survival design.


  design = NULL,
  typeOfComputation = c("Schoenfeld", "Freedman", "HsiehFreedman"),
  thetaH0 = 1,
  pi1 = NA_real_,
  pi2 = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  median1 = NA_real_,
  median2 = NA_real_,
  kappa = 1,
  hazardRatio = NA_real_,
  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  eventTime = 12,
  accrualTime = c(0, 12),
  accrualIntensity = 0.1,
  accrualIntensityType = c("auto", "absolute", "relative"),
  followUpTime = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  dropoutRate1 = 0,
  dropoutRate2 = 0,
  dropoutTime = 12



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Three options are available: "Schoenfeld", "Freedman", "HsiehFreedman", the default is "Schoenfeld". For details, see Hsieh (Statistics in Medicine, 1992). For non-inferiority testing (i.e., thetaH0 != 1), only Schoenfeld's formula can be used.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed event rate in the treatment group, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed event rate in the control group, default is 0.2.


The assumed hazard rate in the treatment group, there is no default. lambda1 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed hazard rate in the reference group, there is no default. lambda2 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed median survival time in the treatment group, there is no default.


The assumed median survival time in the reference group, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.


The vector of hazard ratios under consideration. If the event or hazard rates in both treatment groups are defined, the hazard ratio needs not to be specified as it is calculated, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


A vector that specifies the time intervals for the piecewise definition of the exponential survival time cumulative distribution function
(for details see getPiecewiseSurvivalTime()).


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. If allocationRatioPlanned = 0 is entered, the optimal allocation ratio yielding the smallest overall sample size is determined.


The assumed time under which the event rates are calculated, default is 12.


The assumed accrual time intervals for the study, default is c(0, 12) (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A numeric vector of accrual intensities, default is the relative intensity 0.1 (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A character value specifying the accrual intensity input type. Must be one of "auto", "absolute", or "relative"; default is "auto", i.e., if all values are < 1 the type is "relative", otherwise it is "absolute".


The assumed (additional) follow-up time for the study, default is 6. The total study duration is accrualTime + followUpTime.


If maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 is specified, the follow-up time for the required number of events is determined.


The assumed drop-out rate in the treatment group, default is 0.


The assumed drop-out rate in the control group, default is 0.


The assumed time for drop-out rates in the control and the treatment group, default is 12.


At given design the function calculates the number of events and an estimate for the necessary number of subjects for testing the hazard ratio in a survival design. It also calculates the time when the required events are expected under the given assumptions (exponentially, piecewise exponentially, or Weibull distributed survival times and constant or non-constant piecewise accrual). Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1 / n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups.

Optional argument accountForObservationTimes: if accountForObservationTimes = TRUE, the number of subjects is calculated assuming specific accrual and follow-up time, default is TRUE.

The formula of Kim & Tsiatis (Biometrics, 1990) is used to calculate the expected number of events under the alternative (see also Lakatos & Lan, Statistics in Medicine, 1992). These formulas are generalized to piecewise survival times and non-constant piecewise accrual over time.

Optional argument accountForObservationTimes: if accountForObservationTimes = FALSE, only the event rates are used for the calculation of the maximum number of subjects.


Returns a TrialDesignPlan object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

Piecewise survival time

The first element of the vector piecewiseSurvivalTime must be equal to 0. piecewiseSurvivalTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the time intervals and hazard rates in the reference group. The definition of the survival time in the treatment group is obtained by the specification of the hazard ratio (see examples for details).

Staggered patient entry

accrualTime is the time period of subjects' accrual in a study. It can be a value that defines the end of accrual or a vector. In this case, accrualTime can be used to define a non-constant accrual over time. For this, accrualTime is a vector that defines the accrual intervals. The first element of accrualTime must be equal to 0 and, additionally, accrualIntensity needs to be specified. accrualIntensity itself is a value or a vector (depending on the length of accrualTime) that defines the intensity how subjects enter the trial in the intervals defined through accrualTime.

accrualTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the accrual time and accrual intensity (see below and examples for details).

If the length of accrualTime and the length of accrualIntensity are the same (i.e., the end of accrual is undefined), maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified and the end of accrual is calculated. In that case, accrualIntensity is the number of subjects per time unit, i.e., the absolute accrual intensity.

If the length of accrualTime equals the length of accrualIntensity - 1 (i.e., the end of accrual is defined), maxNumberOfSubjects is calculated if the absolute accrual intensity is given. If all elements in accrualIntensity are smaller than 1, accrualIntensity defines the relative intensity how subjects enter the trial. For example, accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2) specifies that in the second accrual interval the intensity is doubled as compared to the first accrual interval. The actual (absolute) accrual intensity is calculated for the calculated or given maxNumberOfSubjects. Note that the default is accrualIntensity = 0.1 meaning that the absolute accrual intensity will be calculated.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other sample size functions: getSampleSizeCounts(), getSampleSizeMeans(), getSampleSizeRates()


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size trial with median survival 20 vs. 30 months in treatment and 
# reference group, respectively, alpha = 0.05 (two-sided), and power 1 - beta = 90%.
# 20 subjects will be recruited per month up to 400 subjects, i.e., accrual time 
# is 20 months.  
getSampleSizeSurvival(alpha = 0.05, sided = 2, beta = 0.1, lambda1 = log(2) / 20, 
    lambda2 = log(2) / 30, accrualTime = c(0,20), accrualIntensity = 20)

# Fixed sample size with minimum required definitions, pi1 = c(0.4,0.5,0.6) and 
# pi2 = 0.2 at event time 12, accrual time 12 and follow-up time 6 as default, 
# only alpha = 0.01 is specified  
getSampleSizeSurvival(alpha = 0.01)

# Four stage O'Brien & Fleming group sequential design with minimum required 
# definitions, pi1 = c(0.4,0.5,0.6) and pi2 = 0.2 at event time 12, 
# accrual time 12 and follow-up time 6 as default  
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 4))

# For fixed sample design, determine necessary accrual time if 200 subjects and 
# 30 subjects per time unit can be recruited 
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = c(0), accrualIntensity = c(30), 
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Determine necessary accrual time if 200 subjects and if the first 6 time units 
# 20 subjects per time unit can be recruited, then 30 subjects per time unit 
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = c(0, 6), accrualIntensity = c(20, 30), 
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Determine maximum number of Subjects if the first 6 time units 20 subjects 
# per time unit can be recruited, and after 10 time units 30 subjects per time unit
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = c(0, 6, 10), accrualIntensity = c(20, 30))

# Specify accrual time as a list
at <- list(
    "0 - <6"  = 20,
    "6 - Inf" = 30)
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = at, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200)

# Specify accrual time as a list, if maximum number of subjects need to be calculated
at <- list(
    "0 - <6"   = 20,
    "6 - <=10" = 30)
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = at)

# Specify effect size for a two-stage group design with O'Brien & Fleming boundaries
# Effect size is based on event rates at specified event time 
# needs to be specified because it should be shown that hazard ratio < 1
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    pi1 = 0.2, pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 24)

# Effect size is based on event rate at specified event 
# time for the reference group and hazard ratio 
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    hazardRatio = 0.5, pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 24)

# Effect size is based on hazard rate for the reference group and hazard ratio
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    hazardRatio = 0.5, lambda2 = 0.02) 

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time and hazard ratios  
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04), 
    hazardRatio = c(1.5, 1.8, 2))

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time as a list and hazard ratios 
pws <- list(
    "0 - <5"  = 0.01,
    "5 - <10" = 0.02,
    ">=10"    = 0.04)
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = pws, hazardRatio = c(1.5, 1.8, 2))

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time for both treatment arms
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04), 
    lambda1 = c(0.015, 0.03, 0.06))

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time as a list
pws <- list(
    "0 - <5"  = 0.01,
    "5 - <10" = 0.02,
    ">=10"    = 0.04)
getSampleSizeSurvival(design = getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2), 
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = pws, hazardRatio = c(1.5, 1.8, 2))

# Specify effect size based on median survival times
getSampleSizeSurvival(median1 = 5, median2 = 3)

# Specify effect size based on median survival times of Weibull distribtion with 
# kappa = 2
getSampleSizeSurvival(median1 = 5, median2 = 3, kappa = 2)

# Identify minimal and maximal required subjects to 
# reach the required events in spite of dropouts
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = c(0, 18), accrualIntensity = c(20, 30), 
    lambda2 = 0.4, lambda1 = 0.3, followUpTime = Inf, dropoutRate1 = 0.001, 
    dropoutRate2 = 0.005)
getSampleSizeSurvival(accrualTime = c(0, 18), accrualIntensity = c(20, 30), 
    lambda2 = 0.4, lambda1 = 0.3, followUpTime = 0, dropoutRate1 = 0.001, 
    dropoutRate2 = 0.005)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Counts


Returns the simulated power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing mean rates for negative binomial distributed event numbers in the two treatment groups testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  plannedCalendarTime = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  lambda = NA_real_,
  theta = NA_real_,
  directionUpper = NA,
  thetaH0 = 1,
  overdispersion = 0,
  fixedExposureTime = NA_real_,
  accrualTime = NA_real_,
  accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
  followUpTime = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


For simulating count data, the time points where an analysis is planned to be performed. Should be a vector of length kMax


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified for power calculations or calculation of necessary follow-up (count data). For two treatment arms, it is the maximum number of subjects for both treatment arms.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the active treatment group, there is no default.


A numeric value that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the control group, there is no default.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed rate of a homogeneous Poisson process in the pooled treatment groups, there is no default.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed mean ratios lambda1/lambda2 of a homogeneous Poisson process, there is no default.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value that represents the assumed overdispersion of the negative binomial distribution, default is 0.


If specified, the fixed time of exposure per subject for count data, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed accrual time interval(s) for the study, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed accrual intensities for the study, there is no default.


If specified, the assumed (additional) follow-up time for the study, there is no default. The total study duration is accrualTime + followUpTime.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size at given number of subjects and parameter configuration. Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1/n2 and a null hypothesis value thetaH0 can be specified.


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

Simulation Data

The summary statistics "Simulated data" contains the following parameters: median range; mean +/-sd

$show(showStatistics = FALSE) or $setShowStatistics(FALSE) can be used to disable the output of the aggregated simulated data.

getData() can be used to get the aggregated simulated data from the object as data.frame. The data frame contains the following columns:

  1. iterationNumber: The number of the simulation iteration.

  2. stageNumber: The stage.

  3. lambda1: The assumed or derived event rate in the treatment group.

  4. lambda2: The assumed or derived event rate in the control group.

  5. accrualTime: The assumed accrualTime.

  6. followUpTime: The assumed followUpTime.

  7. overdispersion: The assumed overdispersion.

  8. fixedFollowUp: The assumed fixedFollowUp.

  9. numberOfSubjects: The number of subjects under consideration when the (interim) analysis takes place.

  10. rejectPerStage: 1 if null hypothesis can be rejected, 0 otherwise.

  11. futilityPerStage: 1 if study should be stopped for futility, 0 otherwise.

  12. testStatistic: The test statistic that is used for the test decision

  13. estimatedLambda1: The estimated rate in treatment group 1.

  14. estimatedLambda2: The estimated rate in treatment group 2.

  15. estimatedOverdispersion: The estimated overdispersion.

  16. infoAnalysis: The Fisher information at interim stage.

  17. trialStop: TRUE if study should be stopped for efficacy or futility or final stage, FALSE otherwise.

  18. conditionalPowerAchieved: Not yet available

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size design with two groups, fixed exposure time
    theta = 1.8,
    lambda2 = 0.2,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    plannedCalendarTime = 8,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 1000,
    fixedExposureTime = 6,
    accrualTime = 3,
    overdispersion = 2)

# Group sequential design alpha spending function design with O'Brien and 
# Fleming type boundaries: Power and test characteristics for N = 264, 
# under variable exposure time with uniform recruitment over 1.25 months,
# study time (accrual + followup) = 4, interim analysis take place after
# equidistant time points (lambda1, lambda2, and overdispersion as specified,
# no futility stopping):
dOF <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 3,
    alpha = 0.025,
    beta = 0.2,
    typeOfDesign = "asOF")

getSimulationCounts(design = dOF,
    lambda1 = seq(0.04, 0.12, 0.02),
    lambda2 = 0.12,
    directionUpper = FALSE,
    overdispersion = 5,
    plannedCalendarTime = (1:3)/3*4,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 264,
    followUpTime = 2.75,
    accrualTime = 1.25,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 1000)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Enrichment Means


Returns the simulated power, stopping and selection probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size or testing means in an enrichment design testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  effectList = NULL,
  intersectionTest = c("Simes", "SpiessensDebois", "Bonferroni", "Sidak"),
  stratifiedAnalysis = TRUE,
  adaptations = NA,
  typeOfSelection = c("best", "rBest", "epsilon", "all", "userDefined"),
  effectMeasure = c("effectEstimate", "testStatistic"),
  successCriterion = c("all", "atLeastOne"),
  epsilonValue = NA_real_,
  rValue = NA_real_,
  threshold = -Inf,
  plannedSubjects = NA_integer_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  thetaH1 = NA_real_,
  stDevH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcSubjectsFunction = NULL,
  selectPopulationsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


List of subsets, prevalences, and effect sizes with columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to consider (see examples).


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses. Four options are available in enrichment designs: "SpiessensDebois", "Bonferroni", "Simes", and "Sidak", default is "Simes".


Logical. For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. For testing rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is TRUE.


A logical vector of length kMax - 1 indicating whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k, default is rep(TRUE, kMax - 1).


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Five options are available: "best", "rbest", "epsilon", "all", and "userDefined", default is "best".
For "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms/populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified, for "epsilon" (select treatment arm/population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. If "userDefined" is selected, "selectArmsFunction" or "selectPopulationsFunction" has to be specified.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate (difference for means and rates or ratio for survival) ("effectEstimate"), default is "effectEstimate".


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. Two options are available: "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion is fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim, default is "all".


For typeOfSelection = "epsilon" (select treatment arm / population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. Must be a numeric of length 1.


For typeOfSelection = "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms / populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified.


Selection criterion: treatment arm / population is selected only if effectMeasure exceeds threshold, default is -Inf. threshold can also be a vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition over the treatment arms.


plannedSubjects is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedSubjects refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the maximum number of subjects per selected active arm.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the value of the alternative under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed. Must be a numeric of length 1.


If specified, the value of the standard deviation under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed, default is the value of stDev.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, sample size recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (see details and examples).


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how populations are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length populations stage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, plannedSubjects/plannedEvents, allocationRatioPlanned, selectedPopulations, thetaH1 (for means and survival), stDevH1 (for means), overallEffects, and for rates additionally: piTreatmentsH1, piControlH1, overallRates, and overallRatesControl (see examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, selection probabilities, and expected sample size at given number of subjects, parameter configuration, and population selection rule in the enrichment situation. An allocation ratio can be specified referring to the ratio of number of subjects in the active treatment groups as compared to the control group.

The definition of thetaH1 and/or stDevH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or calcSubjectsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of subjects at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on the variables stage, selectedPopulations, plannedSubjects, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, overallEffects, and stDevH1. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Assess a population selection strategy with one subset population.
# If the subset is better than the full population, then the subset
# is selected for the second stage, otherwise the full. Print and plot
# design characteristics.

# Define design
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)

# Define subgroups and their prevalences
subGroups <- c("S", "R") # fixed names!
prevalences <- c(0.2, 0.8)

# Define effect matrix and variability
effectR <- 0.2
m <- c()
for (effectS in seq(0, 0.5, 0.25)) {
    m <- c(m, effectS, effectR)
effects <- matrix(m, byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
stDev <- c(0.4, 0.8)

# Define effect list
effectList <- list(subGroups=subGroups, prevalences=prevalences, stDevs = stDev, effects = effects)

# Perform simulation
simResultsPE <- getSimulationEnrichmentMeans(design = designIN,
    effectList = effectList, plannedSubjects = c(50, 100),
    maxNumberOfIterations = 100)

# Assess the design characteristics of a user defined selection
# strategy in a three-stage design with no interim efficacy stop
# using the inverse normal method for combining the stages.
# Only the second interim is used for a selecting of a study
# population. There is a small probability for stopping the trial
# at the first interim.

# Define design
designIN2 <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "noEarlyEfficacy", kMax = 3)

# Define selection function
mySelection <- function(effectVector, stage) {
    selectedPopulations <- rep(TRUE, 3)
    if (stage == 2) {
        selectedPopulations <- (effectVector >= c(1, 2, 3))

# Define subgroups and their prevalences
subGroups <- c("S1", "S12", "S2", "R")   # fixed names!
prevalences <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1)

effectR <- 1.5
effectS12 = 5
m <- c()
for (effectS1 in seq(0, 5, 1)) {
    for (effectS2 in seq(0, 5, 1)) {
        m <- c(m, effectS1, effectS12, effectS2, effectR)
effects <- matrix(m, byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)
stDev <- 10

# Define effect list
effectList <- list(subGroups=subGroups, prevalences=prevalences, stDevs = stDev, effects = effects)

# Perform simulation
simResultsPE <- getSimulationEnrichmentMeans(
    design = designIN2,
    effectList = effectList,
    typeOfSelection = "userDefined",
    selectPopulationsFunction = mySelection,
    intersectionTest = "Simes",
    plannedSubjects = c(50, 100, 150),
    maxNumberOfIterations = 100)
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(simResultsPE, type = 3)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Enrichment Rates


Returns the simulated power, stopping and selection probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing rates in an enrichment design testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  effectList = NULL,
  intersectionTest = c("Simes", "SpiessensDebois", "Bonferroni", "Sidak"),
  stratifiedAnalysis = TRUE,
  directionUpper = NA,
  adaptations = NA,
  typeOfSelection = c("best", "rBest", "epsilon", "all", "userDefined"),
  effectMeasure = c("effectEstimate", "testStatistic"),
  successCriterion = c("all", "atLeastOne"),
  epsilonValue = NA_real_,
  rValue = NA_real_,
  threshold = -Inf,
  plannedSubjects = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  piTreatmentH1 = NA_real_,
  piControlH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcSubjectsFunction = NULL,
  selectPopulationsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


List of subsets, prevalences, and effect sizes with columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to consider (see examples).


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses. Four options are available in enrichment designs: "SpiessensDebois", "Bonferroni", "Simes", and "Sidak", default is "Simes".


Logical. For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. For testing rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is TRUE.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


A logical vector of length kMax - 1 indicating whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k, default is rep(TRUE, kMax - 1).


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Five options are available: "best", "rbest", "epsilon", "all", and "userDefined", default is "best".
For "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms/populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified, for "epsilon" (select treatment arm/population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. If "userDefined" is selected, "selectArmsFunction" or "selectPopulationsFunction" has to be specified.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate (difference for means and rates or ratio for survival) ("effectEstimate"), default is "effectEstimate".


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. Two options are available: "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion is fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim, default is "all".


For typeOfSelection = "epsilon" (select treatment arm / population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. Must be a numeric of length 1.


For typeOfSelection = "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms / populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified.


Selection criterion: treatment arm / population is selected only if effectMeasure exceeds threshold, default is -Inf. threshold can also be a vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition over the treatment arms.


plannedSubjects is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedSubjects refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the maximum number of subjects per selected active arm.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the assumed probabilities in the active arm under which the sample size recalculation was performed and the conditional power was calculated.


If specified, the assumed probabilities in the control arm under which the sample size recalculation was performed and the conditional power was calculated.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, sample size recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (see details and examples).


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how populations are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length populations stage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, plannedSubjects/plannedEvents, allocationRatioPlanned, selectedPopulations, thetaH1 (for means and survival), stDevH1 (for means), overallEffects, and for rates additionally: piTreatmentsH1, piControlH1, overallRates, and overallRatesControl (see examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, selection probabilities, and expected sample size at given number of subjects, parameter configuration, and treatment arm selection rule in the enrichment situation. An allocation ratio can be specified referring to the ratio of number of subjects in the active treatment groups as compared to the control group.

The definition of piTreatmentH1 and/or piControlH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or calcSubjectsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of subjects at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on the variables stage, selectedPopulations, directionUpper, plannedSubjects, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, overallRatesTreatment, overallRatesControl, piTreatmentH1, and piControlH1. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Assess a population selection strategy with two subset populations and
# a binary endpoint using a stratified analysis. No early efficacy stop,
# weighted inverse normal method with weight sqrt(0.4).
pi2 <- c(0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.55)
pi1Seq <- seq(0.0, 0.2, 0.2)
pi1 <- matrix(rep(pi1Seq, length(pi2)), ncol = length(pi1Seq), byrow = TRUE) + pi2
effectList <- list(
    subGroups = c("S1", "S2", "S12", "R"), 
    prevalences = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3),
    piControl = pi2, 
    piTreatments = expand.grid(pi1[1, ], pi1[2, ], pi1[3, ], pi1[4, ])
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(informationRates = c(0.4, 1),
    typeOfDesign = "noEarlyEfficacy")
simResultsPE <- getSimulationEnrichmentRates(design, 
    plannedSubjects = c(150, 300),
    allocationRatioPlanned = 1.5, directionUpper = TRUE,
    effectList = effectList, stratifiedAnalysis = TRUE,
    intersectionTest = "Sidak",
    typeOfSelection = "epsilon", epsilonValue = 0.025,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 100)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Enrichment Survival


Returns the simulated power, stopping and selection probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing hazard ratios in an enrichment design testing situation. In contrast to getSimulationSurvival() (where survival times are simulated), normally distributed logrank test statistics are simulated.


  design = NULL,
  effectList = NULL,
  intersectionTest = c("Simes", "SpiessensDebois", "Bonferroni", "Sidak"),
  stratifiedAnalysis = TRUE,
  directionUpper = NA,
  adaptations = NA,
  typeOfSelection = c("best", "rBest", "epsilon", "all", "userDefined"),
  effectMeasure = c("effectEstimate", "testStatistic"),
  successCriterion = c("all", "atLeastOne"),
  epsilonValue = NA_real_,
  rValue = NA_real_,
  threshold = -Inf,
  plannedEvents = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfEventsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  thetaH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcEventsFunction = NULL,
  selectPopulationsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


List of subsets, prevalences, and effect sizes with columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to consider (see examples).


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses. Four options are available in enrichment designs: "SpiessensDebois", "Bonferroni", "Simes", and "Sidak", default is "Simes".


Logical. For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. For testing rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is TRUE.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


A logical vector of length kMax - 1 indicating whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k, default is rep(TRUE, kMax - 1).


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Five options are available: "best", "rbest", "epsilon", "all", and "userDefined", default is "best".
For "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms/populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified, for "epsilon" (select treatment arm/population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. If "userDefined" is selected, "selectArmsFunction" or "selectPopulationsFunction" has to be specified.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate (difference for means and rates or ratio for survival) ("effectEstimate"), default is "effectEstimate".


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. Two options are available: "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion is fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim, default is "all".


For typeOfSelection = "epsilon" (select treatment arm / population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. Must be a numeric of length 1.


For typeOfSelection = "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms / populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified.


Selection criterion: treatment arm / population is selected only if effectMeasure exceeds threshold, default is -Inf. threshold can also be a vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition over the treatment arms.


plannedEvents is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) events in survival designs when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of events for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedEvents refers to the overall number of events for the selected arms plus control.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfEventsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of events per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfEventsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of events per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the value of the alternative under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed. Must be a numeric of length 1.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, event number recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage (see details and examples).


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how populations are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length populations stage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, plannedSubjects/plannedEvents, allocationRatioPlanned, selectedPopulations, thetaH1 (for means and survival), stDevH1 (for means), overallEffects, and for rates additionally: piTreatmentsH1, piControlH1, overallRates, and overallRatesControl (see examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, selection probabilities, and expected event number at given number of events, parameter configuration, and population selection rule in the enrichment situation. An allocation ratio can be specified referring to the ratio of number of subjects in the active treatment group as compared to the control group.

The definition of thetaH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfEventsPerStage, and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage (or calcEventsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of events at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on the variables stage, selectedPopulations, plannedEvents, directionUpper, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfEventsPerStage, maxNumberOfEventsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, and overallEffects. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Assess a population selection strategy with one subset population and
# a survival endpoint. The considered situations are defined through the 
# event rates yielding a range of hazard ratios in the subsets. Design 
# with O'Brien and Fleming alpha spending and a reassessment of event 
# number in the first interim based on conditional power and assumed 
# hazard ratio using weighted inverse normal combination test.  
subGroups <- c("S", "R")
prevalences <- c(0.40, 0.60)
p2 <- c(0.3, 0.4)
range1 <- p2[1] + seq(0, 0.3, 0.05)

p1 <- c()
for (x1 in range1) {
    p1 <- c(p1, x1, p2[2] + 0.1)
hazardRatios <- log(matrix(1 - p1, byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)) /
    matrix(log(1 - p2), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2,
    nrow = length(range1))

effectList <- list(subGroups=subGroups, prevalences=prevalences,
    hazardRatios = hazardRatios)

design <- getDesignInverseNormal(informationRates = c(0.3, 0.7, 1),
    typeOfDesign = "asOF")

simResultsPE <- getSimulationEnrichmentSurvival(design, 
    plannedEvents = c(40, 90, 120),
    effectList = effectList,
    typeOfSelection = "rbest", rValue = 2,
    conditionalPower = 0.8, minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA, 50, 30),
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA, 150, 30), thetaH1 = 4 / 3,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 100)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Means


Returns the simulated power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing means in a one or two treatment groups testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  groups = 2L,
  normalApproximation = TRUE,
  meanRatio = FALSE,
  thetaH0 = ifelse(meanRatio, 1, 0),
  alternative = seq(0, 1, 0.2),
  stDev = 1,
  plannedSubjects = NA_real_,
  directionUpper = NA,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  thetaH1 = NA_real_,
  stDevH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcSubjectsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of treatment groups (1 or 2), default is 2.


The type of computation of the p-values. Default is TRUE, i.e., normally distributed test statistics are generated. If FALSE, the t test is used for calculating the p-values, i.e., t distributed test statistics are generated.


If TRUE, the design characteristics for one-sided testing of H0: mu1 / mu2 = thetaH0 are simulated, default is FALSE.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The alternative hypothesis value for testing means under which the data is simulated. This can be a vector of assumed alternatives, default is seq(0, 1, 0.2).


The standard deviation under which the data is simulated, default is 1. For two-armed trials, it is allowed to specify the standard deviations separately, i.e., as vector with two elements. If meanRatio = TRUE is specified, stDev defines the coefficient of variation sigma / mu2.


plannedSubjects is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedSubjects refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the maximum number of subjects per selected active arm.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the value of the alternative under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed. Must be a numeric of length 1.


If specified, the value of the standard deviation under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed, default is the value of stDev.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, sample size recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (see details and examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size at given number of subjects and parameter configuration. Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1/n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups.

The definition of thetaH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or calcSubjectsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of subjects at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on variables stage, meanRatio, thetaH0, groups, plannedSubjects, sampleSizesPerStage, directionUpper, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, thetaH1, and stDevH1. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

Simulation Data

The summary statistics "Simulated data" contains the following parameters: median range; mean +/-sd

$show(showStatistics = FALSE) or $setShowStatistics(FALSE) can be used to disable the output of the aggregated simulated data.

Example 1:
simulationResults <- getSimulationMeans(plannedSubjects = 40)
simulationResults$show(showStatistics = FALSE)

Example 2:
simulationResults <- getSimulationMeans(plannedSubjects = 40)

getData() can be used to get the aggregated simulated data from the object as data.frame. The data frame contains the following columns:

  1. iterationNumber: The number of the simulation iteration.

  2. stageNumber: The stage.

  3. alternative: The alternative hypothesis value.

  4. numberOfSubjects: The number of subjects under consideration when the (interim) analysis takes place.

  5. rejectPerStage: 1 if null hypothesis can be rejected, 0 otherwise.

  6. futilityPerStage: 1 if study should be stopped for futility, 0 otherwise.

  7. testStatistic: The test statistic that is used for the test decision, depends on which design was chosen (group sequential, inverse normal, or Fisher's combination test).

  8. testStatisticsPerStage: The test statistic for each stage if only data from the considered stage is taken into account.

  9. effectEstimate: Overall simulated standardized effect estimate.

  10. trialStop: TRUE if study should be stopped for efficacy or futility or final stage, FALSE otherwise.

  11. conditionalPowerAchieved: The conditional power for the subsequent stage of the trial for selected sample size and effect. The effect is either estimated from the data or can be user defined with thetaH1.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size design with two groups, total sample size 40,
# alternative = c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1), and standard deviation = 1 (the default)
getSimulationMeans(plannedSubjects = 40, maxNumberOfIterations = 10)

# Increase number of simulation iterations and compare results
# with power calculator using normal approximation
    alternative = 0:4, stDev = 5,
    plannedSubjects = 40, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000
    alternative = 0:4, stDev = 5,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 40, normalApproximation = TRUE

# Do the same for a three-stage O'Brien&Fleming inverse
# normal group sequential design with non-binding futility stops
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "OF", futilityBounds = c(0, 0))
x <- getSimulationMeans(designIN,
    alternative = c(0:4), stDev = 5,
    plannedSubjects = c(20, 40, 60), maxNumberOfIterations = 1000
    alternative = 0:4, stDev = 5,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 60, normalApproximation = TRUE

# Assess power and average sample size if a sample size increase is foreseen
# at conditional power 80% for each subsequent stage based on observed overall
# effect and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and
# maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage
    alternative = 0:4, stDev = 5,
    plannedSubjects = c(20, 40, 60),
    minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(NA, 20, 20),
    maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(NA, 80, 80),
    conditionalPower = 0.8,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Do the same under the assumption that a sample size increase only takes
# place at the first interim. The sample size for the third stage is set equal
# to the second stage sample size.
mySampleSizeCalculationFunction <- function(..., stage,
        stDevH1) {
    if (stage <= 2) {
        # Note that allocationRatioPlanned is as a vector of length kMax
        stageSubjects <- (1 + allocationRatioPlanned[stage])^2 / 
            allocationRatioPlanned[stage] *
            (max(0, conditionalCriticalValue + stats::qnorm(conditionalPower)))^2 /
            (max(1e-12, thetaH1 / stDevH1))^2
        stageSubjects <- min(max(
        ), maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage])
    } else {
        stageSubjects <- sampleSizesPerStage[stage - 1]
    alternative = 0:4, stDev = 5,
    plannedSubjects = c(20, 40, 60),
    minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(NA, 20, 20),
    maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(NA, 80, 80),
    conditionalPower = 0.8,
    calcSubjectsFunction = mySampleSizeCalculationFunction,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Multi-Arm Means


Returns the simulated power, stopping and selection probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing means in a multi-arm treatment groups testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  activeArms = 3L,
  effectMatrix = NULL,
  typeOfShape = c("linear", "sigmoidEmax", "userDefined"),
  muMaxVector = seq(0, 1, 0.2),
  gED50 = NA_real_,
  slope = 1,
  doseLevels = NA_real_,
  intersectionTest = c("Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", "Hierarchical"),
  stDev = 1,
  adaptations = NA,
  typeOfSelection = c("best", "rBest", "epsilon", "all", "userDefined"),
  effectMeasure = c("effectEstimate", "testStatistic"),
  successCriterion = c("all", "atLeastOne"),
  epsilonValue = NA_real_,
  rValue = NA_real_,
  threshold = -Inf,
  plannedSubjects = NA_integer_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  thetaH1 = NA_real_,
  stDevH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcSubjectsFunction = NULL,
  selectArmsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of active treatment arms to be compared with control, default is 3.


Matrix of effect sizes with activeArms columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to consider.


The shape of the dose-response relationship over the treatment groups. This can be either "linear", "sigmoidEmax", or "userDefined", default is "linear".
For "linear", muMaxVector specifies the range of effect sizes for the treatment group with highest response. If "sigmoidEmax" is selected, gED50 and slope has to be entered to specify the ED50 and the slope of the sigmoid Emax model. For "sigmoidEmax", muMaxVector specifies the range of effect sizes for the treatment group with response according to infinite dose. If "userDefined" is selected, effectMatrix has to be entered.


Range of effect sizes for the treatment group with highest response for "linear" and "sigmoidEmax" model, default is seq(0, 1, 0.2).


If typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax" is selected, gED50 has to be entered to specify the ED50 of the sigmoid Emax model.


If typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax" is selected, slope can be entered to specify the slope of the sigmoid Emax model, default is 1.


The dose levels for the dose response relationship. If not specified, these dose levels are 1,...,activeArms.


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses. Five options are available in multi-arm designs: "Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", and "Hierarchical", default is "Dunnett".


The standard deviation under which the data is simulated, default is 1. For two-armed trials, it is allowed to specify the standard deviations separately, i.e., as vector with two elements. If meanRatio = TRUE is specified, stDev defines the coefficient of variation sigma / mu2.


A logical vector of length kMax - 1 indicating whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k, default is rep(TRUE, kMax - 1).


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Five options are available: "best", "rbest", "epsilon", "all", and "userDefined", default is "best".
For "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms/populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified, for "epsilon" (select treatment arm/population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. If "userDefined" is selected, "selectArmsFunction" or "selectPopulationsFunction" has to be specified.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate (difference for means and rates or ratio for survival) ("effectEstimate"), default is "effectEstimate".


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. Two options are available: "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion is fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim, default is "all".


For typeOfSelection = "epsilon" (select treatment arm / population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. Must be a numeric of length 1.


For typeOfSelection = "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms / populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified.


Selection criterion: treatment arm / population is selected only if effectMeasure exceeds threshold, default is -Inf. threshold can also be a vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition over the treatment arms.


plannedSubjects is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedSubjects refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the maximum number of subjects per selected active arm.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the value of the alternative under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed. Must be a numeric of length 1.


If specified, the value of the standard deviation under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed, default is the value of stDev.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, sample size recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (see details and examples).


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how treatment arms are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length activeArms, stage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, plannedSubjects/plannedEvents, allocationRatioPlanned, selectedArms, thetaH1 (for means and survival), stDevH1 (for means), overallEffects, and for rates additionally: piTreatmentsH1, piControlH1, overallRates, and overallRatesControl (see examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, selection probabilities, and expected sample size at given number of subjects, parameter configuration, and treatment arm selection rule in the multi-arm situation. An allocation ratio can be specified referring to the ratio of number of subjects in the active treatment groups as compared to the control group.

The definition of thetaH1 and/or stDevH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or calcSubjectsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of subjects at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on the variables stage, selectedArms, plannedSubjects, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, overallEffects, and stDevH1. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Assess a treatment-arm selection strategy with three active arms, 
# if the better of the arms is selected for the second stage, and 
# compare it with the no-selection case. 
# Assume a linear dose-response relationship 
maxNumberOfIterations <- 100
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "OF", kMax = 2)
sim <- getSimulationMultiArmMeans(design = designIN,
    activeArms = 3, typeOfShape = "linear",
    muMaxVector = seq(0,0.8,0.2),
    intersectionTest = "Simes",
    typeOfSelection = "best",
    plannedSubjects = c(30,60),
    maxNumberOfIterations = maxNumberOfIterations)

sim0 <- getSimulationMultiArmMeans(design = designIN,
    activeArms = 3, typeOfShape = "linear",
    muMaxVector = seq(0,0.8,0.2),
    intersectionTest = "Simes",
    typeOfSelection = "all",
    plannedSubjects = c(30,60),
    maxNumberOfIterations = maxNumberOfIterations)



# Compare the power of the conditional Dunnett test with the power of the 
# combination test using Dunnett's intersection tests if no treatment arm 
# selection takes place. Asseume a linear dose-response relationship.
maxNumberOfIterations <- 100
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "asUser", 
    userAlphaSpending = c(0, 0.025))
designCD <- getDesignConditionalDunnett(secondStageConditioning = TRUE)

index <- 1
for (design in c(designIN, designCD)) {
    results <- getSimulationMultiArmMeans(design, activeArms = 3, 
        muMaxVector = seq(0, 1, 0.2), typeOfShape = "linear", 
        plannedSubjects = cumsum(rep(20, 2)), 
        intersectionTest = "Dunnett", 
        typeOfSelection = "all", maxNumberOfIterations = maxNumberOfIterations)
    if (index == 1) {
        drift <- results$effectMatrix[nrow(results$effectMatrix), ]
        plot(drift, results$rejectAtLeastOne, type = "l", lty = 1, 
            lwd = 3, col = "black", ylab = "Power")
    } else {
        lines(drift,results$rejectAtLeastOne, type = "l", 
            lty = index, lwd = 3, col = "red")
    index <- index + 1
legend("topleft", legend=c("Combination Dunnett", "Conditional Dunnett"),
    col=c("black", "red"), lty = (1:2), cex = 0.8)

# Assess the design characteristics of a user defined selection
# strategy in a two-stage design using the inverse normal method
# with constant bounds. Stopping for futility due to
# de-selection of all treatment arms.
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "P", kMax = 2)

mySelection <- function(effectVector) {
    selectedArms <- (effectVector >= c(0, 0.1, 0.3))

results <- getSimulationMultiArmMeans(designIN, activeArms = 3, 
    muMaxVector = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
    typeOfShape = "linear", 
    plannedSubjects = c(30,60), 
    intersectionTest = "Dunnett", 
    typeOfSelection = "userDefined",
    selectArmsFunction = mySelection,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 100)

options(rpact.summary.output.size = "medium")         
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(results, type = c(5,3,9), grid = 4)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Multi-Arm Rates


Returns the simulated power, stopping and selection probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing rates in a multi-arm treatment groups testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  activeArms = 3L,
  effectMatrix = NULL,
  typeOfShape = c("linear", "sigmoidEmax", "userDefined"),
  piMaxVector = seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1),
  piControl = 0.2,
  gED50 = NA_real_,
  slope = 1,
  doseLevels = NA_real_,
  intersectionTest = c("Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", "Hierarchical"),
  directionUpper = NA,
  adaptations = NA,
  typeOfSelection = c("best", "rBest", "epsilon", "all", "userDefined"),
  effectMeasure = c("effectEstimate", "testStatistic"),
  successCriterion = c("all", "atLeastOne"),
  epsilonValue = NA_real_,
  rValue = NA_real_,
  threshold = -Inf,
  plannedSubjects = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  piTreatmentsH1 = NA_real_,
  piControlH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcSubjectsFunction = NULL,
  selectArmsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of active treatment arms to be compared with control, default is 3.


Matrix of effect sizes with activeArms columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to consider.


The shape of the dose-response relationship over the treatment groups. This can be either "linear", "sigmoidEmax", or "userDefined", default is "linear".
For "linear", piMaxVector specifies the range of effect sizes for the treatment group with highest response. If "sigmoidEmax" is selected, gED50 and slope has to be entered to specify the ED50 and the slope of the sigmoid Emax model. For "sigmoidEmax", piMaxVector specifies the range of effect sizes for the treatment group with response according to infinite dose. If "userDefined" is selected, effectMatrix has to be entered.


Range of assumed probabilities for the treatment group with highest response for "linear" and "sigmoidEmax" model, default is seq(0, 1, 0.2).


If specified, the assumed probability in the control arm for simulation and under which the sample size recalculation is performed.


If typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax" is selected, gED50 has to be entered to specify the ED50 of the sigmoid Emax model.


If typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax" is selected, slope can be entered to specify the slope of the sigmoid Emax model, default is 1.


The dose levels for the dose response relationship. If not specified, these dose levels are 1,...,activeArms.


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses. Five options are available in multi-arm designs: "Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", and "Hierarchical", default is "Dunnett".


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


A logical vector of length kMax - 1 indicating whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k, default is rep(TRUE, kMax - 1).


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Five options are available: "best", "rbest", "epsilon", "all", and "userDefined", default is "best".
For "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms/populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified, for "epsilon" (select treatment arm/population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. If "userDefined" is selected, "selectArmsFunction" or "selectPopulationsFunction" has to be specified.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate (difference for means and rates or ratio for survival) ("effectEstimate"), default is "effectEstimate".


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. Two options are available: "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion is fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim, default is "all".


For typeOfSelection = "epsilon" (select treatment arm / population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. Must be a numeric of length 1.


For typeOfSelection = "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms / populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified.


Selection criterion: treatment arm / population is selected only if effectMeasure exceeds threshold, default is -Inf. threshold can also be a vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition over the treatment arms.


plannedSubjects is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedSubjects refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the maximum number of subjects per selected active arm.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the assumed probability in the active treatment arm(s) under which the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the assumed probability in the reference group (if different from piControl) for which the conditional power was calculated.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, sample size recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (see details and examples).


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how treatment arms are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length activeArms, stage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, plannedSubjects/plannedEvents, allocationRatioPlanned, selectedArms, thetaH1 (for means and survival), stDevH1 (for means), overallEffects, and for rates additionally: piTreatmentsH1, piControlH1, overallRates, and overallRatesControl (see examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, selection probabilities, and expected sample size at given number of subjects, parameter configuration, and treatment arm selection rule in the multi-arm situation. An allocation ratio can be specified referring to the ratio of number of subjects in the active treatment groups as compared to the control group.

The definition of piTreatmentsH1 and/or piControlH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or calcSubjectsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of subjects at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on the variables stage, selectedArms, directionUpper, plannedSubjects, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, overallRates, overallRatesControl, piTreatmentsH1, and piControlH1. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Simulate the power of the combination test with two interim stages and 
# O'Brien & Fleming boundaries using Dunnett's intersection tests if the 
# best treatment arm is selected at first interim. Selection only take 
# place if a non-negative treatment effect is observed (threshold = 0); 
# 20 subjects per stage and treatment arm, simulation is performed for 
# four parameter configurations.
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "OF")
effectMatrix <- matrix(c(0.2,0.2,0.2,
    byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
x <- getSimulationMultiArmRates(design = design, typeOfShape = "userDefined", 
    effectMatrix = effectMatrix , piControl = 0.2, 
    typeOfSelection = "best", threshold = 0, intersectionTest = "Dunnett", 
    plannedSubjects = c(20, 40, 60), 
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Multi-Arm Survival


Returns the simulated power, stopping and selection probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing hazard ratios in a multi-arm treatment groups testing situation. In contrast to getSimulationSurvival() (where survival times are simulated), normally distributed logrank test statistics are simulated.


  design = NULL,
  activeArms = 3L,
  effectMatrix = NULL,
  typeOfShape = c("linear", "sigmoidEmax", "userDefined"),
  omegaMaxVector = seq(1, 2.6, 0.4),
  gED50 = NA_real_,
  slope = 1,
  doseLevels = NA_real_,
  intersectionTest = c("Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", "Hierarchical"),
  directionUpper = NA,
  adaptations = NA,
  typeOfSelection = c("best", "rBest", "epsilon", "all", "userDefined"),
  effectMeasure = c("effectEstimate", "testStatistic"),
  successCriterion = c("all", "atLeastOne"),
  correlationComputation = c("alternative", "null"),
  epsilonValue = NA_real_,
  rValue = NA_real_,
  threshold = -Inf,
  plannedEvents = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfEventsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  thetaH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcEventsFunction = NULL,
  selectArmsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of active treatment arms to be compared with control, default is 3.


Matrix of effect sizes with activeArms columns and number of rows reflecting the different situations to consider.


The shape of the dose-response relationship over the treatment groups. This can be either "linear", "sigmoidEmax", or "userDefined", default is "linear".
For "linear", omegaMaxVector specifies the range of effect sizes for the treatment group with highest response. If "sigmoidEmax" is selected, gED50 and slope has to be entered to specify the ED50 and the slope of the sigmoid Emax model. For "sigmoidEmax", omegaMaxVector specifies the range of effect sizes for the treatment group with response according to infinite dose. If "userDefined" is selected, effectMatrix has to be entered.


Range of hazard ratios with highest response for "linear" and "sigmoidEmax" model, default is seq(1, 2.6, 0.4).


If typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax" is selected, gED50 has to be entered to specify the ED50 of the sigmoid Emax model.


If typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax" is selected, slope can be entered to specify the slope of the sigmoid Emax model, default is 1.


The dose levels for the dose response relationship. If not specified, these dose levels are 1,...,activeArms.


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses. Five options are available in multi-arm designs: "Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", and "Hierarchical", default is "Dunnett".


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


A logical vector of length kMax - 1 indicating whether or not an adaptation takes place at interim k, default is rep(TRUE, kMax - 1).


The way the treatment arms or populations are selected at interim. Five options are available: "best", "rbest", "epsilon", "all", and "userDefined", default is "best".
For "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms/populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified, for "epsilon" (select treatment arm/population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. If "userDefined" is selected, "selectArmsFunction" or "selectPopulationsFunction" has to be specified.


Criterion for treatment arm/population selection, either based on test statistic ("testStatistic") or effect estimate (difference for means and rates or ratio for survival) ("effectEstimate"), default is "effectEstimate".


Defines when the study is stopped for efficacy at interim. Two options are available: "all" stops the trial if the efficacy criterion is fulfilled for all selected treatment arms/populations, "atLeastOne" stops if at least one of the selected treatment arms/populations is shown to be superior to control at interim, default is "all".


If correlationComputation = "alternative", for simulating log-rank statistics in the many-to-one design, a correlation matrix according to Deng et al. (Biometrics, 2019) accounting for the respective alternative is used; if correlationComputation = "null", a constant correlation matrix valid under the null, i.e., not accounting for the alternative is used, default is "alternative".


For typeOfSelection = "epsilon" (select treatment arm / population not worse than epsilon compared to the best), the parameter epsilonValue has to be specified. Must be a numeric of length 1.


For typeOfSelection = "rbest" (select the rValue best treatment arms / populations), the parameter rValue has to be specified.


Selection criterion: treatment arm / population is selected only if effectMeasure exceeds threshold, default is -Inf. threshold can also be a vector of length activeArms referring to a separate threshold condition over the treatment arms.


plannedEvents is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) events in survival designs when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of events for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedEvents refers to the overall number of events for the selected arms plus control.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfEventsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of events per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfEventsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of events per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the value of the alternative under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed. Must be a numeric of length 1.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, event number recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage (see details and examples).


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how treatment arms are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length activeArms, stage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, plannedSubjects/plannedEvents, allocationRatioPlanned, selectedArms, thetaH1 (for means and survival), stDevH1 (for means), overallEffects, and for rates additionally: piTreatmentsH1, piControlH1, overallRates, and overallRatesControl (see examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, selection probabilities, and expected sample size at given number of subjects, parameter configuration, and treatment arm selection rule in the multi-arm situation. An allocation ratio can be specified referring to the ratio of number of subjects in the active treatment groups as compared to the control group.

The definition of thetaH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfEventsPerStage, and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage (or calcEventsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of events at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on the variables stage, selectedArms, plannedEvents, directionUpper, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfEventsPerStage, maxNumberOfEventsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, and overallEffects. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Assess different selection rules for a two-stage survival design with 
# O'Brien & Fleming alpha spending boundaries and (non-binding) stopping 
# for futility if the test statistic is negative. 
# Number of events at the second stage is adjusted based on conditional 
# power 80% and specified minimum and maximum number of Events.
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "asOF", futilityBounds = 0)

y1 <- getSimulationMultiArmSurvival(design = design, activeArms = 4, 
    intersectionTest = "Simes", typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax", 
    omegaMaxVector = seq(1, 2, 0.5), gED50 = 2, slope = 4, 
    typeOfSelection = "best", conditionalPower = 0.8, 
    minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA_real_, 30), 
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA_real_, 90),
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50, 
    plannedEvents = c(75, 120))

y2 <- getSimulationMultiArmSurvival(design = design, activeArms = 4, 
    intersectionTest = "Simes", typeOfShape = "sigmoidEmax", 
    omegaMaxVector = seq(1,2,0.5), gED50 = 2, slope = 4,
    typeOfSelection = "epsilon", epsilonValue = 0.2, 
    effectMeasure = "effectEstimate",
    conditionalPower = 0.8, minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA_real_, 30), 
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA_real_, 90),
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50, 
	   plannedEvents = c(75, 120))




## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Rates


Returns the simulated power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing rates in a one or two treatment groups testing situation.


  design = NULL,
  groups = 2L,
  normalApproximation = TRUE,
  riskRatio = FALSE,
  thetaH0 = ifelse(riskRatio, 1, 0),
  pi1 = seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1),
  pi2 = NA_real_,
  plannedSubjects = NA_real_,
  directionUpper = NA,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  pi1H1 = NA_real_,
  pi2H1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcSubjectsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The number of treatment groups (1 or 2), default is 2.


The type of computation of the p-values. Default is FALSE for testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and TRUE for testing rates and the hazard ratio. For testing rates, if normalApproximation = FALSE is specified, the binomial test (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values. In the survival setting normalApproximation = FALSE has no effect.


If TRUE, the design characteristics for one-sided testing of H0: pi1 / pi2 = thetaH0 are simulated, default is FALSE.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed probability in the active treatment group if two treatment groups are considered, or the alternative probability for a one treatment group design, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed probability in the reference group if two treatment groups are considered, default is 0.2.


plannedSubjects is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) subjects when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedSubjects refers to the number of subjects per selected active arm.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the minimum number of subjects per selected active arm.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of subjects per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account. For two treatment arms, it is the number of subjects for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage refers to the maximum number of subjects per selected active arm.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the assumed probability in the active treatment group if two treatment groups are considered, or the assumed probability for a one treatment group design, for which the conditional power was calculated.


If specified, the assumed probability in the reference group if two treatment groups are considered, for which the conditional power was calculated.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, sample size recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (see details and examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size at given number of subjects and parameter configuration. Additionally, an allocation ratio = n1/n2 can be specified where n1 and n2 are the number of subjects in the two treatment groups.

The definition of pi1H1 and/or pi2H1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or calcSubjectsFunction) are defined.

This function returns the number of subjects at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on variables stage, riskRatio, thetaH0, groups, plannedSubjects, sampleSizesPerStage, directionUpper, allocationRatioPlanned, minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage, conditionalPower, conditionalCriticalValue, overallRate, farringtonManningValue1, and farringtonManningValue2. The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

Simulation Data

The summary statistics "Simulated data" contains the following parameters: median range; mean +/-sd

$show(showStatistics = FALSE) or $setShowStatistics(FALSE) can be used to disable the output of the aggregated simulated data.

Example 1:
simulationResults <- getSimulationRates(plannedSubjects = 40)
simulationResults$show(showStatistics = FALSE)

Example 2:
simulationResults <- getSimulationRates(plannedSubjects = 40)

getData() can be used to get the aggregated simulated data from the object as data.frame. The data frame contains the following columns:

  1. iterationNumber: The number of the simulation iteration.

  2. stageNumber: The stage.

  3. pi1: The assumed or derived event rate in the treatment group (if available).

  4. pi2: The assumed or derived event rate in the control group (if available).

  5. numberOfSubjects: The number of subjects under consideration when the (interim) analysis takes place.

  6. rejectPerStage: 1 if null hypothesis can be rejected, 0 otherwise.

  7. futilityPerStage: 1 if study should be stopped for futility, 0 otherwise.

  8. testStatistic: The test statistic that is used for the test decision, depends on which design was chosen (group sequential, inverse normal, or Fisher combination test)'

  9. testStatisticsPerStage: The test statistic for each stage if only data from the considered stage is taken into account.

  10. overallRate1: The cumulative rate in treatment group 1.

  11. overallRate2: The cumulative rate in treatment group 2.

  12. stagewiseRates1: The stage-wise rate in treatment group 1.

  13. stagewiseRates2: The stage-wise rate in treatment group 2.

  14. sampleSizesPerStage1: The stage-wise sample size in treatment group 1.

  15. sampleSizesPerStage2: The stage-wise sample size in treatment group 2.

  16. trialStop: TRUE if study should be stopped for efficacy or futility or final stage, FALSE otherwise.

  17. conditionalPowerAchieved: The conditional power for the subsequent stage of the trial for selected sample size and effect. The effect is either estimated from the data or can be user defined with pi1H1 and pi2H1.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size design (two groups) with total sample 
# size 120, pi1 = (0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6) and pi2 = 0.3
getSimulationRates(pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, 
    plannedSubjects = 120, maxNumberOfIterations = 10)

# Increase number of simulation iterations and compare results with power calculator
getSimulationRates(pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, 
    plannedSubjects = 120, maxNumberOfIterations = 50)
getPowerRates(pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, maxNumberOfSubjects = 120)

# Do the same for a two-stage Pocock inverse normal group sequential 
# design with non-binding futility stops
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(typeOfDesign = "P", futilityBounds = c(0))
getSimulationRates(designIN, pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, 
    plannedSubjects = c(40, 80), maxNumberOfIterations = 50)
getPowerRates(designIN, pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, maxNumberOfSubjects = 80)

# Assess power and average sample size if a sample size reassessment is 
# foreseen at conditional power 80% for the subsequent stage (decrease and increase) 
# based on observed overall (cumulative) rates and specified minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage 
# and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage

# Do the same under the assumption that a sample size increase only takes place 
# if the rate difference exceeds the value 0.1 at interim. For this, the sample 
# size recalculation method needs to be redefined:  
mySampleSizeCalculationFunction <- function(..., stage,
        overallRate) {
    if (overallRate[1] - overallRate[2] < 0.1) {
        return(plannedSubjects[stage] - plannedSubjects[stage - 1]) 
    } else {
        rateUnderH0 <- (overallRate[1] + overallRate[2]) / 2 
        stageSubjects <- 2 * (max(0, conditionalCriticalValue * 
            sqrt(2 * rateUnderH0 * (1 - rateUnderH0)) + 
            stats::qnorm(conditionalPower) * sqrt(overallRate[1] * 
            (1 - overallRate[1]) + overallRate[2] * (1 - overallRate[2]))))^2 /
            (max(1e-12, (overallRate[1] - overallRate[2])))^2
        stageSubjects <- ceiling(min(max(
            stageSubjects), maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]))
getSimulationRates(designIN, pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, 
    plannedSubjects = c(40, 80), minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(40, 20), 
    maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = c(40, 160), conditionalPower = 0.8, 
    calcSubjectsFunction = mySampleSizeCalculationFunction, maxNumberOfIterations = 50)

## End(Not run)

Get Simulation Survival


Returns the analysis times, power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size for testing the hazard ratio in a two treatment groups survival design.


  design = NULL,
  thetaH0 = 1,
  directionUpper = NA,
  pi1 = NA_real_,
  pi2 = NA_real_,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  median1 = NA_real_,
  median2 = NA_real_,
  hazardRatio = NA_real_,
  kappa = 1,
  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  allocation1 = 1,
  allocation2 = 1,
  eventTime = 12,
  accrualTime = c(0, 12),
  accrualIntensity = 0.1,
  accrualIntensityType = c("auto", "absolute", "relative"),
  dropoutRate1 = 0,
  dropoutRate2 = 0,
  dropoutTime = 12,
  maxNumberOfSubjects = NA_real_,
  plannedEvents = NA_real_,
  minNumberOfEventsPerStage = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = NA_real_,
  conditionalPower = NA_real_,
  thetaH1 = NA_real_,
  maxNumberOfIterations = 1000L,
  maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 0,
  longTimeSimulationAllowed = FALSE,
  seed = NA_real_,
  calcEventsFunction = NULL,
  showStatistics = FALSE



The trial design. If no trial design is specified, a fixed sample size design is used. In this case, Type I error rate alpha, Type II error rate beta, twoSidedPower, and sided can be directly entered as argument where necessary.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

  • count data: a bound for testing H0: lambda1 / lambda2 = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


A numeric value or vector that represents the assumed event rate in the treatment group, default is seq(0.2, 0.5, 0.1) (power calculations and simulations) or seq(0.4, 0.6, 0.1) (sample size calculations).


A numeric value that represents the assumed event rate in the control group, default is 0.2.


The assumed hazard rate in the treatment group, there is no default. lambda1 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed hazard rate in the reference group, there is no default. lambda2 can also be used to define piecewise exponentially distributed survival times (see details). Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The assumed median survival time in the treatment group, there is no default.


The assumed median survival time in the reference group, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


The vector of hazard ratios under consideration. If the event or hazard rates in both treatment groups are defined, the hazard ratio needs not to be specified as it is calculated, there is no default. Must be a positive numeric of length 1.


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.


A vector that specifies the time intervals for the piecewise definition of the exponential survival time cumulative distribution function
(for details see getPiecewiseSurvivalTime()).


The number how many subjects are assigned to treatment 1 in a subsequent order, default is 1


The number how many subjects are assigned to treatment 2 in a subsequent order, default is 1


The assumed time under which the event rates are calculated, default is 12.


The assumed accrual time intervals for the study, default is c(0, 12) (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A numeric vector of accrual intensities, default is the relative intensity 0.1 (for details see getAccrualTime()).


A character value specifying the accrual intensity input type. Must be one of "auto", "absolute", or "relative"; default is "auto", i.e., if all values are < 1 the type is "relative", otherwise it is "absolute".


The assumed drop-out rate in the treatment group, default is 0.


The assumed drop-out rate in the control group, default is 0.


The assumed time for drop-out rates in the control and the treatment group, default is 12.


maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified. If accrual time and accrual intensity are specified, this will be calculated. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


plannedEvents is a numeric vector of length kMax (the number of stages of the design) that determines the number of cumulated (overall) events in survival designs when the interim stages are planned. For two treatment arms, it is the number of events for both treatment arms. For multi-arm designs, plannedEvents refers to the overall number of events for the selected arms plus control.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector minNumberOfEventsPerStage with length kMax determines the minimum number of events per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account.


When performing a data driven sample size recalculation, the numeric vector maxNumberOfEventsPerStage with length kMax determines the maximum number of events per stage (i.e., not cumulated), the first element is not taken into account.


If conditionalPower together with minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage and maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage (or minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage for survival designs) is specified, a sample size recalculation based on the specified conditional power is performed. It is defined as the power for the subsequent stage given the current data. By default, the conditional power will be calculated under the observed effect size. Optionally, you can also specify thetaH1 and stDevH1 (for simulating means), pi1H1 and pi2H1 (for simulating rates), or thetaH1 (for simulating hazard ratios) as parameters under which it is calculated and the sample size recalculation is performed.


If specified, the value of the alternative under which the conditional power or sample size recalculation calculation is performed. Must be a numeric of length 1.


The number of simulation iterations, default is 1000. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


The number of raw datasets per stage that shall be extracted and saved as data.frame, default is 0. getRawData() can be used to get the extracted raw data from the object.


Logical that indicates whether long time simulations that consumes more than 30 seconds are allowed or not, default is FALSE.


The seed to reproduce the simulation, default is a random seed.


Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of performing the sample size recalculation. By default, event number recalculation is performed with conditional power and specified minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage (see details and examples).


Logical. If TRUE, summary statistics of the simulated data are displayed for the print command, otherwise the output is suppressed, default is FALSE.


At given design the function simulates the power, stopping probabilities, conditional power, and expected sample size at given number of events, number of subjects, and parameter configuration. It also simulates the time when the required events are expected under the given assumptions (exponentially, piecewise exponentially, or Weibull distributed survival times and constant or non-constant piecewise accrual). Additionally, integers allocation1 and allocation2 can be specified that determine the number allocated to treatment group 1 and treatment group 2, respectively. More precisely, unequal randomization ratios must be specified via the two integer arguments allocation1 and allocation2 which describe how many subjects are consecutively enrolled in each group, respectively, before a subject is assigned to the other group. For example, the arguments allocation1 = 2, allocation2 = 1, maxNumberOfSubjects = 300 specify 2:1 randomization with 200 subjects randomized to intervention and 100 to control. (Caveat: Do not use allocation1 = 200, allocation2 = 100, maxNumberOfSubjects = 300 as this would imply that the 200 intervention subjects are enrolled prior to enrollment of any control subjects.)

The definition of thetaH1 makes only sense if kMax > 1 and if conditionalPower, minNumberOfEventsPerStage, and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage are defined.

Note that numberOfSubjects, numberOfSubjects1, and numberOfSubjects2 in the output are the expected number of subjects.

This function returns the number of events at given conditional power and conditional critical value for specified testing situation. The function might depend on variables stage, conditionalPower, thetaH0, plannedEvents, singleEventsPerStage, minNumberOfEventsPerStage, maxNumberOfEventsPerStage, allocationRatioPlanned, conditionalCriticalValue, The function has to contain the three-dots argument '...' (see examples).


Returns a SimulationResults object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this object:

Piecewise survival time

The first element of the vector piecewiseSurvivalTime must be equal to 0. piecewiseSurvivalTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the time intervals and hazard rates in the reference group. The definition of the survival time in the treatment group is obtained by the specification of the hazard ratio (see examples for details).

Staggered patient entry

accrualTime is the time period of subjects' accrual in a study. It can be a value that defines the end of accrual or a vector. In this case, accrualTime can be used to define a non-constant accrual over time. For this, accrualTime is a vector that defines the accrual intervals. The first element of accrualTime must be equal to 0 and, additionally, accrualIntensity needs to be specified. accrualIntensity itself is a value or a vector (depending on the length of accrualTime) that defines the intensity how subjects enter the trial in the intervals defined through accrualTime.

accrualTime can also be a list that combines the definition of the accrual time and accrual intensity (see below and examples for details).

If the length of accrualTime and the length of accrualIntensity are the same (i.e., the end of accrual is undefined), maxNumberOfSubjects > 0 needs to be specified and the end of accrual is calculated. In that case, accrualIntensity is the number of subjects per time unit, i.e., the absolute accrual intensity.

If the length of accrualTime equals the length of accrualIntensity - 1 (i.e., the end of accrual is defined), maxNumberOfSubjects is calculated if the absolute accrual intensity is given. If all elements in accrualIntensity are smaller than 1, accrualIntensity defines the relative intensity how subjects enter the trial. For example, accrualIntensity = c(0.1, 0.2) specifies that in the second accrual interval the intensity is doubled as compared to the first accrual interval. The actual (absolute) accrual intensity is calculated for the calculated or given maxNumberOfSubjects. Note that the default is accrualIntensity = 0.1 meaning that the absolute accrual intensity will be calculated.

Simulation Data

The summary statistics "Simulated data" contains the following parameters: median range; mean +/-sd

$show(showStatistics = FALSE) or $setShowStatistics(FALSE) can be used to disable the output of the aggregated simulated data.

Example 1:
simulationResults <- getSimulationSurvival(maxNumberOfSubjects = 100, plannedEvents = 30)
simulationResults$show(showStatistics = FALSE)

Example 2:
simulationResults <- getSimulationSurvival(maxNumberOfSubjects = 100, plannedEvents = 30)

getData() can be used to get the aggregated simulated data from the object as data.frame. The data frame contains the following columns:

  1. iterationNumber: The number of the simulation iteration.

  2. stageNumber: The stage.

  3. pi1: The assumed or derived event rate in the treatment group.

  4. pi2: The assumed or derived event rate in the control group.

  5. hazardRatio: The hazard ratio under consideration (if available).

  6. analysisTime: The analysis time.

  7. numberOfSubjects: The number of subjects under consideration when the (interim) analysis takes place.

  8. eventsPerStage1: The observed number of events per stage in treatment group 1.

  9. eventsPerStage2: The observed number of events per stage in treatment group 2.

  10. singleEventsPerStage: The observed number of events per stage in both treatment groups.

  11. rejectPerStage: 1 if null hypothesis can be rejected, 0 otherwise.

  12. futilityPerStage: 1 if study should be stopped for futility, 0 otherwise.

  13. eventsNotAchieved: 1 if number of events could not be reached with observed number of subjects, 0 otherwise.

  14. testStatistic: The test statistic that is used for the test decision, depends on which design was chosen (group sequential, inverse normal, or Fisher combination test)'

  15. logRankStatistic: Z-score statistic which corresponds to a one-sided log-rank test at considered stage.

  16. hazardRatioEstimateLR: The estimated hazard ratio, derived from the log-rank statistic.

  17. trialStop: TRUE if study should be stopped for efficacy or futility or final stage, FALSE otherwise.

  18. conditionalPowerAchieved: The conditional power for the subsequent stage of the trial for selected sample size and effect. The effect is either estimated from the data or can be user defined with thetaH1.

Raw Data

getRawData() can be used to get the simulated raw data from the object as data.frame. Note that getSimulationSurvival() must called before with maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage > 0.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.


## Not run: 
# Fixed sample size with minimum required definitions, pi1 = (0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6) and
# pi2 = 0.3 at event time 12, and accrual time 24
    pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 12,
    accrualTime = 24, plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 10

# Increase number of simulation iterations
    pi1 = seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 12,
    accrualTime = 24, plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Determine necessary accrual time with default settings if 200 subjects and
# 30 subjects per time unit can be recruited
    plannedEvents = 40, accrualTime = 0,
    accrualIntensity = 30, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Determine necessary accrual time with default settings if 200 subjects and
# if the first 6 time units 20 subjects per time unit can be recruited,
# then 30 subjects per time unit
    plannedEvents = 40, accrualTime = c(0, 6),
    accrualIntensity = c(20, 30), maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Determine maximum number of Subjects with default settings if the first
# 6 time units 20 subjects per time unit can be recruited, and after
# 10 time units 30 subjects per time unit
    plannedEvents = 40, accrualTime = c(0, 6, 10),
    accrualIntensity = c(20, 30), maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specify accrual time as a list
at <- list(
    "0 - <6"  = 20,
    "6 - Inf" = 30
    plannedEvents = 40, accrualTime = at,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specify accrual time as a list, if maximum number of subjects need to be calculated
at <- list(
    "0 - <6"   = 20,
    "6 - <=10" = 30
getSimulationSurvival(plannedEvents = 40, accrualTime = at, maxNumberOfIterations = 50)

# Specify effect size for a two-stage group sequential design with
# O'Brien & Fleming boundaries. Effect size is based on event rates
# at specified event time, directionUpper = FALSE needs to be specified
# because it should be shown that hazard ratio < 1
designGS <- getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2)
    design = designGS,
    pi1 = 0.2, pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 24, plannedEvents = c(20, 40),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, directionUpper = FALSE, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# As above, but with a three-stage O'Brien and Fleming design with
# specified information rates, note that planned events consists of integer values
designGS2 <- getDesignGroupSequential(informationRates = c(0.4, 0.7, 1))
    design = designGS2, 
    pi1 = 0.2, pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 24,
    plannedEvents = round(designGS2$informationRates * 40),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, directionUpper = FALSE,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Effect size is based on event rate at specified event time for the reference
# group and hazard ratio, directionUpper = FALSE needs to be specified because
# it should be shown that hazard ratio < 1
    design = designGS, hazardRatio = 0.5,
    pi2 = 0.3, eventTime = 24, plannedEvents = c(20, 40), maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    directionUpper = FALSE, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Effect size is based on hazard rate for the reference group and
# hazard ratio, directionUpper = FALSE needs to be specified because
# it should be shown that hazard ratio < 1
    design = designGS,
    hazardRatio = 0.5, lambda2 = 0.02, plannedEvents = c(20, 40),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, directionUpper = FALSE,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time and hazard ratios,
# note that in getSimulationSurvival only on hazard ratio is used
# in the case that the survival time is piecewise expoential
    design = designGS,
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04),
    hazardRatio = 1.5, plannedEvents = c(20, 40), maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

pws <- list(
    "0 - <5"  = 0.01,
    "5 - <10" = 0.02,
    ">=10"    = 0.04
    design = designGS,
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = pws, hazardRatio = c(1.5),
    plannedEvents = c(20, 40), maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time for both treatment arms
    design = designGS,
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04),
    lambda1 = c(0.015, 0.03, 0.06), plannedEvents = c(20, 40),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time as a list,
# note that in getSimulationSurvival only on hazard ratio
# (not a vector) can be used
pws <- list(
    "0 - <5"  = 0.01,
    "5 - <10" = 0.02,
    ">=10"    = 0.04
    design = designGS,
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = pws, hazardRatio = 1.5,
    plannedEvents = c(20, 40), maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specification of piecewise exponential survival time and delayed effect
# (response after 5 time units)
    design = designGS,
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 5, 10), lambda2 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.04),
    lambda1 = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.06), plannedEvents = c(20, 40),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specify effect size based on median survival times
    median1 = 5, median2 = 3, plannedEvents = 40,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 200, directionUpper = FALSE,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Specify effect size based on median survival
# times of Weibull distribtion with kappa = 2
    median1 = 5, median2 = 3, kappa = 2,
    plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
    directionUpper = FALSE, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Perform recalculation of number of events based on conditional power for a
# three-stage design with inverse normal combination test, where the conditional power
# is calculated under the specified effect size thetaH1 = 1.3 and up to a four-fold
# increase in originally planned sample size (number of events) is allowed.
# Note that the first value in minNumberOfEventsPerStage and
# maxNumberOfEventsPerStage is arbitrary, i.e., it has no effect.
designIN <- getDesignInverseNormal(informationRates = c(0.4, 0.7, 1))

resultsWithSSR1 <- getSimulationSurvival(
    design = designIN,
    hazardRatio = seq(1, 1.6, 0.1),
    pi2 = 0.3, conditionalPower = 0.8, thetaH1 = 1.3,
    plannedEvents = c(58, 102, 146),
    minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA, 44, 44),
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = 4 * c(NA, 44, 44),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 800, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# If thetaH1 is unspecified, the observed hazard ratio estimate
# (calculated from the log-rank statistic) is used for performing the
# recalculation of the number of events
resultsWithSSR2 <- getSimulationSurvival(
    design = designIN,
    hazardRatio = seq(1, 1.6, 0.1),
    pi2 = 0.3, conditionalPower = 0.8, plannedEvents = c(58, 102, 146),
    minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA, 44, 44),
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = 4 * c(NA, 44, 44),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 800, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Compare it with design without event size recalculation
resultsWithoutSSR <- getSimulationSurvival(
    design = designIN,
    hazardRatio = seq(1, 1.6, 0.1), pi2 = 0.3,
    plannedEvents = c(58, 102, 145), maxNumberOfSubjects = 800,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Confirm that event size racalcuation increases the Type I error rate,
# i.e., you have to use the combination test
resultsWithSSRGS <- getSimulationSurvival(
    design = designGS2, 
    hazardRatio = seq(1),
    pi2 = 0.3, conditionalPower = 0.8, plannedEvents = c(58, 102, 145),
    minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA, 44, 44),
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = 4 * c(NA, 44, 44),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 800, maxNumberOfIterations = 50

# Set seed to get reproducable results
        plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
        seed = 99
        plannedEvents = 40, maxNumberOfSubjects = 200,
        seed = 99

# Perform recalculation of number of events based on conditional power as above.
# The number of events is recalculated only in the first interim, the recalculated number
# is also used for the final stage. Here, we use the user defind calcEventsFunction as
# follows (note that the last stage value in minNumberOfEventsPerStage and maxNumberOfEventsPerStage
# has no effect):
myCalcEventsFunction <- function(...,
        stage, conditionalPower, estimatedTheta,
        plannedEvents, eventsOverStages,
        minNumberOfEventsPerStage, maxNumberOfEventsPerStage,
        conditionalCriticalValue) {
    theta <- max(1 + 1e-12, estimatedTheta)
    if (stage == 2) {
        requiredStageEvents <-
            max(0, conditionalCriticalValue + qnorm(conditionalPower))^2 * 4 / log(theta)^2
        requiredOverallStageEvents <- min(
            max(minNumberOfEventsPerStage[stage], requiredStageEvents),
        ) + eventsOverStages[stage - 1]
    } else {
        requiredOverallStageEvents <- 2 * eventsOverStages[stage - 1] - eventsOverStages[1]
resultsWithSSR <- getSimulationSurvival(
    design = designIN,
    hazardRatio = seq(1, 2.6, 0.5),
    pi2 = 0.3,
    conditionalPower = 0.8,
    plannedEvents = c(58, 102, 146),
    minNumberOfEventsPerStage = c(NA, 44, 4),
    maxNumberOfEventsPerStage = 4 * c(NA, 44, 4),
    maxNumberOfSubjects = 800,
    calcEventsFunction = myCalcEventsFunction,
    seed = 1234,
    maxNumberOfIterations = 50

## End(Not run)

Get Stage Results


Returns summary statistics and p-values for a given data set and a given design.


  stage = NA_integer_,
  directionUpper = NA



The trial design.


The summary data used for calculating the test results. This is either an element of DatasetMeans, of DatasetRates, or of DatasetSurvival and should be created with the function getDataset(). For more information see getDataset().


Further (optional) arguments to be passed:


The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively), it is 1 for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).

For non-inferiority designs, thetaH0 is the non-inferiority bound. That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of

  • means: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.

  • rates: a value != 0 (or a value != 1 for testing the risk ratio pi1 / pi2) can be specified.

  • survival data: a bound for testing H0: hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1 can be specified.

For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The type of computation of the p-values. Default is FALSE for testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and TRUE for testing rates and the hazard ratio. For testing rates, if normalApproximation = FALSE is specified, the binomial test (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values. In the survival setting, normalApproximation = FALSE has no effect.


The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this, i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is TRUE.


Defines the multiple test for the intersection hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses when testing multiple hypotheses. Five options are available in multi-arm designs: "Dunnett", "Bonferroni", "Simes", "Sidak", and "Hierarchical", default is "Dunnett". Four options are available in population enrichment designs: "SpiessensDebois" (one subset only), "Bonferroni", "Simes", and "Sidak", default is "Simes".


Defines the way to calculate the variance in multiple treatment arms (> 2) or population enrichment designs for testing means. For multiple arms, three options are available: "overallPooled", "pairwisePooled", and "notPooled", default is "overallPooled". For enrichment designs, the options are: "pooled", "pooledFromFull" (one subset only), and "notPooled", default is "pooled".


For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen. For testing means and rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed. For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is TRUE.


The stage number (optional). Default: total number of existing stages in the data input.


Logical. Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.


Calculates and returns the stage results of the specified design and data input at the specified stage.


Returns a StageResults object.

How to get help for generic functions

Click on the link of a generic in the list above to go directly to the help documentation of the rpact specific implementation of the generic. Note that you can use the R function methods to get all the methods of a generic and to identify the object specific name of it, e.g., use methods("plot") to get all the methods for the plot generic. There you can find, e.g., plot.AnalysisResults and obtain the specific help documentation linked above by typing ?plot.AnalysisResults.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getTestActions()


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal()
dataRates <- getDataset(
    n1      = c(10, 10),
    n2      = c(20, 20),
    events1 = c( 8, 10),
    events2 = c(10, 16))
getStageResults(design, dataRates)

## End(Not run)

Get Test Actions


Returns test actions.


getTestActions(stageResults, ...)



The results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults().


Only available for backward compatibility.


Returns the test actions of the specified design and stage results at the specified stage.


Returns a character vector of length kMax Returns a numeric vector of length kMax containing the test actions of each stage.

See Also

Other analysis functions: getAnalysisResults(), getClosedCombinationTestResults(), getClosedConditionalDunnettTestResults(), getConditionalPower(), getConditionalRejectionProbabilities(), getFinalConfidenceInterval(), getFinalPValue(), getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals(), getRepeatedPValues(), getStageResults()


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
data <- getDataset(
    n      = c( 20,  30),
    means  = c( 50,  51),
    stDevs = c(130, 140)
getTestActions(getStageResults(design, dataInput = data))

## End(Not run)

Print Summary Factory in Markdown Code Chunks


The function knit_print.SummaryFactory is the default printing function for rpact summary objects in knitr. The chunk option render uses this function by default. To fall back to the normal printing behavior set the chunk option render = normal_print. For more information see knit_print.


## S3 method for class 'SummaryFactory'
knit_print(x, ...)



A SummaryFactory.


Other arguments (see knit_print).


Generic function to print a summary object in Markdown.

Markdown options

Use options("rpact.print.heading.base.number" = NUMBER) (where NUMBER is an integer value >= -2) to specify the heading level.

NUMBER = 1 results in the heading prefix #, NUMBER = 2 results in ##, ...

The default is options("rpact.print.heading.base.number" = -2), i.e., the top headings will be written italic but are not explicit defined as header. options("rpact.print.heading.base.number" = -1) means that all headings will be written bold but are not explicit defined as header.

Furthermore the following options can be set globally:

  • if TRUE, all output types will be rendered in Markdown format automatically.

  • if TRUE, all print outputs will be rendered in Markdown format automatically.

  • if TRUE, all summary outputs will be rendered in Markdown format automatically.

  • if TRUE, all plot outputs will be rendered in Markdown format automatically.

Example: options("" = FALSE) disables the automatic knitting of plots inside Markdown documents.

Original Algorithm AS 251: Normal Distribution


Calculates the Multivariate Normal Distribution with Product Correlation Structure published by Charles Dunnett, Algorithm AS 251.1 Appl.Statist. (1989), Vol.38, No.3, doi:10.2307/2347754.


mvnprd(..., A, B, BPD, EPS = 1e-06, INF, IERC = 1, HINC = 0)



Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Upper limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Lower limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Values defining correlation structure. Array of N dimensions


desired accuracy. Defaults to 1e-06


Determines where integration is done to infinity. Array of N dimensions. Valid values for INF(I): 0 = c(B(I), Inf), 1 = c(-Inf, A(I)), 2 = c(B(I), A(I))


error control. If set to 1, strict error control based on fourth derivative is used. If set to zero, error control based on halving intervals is used


Interval width for Simpson's rule. Value of zero caused a default .24 to be used


This is a wrapper function for the original Fortran 77 code. For a multivariate normal vector with correlation structure defined by RHO(I,J) = BPD(I) * BPD(J), computes the probability that the vector falls in a rectangle in n-space with error less than eps.

Original Algorithm AS 251: Student T Distribution


Calculates the Multivariate Normal Distribution with Product Correlation Structure published by Charles Dunnett, Algorithm AS 251.1 Appl.Statist. (1989), Vol.38, No.3, doi:10.2307/2347754.


mvstud(..., NDF, A, B, BPD, D, EPS = 1e-06, INF, IERC = 1, HINC = 0)



Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


Degrees of Freedom. Use 0 for infinite D.F.


Upper limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Lower limits of integration. Array of N dimensions


Values defining correlation structure. Array of N dimensions


Non-Centrality Vector


desired accuracy. Defaults to 1e-06


Determines where integration is done to infinity. Array of N dimensions. Valid values for INF(I): 0 = c(B(I), Inf), 1 = c(-Inf, A(I)), 2 = c(B(I), A(I))


error control. If set to 1, strict error control based on fourth derivative is used. If set to zero, error control based on halving intervals is used


Interval width for Simpson's rule. Value of zero caused a default .24 to be used


This is a wrapper function for the original Fortran 77 code. For a multivariate normal vector with correlation structure defined by RHO(I,J) = BPD(I) * BPD(J), computes the probability that the vector falls in a rectangle in n-space with error less than eps.


## Not run: 
N <- 3
RHO <- 0.5
B <- rep(-5.0, length = N)
A <- rep(5.0, length = N)
INF <- rep(2, length = N)
BPD <- rep(sqrt(RHO), length = N)
D <- rep(0.0, length = N)
result <- mvstud(NDF = 0, A = A, B = B, BPD = BPD, INF = INF, D = D)

## End(Not run)

Extract a single parameter


Fetch a parameter from a parameter set.


obtain(x, ..., output)

## S3 method for class 'ParameterSet'
obtain(x, ..., output = c("named", "labeled", "value", "list"))

fetch(x, ..., output)

## S3 method for class 'ParameterSet'
fetch(x, ..., output = c("named", "labeled", "value", "list"))



The ParameterSet object to fetch from.


One or more variables specified as:

  • a literal variable name

  • a positive integer, giving the position counting from the left

  • a negative integer, giving the position counting from the right. The default returns the last parameter. This argument is taken by expression and supports quasiquotation (you can unquote column names and column locations).


A character defining the output type as follows:

  • "named" (default) returns the named value if the value is a single value, the value inside a named list otherwise

  • "value" returns only the value itself

  • "list" returns the value inside a named list


## Not run: 
getDesignInverseNormal() |> fetch(kMax)
getDesignInverseNormal() |> fetch(kMax, output = "list")

## End(Not run)

Analysis Results Plotting


Plots the conditional power together with the likelihood function.


## S3 method for class 'AnalysisResults'
  type = 1L,
  nPlanned = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  legendTitle = NA_character_,
  palette = "Set1",
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  grid = 1,
  plotSettings = NULL



The analysis results at given stage, obtained from getAnalysisResults().


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. Furthermore the following arguments can be defined:

  • thetaRange: A range of assumed effect sizes if testing means or a survival design was specified. Additionally, if testing means was selected, assumedStDev (assumed standard deviation) can be specified (default is 1).

  • piTreatmentRange: A range of assumed rates pi1 to calculate the conditional power. Additionally, if a two-sample comparison was selected, pi2 can be specified (default is the value from getAnalysisResults()).

  • directionUpper: Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.

  • thetaH0: The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case, it is 1 for the survival case. For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0, 1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The plot type (default = 1). Note that at the moment only one type (the conditional power plot) is available.


The additional (i.e., "new" and not cumulative) sample size planned for each of the subsequent stages. The argument must be a vector with length equal to the number of remaining stages and contain the combined sample size from both treatment groups if two groups are considered. For survival outcomes, it should contain the planned number of additional events. For multi-arm designs, it is the per-comparison (combined) sample size. For enrichment designs, it is the (combined) sample size for the considered sub-population.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The main title, default is "Dataset".


The x-axis label, default is "Stage".


The y-axis label.


The legend title, default is "".


The palette, default is "Set1".


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


The conditional power is calculated only if effect size and sample size is specified.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(kMax = 2)

dataExample <- getDataset(
    n = c(20, 30),
    means = c(50, 51),
    stDevs = c(130, 140)

result <- getAnalysisResults(design = design, 
    dataInput = dataExample, thetaH0 = 20, 
    nPlanned = c(30), thetaH1 = 1.5, stage = 1) 

if (require(ggplot2)) plot(result, thetaRange = c(0, 100))

## End(Not run)

Dataset Plotting


Plots a dataset.


## S3 method for class 'Dataset'
  main = "Dataset",
  xlab = "Stage",
  ylab = NA_character_,
  legendTitle = "Group",
  palette = "Set1",
  showSource = FALSE,
  plotSettings = NULL



The Dataset object to plot.


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The main title, default is "Dataset".


The x-axis label, default is "Stage".


The y-axis label.


The legend title, default is "Group".


The palette, default is "Set1".


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot all kinds of datasets.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
# Plot a dataset of means
dataExample <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(22, 11, 22, 11),
    n2 = c(22, 13, 22, 13),
    means1 = c(1, 1.1, 1, 1),
    means2 = c(1.4, 1.5, 3, 2.5),
    stDevs1 = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3),
    stDevs2 = c(1, 2, 2, 1.3)
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(dataExample, main = "Comparison of Means")

# Plot a dataset of rates
dataExample <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(8, 10, 9, 11),
    n2 = c(11, 13, 12, 13),
    events1 = c(3, 5, 5, 6),
    events2 = c(8, 10, 12, 12)
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(dataExample, main = "Comparison of Rates")

## End(Not run)

Event Probabilities Plotting


Plots an object that inherits from class EventProbabilities.


## S3 method for class 'EventProbabilities'
  allocationRatioPlanned = x$allocationRatioPlanned,
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  type = 1L,
  legendTitle = NA_character_,
  palette = "Set1",
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  plotSettings = NULL



The object that inherits from EventProbabilities.


An optional object that inherits from NumberOfSubjects.


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The plot type (default = 1). Note that at the moment only one type is available.


The legend title, default is "".


The palette, default is "Set1".


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot an event probabilities object.

Generic function to plot an event probabilities object.


Returns a ggplot2 object.

Number Of Subjects Plotting


Plots an object that inherits from class NumberOfSubjects.


## S3 method for class 'NumberOfSubjects'
  allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  type = 1L,
  legendTitle = NA_character_,
  palette = "Set1",
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  plotSettings = NULL



The object that inherits from NumberOfSubjects.


An optional object that inherits from EventProbabilities.


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. Will be ignored if y is undefined.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The plot type (default = 1). Note that at the moment only one type is available.


The legend title, default is "".


The palette, default is "Set1".


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot an "number of subjects" object.

Generic function to plot a "number of subjects" object.


Returns a ggplot2 object.

Parameter Set Plotting


Plots an object that inherits from class ParameterSet.


## S3 method for class 'ParameterSet'
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  type = 1L,
  palette = "Set1",
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  plotSettings = NULL



The object that inherits from ParameterSet.


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The plot type (default = 1).


The palette, default is "Set1".


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot a parameter set.


Returns a ggplot2 object.

Simulation Results Plotting


Plots simulation results.


## S3 method for class 'SimulationResults'
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  type = NA_integer_,
  palette = "Set1",
  theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.01),
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  grid = 1,
  plotSettings = NULL



The simulation results, obtained from


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The plot type (default = 1). The following plot types are available:

  • 1: creates a 'Overall Success' plot (multi-arm and enrichment only)

  • 2: creates a 'Success per Stage' plot (multi-arm and enrichment only)

  • 3: creates a 'Selected Arms per Stage' plot (multi-arm and enrichment only)

  • 4: creates a 'Reject per Stage' or 'Rejected Arms per Stage' plot

  • 5: creates a 'Overall Power and Early Stopping' plot

  • 6: creates a 'Expected Number of Subjects and Power / Early Stop' or 'Expected Number of Events and Power / Early Stop' plot

  • 7: creates an 'Overall Power' plot

  • 8: creates an 'Overall Early Stopping' plot

  • 9: creates an 'Expected Sample Size' or 'Expected Number of Events' plot

  • 10: creates a 'Study Duration' plot (non-multi-arm and non-enrichment survival only)

  • 11: creates an 'Expected Number of Subjects' plot (non-multi-arm and non-enrichment survival only)

  • 12: creates an 'Analysis Times' plot (non-multi-arm and non-enrichment survival only)

  • 13: creates a 'Cumulative Distribution Function' plot (non-multi-arm and non-enrichment survival only)

  • 14: creates a 'Survival Function' plot (non-multi-arm and non-enrichment survival only)

  • "all": creates all available plots and returns it as a grid plot or list


The palette, default is "Set1".


A vector of standardized effect sizes (theta values), default is a sequence from -1 to 1.


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot all kinds of simulation results.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
results <- getSimulationMeans(
    alternative = 0:4, stDev = 5,
    plannedSubjects = 40, maxNumberOfIterations = 1000
plot(results, type = 5)

## End(Not run)

Stage Results Plotting


Plots the conditional power together with the likelihood function.


## S3 method for class 'StageResults'
  type = 1L,
  allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  legendTitle = NA_character_,
  palette = "Set1",
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  plotSettings = NULL



The stage results at given stage, obtained from getStageResults() or getAnalysisResults().


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. Furthermore the following arguments can be defined:

  • thetaRange: A range of assumed effect sizes if testing means or a survival design was specified. Additionally, if testing means was selected, an assumed standard deviation can be specified (default is 1).

  • piTreatmentRange: A range of assumed rates pi1 to calculate the conditional power. Additionally, if a two-sample comparison was selected, pi2 can be specified (default is the value from getAnalysisResults()).

  • directionUpper: Specifies the direction of the alternative, only applicable for one-sided testing; default is TRUE which means that larger values of the test statistics yield smaller p-values.

  • thetaH0: The null hypothesis value, default is 0 for the normal and the binary case, it is 1 for the survival case. For testing a rate in one sample, a value thetaH0 in (0,1) has to be specified for defining the null hypothesis H0: pi = thetaH0.


The plot type (default = 1). Note that at the moment only one type (the conditional power plot) is available.


The additional (i.e., "new" and not cumulative) sample size planned for each of the subsequent stages. The argument must be a vector with length equal to the number of remaining stages and contain the combined sample size from both treatment groups if two groups are considered. For survival outcomes, it should contain the planned number of additional events. For multi-arm designs, it is the per-comparison (combined) sample size. For enrichment designs, it is the (combined) sample size for the considered sub-population.


The planned allocation ratio n1 / n2 for a two treatment groups design, default is 1. For multi-arm designs, it is the allocation ratio relating the active arm(s) to the control. For simulating means and rates for a two treatment groups design, it can be a vector of length kMax, the number of stages. It can be a vector of length kMax, too, for multi-arm and enrichment designs. In these cases, a change of allocating subjects to treatment groups over the stages can be assessed. Note that internally allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector of length kMax, not a scalar.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The legend title.


The palette, default is "Set1".


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot all kinds of stage results. The conditional power is calculated only if effect size and sample size is specified.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 4, alpha = 0.025,
    informationRates = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1),
    typeOfDesign = "WT", deltaWT = 0.25
dataExample <- getDataset(
    n = c(20, 30, 30),
    means = c(50, 51, 55),
    stDevs = c(130, 140, 120)
stageResults <- getStageResults(design, dataExample, thetaH0 = 20)
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(stageResults, nPlanned = c(30), thetaRange = c(0, 100))

## End(Not run)

Summary Factory Plotting


Plots a summary factory.


## S3 method for class 'SummaryFactory'
plot(x, y, ..., showSummary = FALSE)



The summary factory object.


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


Show the summary before creating the plot output, default is FALSE.


Generic function to plot all kinds of summary factories.


Returns a ggplot2 object.

Trial Design Plotting


Plots a trial design.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesign'
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  type = 1L,
  palette = "Set1",
  theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.01),
  nMax = NA_integer_,
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  grid = 1,
  plotSettings = NULL

## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignCharacteristics'
plot(x, y, ..., type = 1L, grid = 1)



The trial design, obtained from
getDesignInverseNormal() or


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The plot type (default = 1). The following plot types are available:

  • 1: creates a 'Boundaries' plot

  • 3: creates a 'Stage Levels' plot

  • 4: creates a 'Error Spending' plot

  • 5: creates a 'Power and Early Stopping' plot

  • 6: creates an 'Average Sample Size and Power / Early Stop' plot

  • 7: creates an 'Power' plot

  • 8: creates an 'Early Stopping' plot

  • 9: creates an 'Average Sample Size' plot

  • "all": creates all available plots and returns it as a grid plot or list


The palette, default is "Set1".


A vector of standardized effect sizes (theta values), default is a sequence from -1 to 1.


The maximum sample size. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot a trial design.

Generic function to plot a trial design.

Note that nMax is not an argument that it passed to ggplot2. Rather, the underlying calculations (e.g. power for different theta's or average sample size) are based on calls to function getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber() which has argument nMax. I.e., nMax is not an argument to ggplot2 but to getPowerAndAverageSampleNumber() which is called prior to plotting.


Returns a ggplot2 object.

See Also

plot() to compare different designs or design parameters visual.


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(
    kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025,
    typeOfDesign = "asKD", gammaA = 2,
    informationRates = c(0.2, 0.7, 1),
    typeBetaSpending = "bsOF"
if (require(ggplot2)) {
    plot(design) # default: type = 1

## End(Not run)

Trial Design Plan Plotting


Plots a trial design plan.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignPlan'
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  type = NA_integer_,
  palette = "Set1",
  theta = NA_real_,
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  grid = 1,
  plotSettings = NULL



The trial design plan, obtained from
getPowerRates() or
getPowerSurvival() or


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The plot type (default = 1). The following plot types are available:

  • 1: creates a 'Boundaries' plot

  • 2: creates a 'Boundaries Effect Scale' plot

  • 3: creates a 'Boundaries p Values Scale' plot

  • 4: creates a 'Error Spending' plot

  • 5: creates a 'Sample Size' or 'Overall Power and Early Stopping' plot

  • 6: creates a 'Number of Events' or 'Sample Size' plot

  • 7: creates an 'Overall Power' plot

  • 8: creates an 'Overall Early Stopping' plot

  • 9: creates an 'Expected Number of Events' or 'Expected Sample Size' plot

  • 10: creates a 'Study Duration' plot

  • 11: creates an 'Expected Number of Subjects' plot

  • 12: creates an 'Analysis Times' plot

  • 13: creates a 'Cumulative Distribution Function' plot

  • 14: creates a 'Survival Function' plot

  • "all": creates all available plots and returns it as a grid plot or list


The palette, default is "Set1".


A vector of standardized effect sizes (theta values), default is a sequence from -1 to 1.


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot all kinds of trial design plans.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
if (require(ggplot2)) plot(getSampleSizeMeans())

## End(Not run)

Trial Design Set Plotting


Plots a trial design set.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignSet'
  type = 1L,
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  palette = "Set1",
  theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.02),
  nMax = NA_integer_,
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  grid = 1,
  plotSettings = NULL



The trial design set, obtained from getDesignSet().


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The plot type (default = 1). The following plot types are available:

  • 1: creates a 'Boundaries' plot

  • 3: creates a 'Stage Levels' plot

  • 4: creates a 'Error Spending' plot

  • 5: creates a 'Power and Early Stopping' plot

  • 6: creates an 'Average Sample Size and Power / Early Stop' plot

  • 7: creates an 'Power' plot

  • 8: creates an 'Early Stopping' plot

  • 9: creates an 'Average Sample Size' plot

  • "all": creates all available plots and returns it as a grid plot or list


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The palette, default is "Set1".


A vector of standardized effect sizes (theta values), default is a sequence from -1 to 1.


The maximum sample size. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot a trial design set. Is, e.g., useful to compare different designs or design parameters visual.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(
    kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025,
    typeOfDesign = "asKD", gammaA = 2,
    informationRates = c(0.2, 0.7, 1), typeBetaSpending = "bsOF"

# Create a set of designs based on the master design defined above
# and varied parameter 'gammaA'
designSet <- getDesignSet(design = design, gammaA = 4)

if (require(ggplot2)) plot(designSet, type = 1, legendPosition = 6)

## End(Not run)

Plot Trial Design Summaries


Generic function to plot a TrialDesignSummaries object.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignSummaries'
plot(x, ..., type = 1L, grid = 1)



a TrialDesignSummaries object to plot.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The plot type (default = 1). The following plot types are available:

  • 1: creates a 'Boundaries' plot

  • 3: creates a 'Stage Levels' plot

  • 4: creates a 'Error Spending' plot

  • 5: creates a 'Power and Early Stopping' plot

  • 6: creates an 'Average Sample Size and Power / Early Stop' plot

  • 7: creates an 'Power' plot

  • 8: creates an 'Early Stopping' plot

  • 9: creates an 'Average Sample Size' plot

  • "all": creates all available plots and returns it as a grid plot or list


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.

Get Available Plot Types


Function to identify the available plot types of an object.


  output = c("numeric", "caption", "numcap", "capnum"),
  numberInCaptionEnabled = FALSE

  output = c("numeric", "caption", "numcap", "capnum"),
  numberInCaptionEnabled = FALSE



The object for which the plot types shall be identified, e.g. produced by getDesignGroupSequential() or getSampleSizeMeans().


The output type. Can be one of c("numeric", "caption", "numcap", "capnum").


If TRUE, the number will be added to the caption, default is FALSE.


plotTypes and getAvailablePlotTypes() are equivalent, i.e., plotTypes is a short form of getAvailablePlotTypes().


  1. numeric: numeric output

  2. caption: caption as character output

  3. numcap: list with number and caption

  4. capnum: list with caption and number


Returns a list if option is either capnum or numcap or returns a vector that is of character type for option=caption or of numeric type for option=numeric.


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
getAvailablePlotTypes(design, "numeric")
plotTypes(design, "caption")
getAvailablePlotTypes(design, "numcap")
plotTypes(design, "capnum")

## End(Not run)

Summary Factory Printing


Prints the result object stored inside a summary factory.


## S3 method for class 'SummaryFactory'
print(x, ..., markdown = NA, sep = NA_character_)



The summary factory object.


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


If TRUE, the object x will be printed using markdown syntax; normal representation will be used otherwise (default is FALSE)


The separator line between the summary and the print output, default is "\n\n-----\n\n".


Generic function to print all kinds of summary factories.

Trial Design Characteristics Printing


Prints the design characteristics object.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignCharacteristics'
print(x, ..., markdown = NA, showDesign = TRUE)



The trial design characteristics object.


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


If TRUE, the object x will be printed using markdown syntax; normal representation will be used otherwise (default is FALSE)


Show the design print output above the design characteristics, default is TRUE.


Generic function to print all kinds of design characteristics.

Print Trial Design Summaries


Generic function to print a TrialDesignSummaries object.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignSummaries'
print(x, ...)



a TrialDesignSummaries object to print.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.

Get Object R Code


Returns the R source command of a result object.


  leadingArguments = NULL,
  includeDefaultParameters = FALSE,
  stringWrapParagraphWidth = 90,
  prefix = "",
  postfix = "",
  stringWrapPrefix = "",
  newArgumentValues = list(),
  tolerance = 1e-07,
  pipeOperator = c("auto", "none", "magrittr", "R"),
  output = c("vector", "cat", "test", "markdown", "internal"),
  explicitPrint = FALSE

  leadingArguments = NULL,
  includeDefaultParameters = FALSE,
  stringWrapParagraphWidth = 90,
  prefix = "",
  postfix = "",
  stringWrapPrefix = "",
  newArgumentValues = list(),
  tolerance = 1e-07,
  pipeOperator = c("auto", "none", "magrittr", "R"),
  output = c("vector", "cat", "test", "markdown", "internal"),
  explicitPrint = FALSE



The result object.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


A character vector with arguments that shall be inserted at the beginning of the function command, e.g., design = x. Be careful with this option because the created R command may no longer be valid if used.


If TRUE, default parameters will be included in all rpact commands; default is FALSE.


An integer value defining the number of characters after which a line break shall be inserted; set to NULL to insert no line breaks.


A character string that shall be added to the beginning of the R command.


A character string that shall be added to the end of the R command.


A prefix character string that shall be added to each new line, typically some spaces.


A named list with arguments that shall be renewed in the R command, e.g., newArgumentValues = list(informationRates = c(0.5, 1)).


The tolerance for defining a value as default.


The pipe operator to use in the R code, default is "none".


The output format, default is a character "vector".


Show an explicit print command, default is FALSE.


getObjectRCode() (short: rcmd()) recreates the R commands that result in the specified object obj. obj must be an instance of class ParameterSet.


A character value or vector will be returned.

Read Dataset


Reads a data file and returns it as dataset object.


  header = TRUE,
  sep = ",",
  quote = "\"",
  dec = ".",
  fill = TRUE,
  comment.char = "",
  fileEncoding = "UTF-8"



A CSV file (see read.table).


Further arguments to be passed to read.table.


A logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line.


The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "," (the default for readDataset) the separator is a comma.


The set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "". See scan for the behavior on quotes embedded in quotes. Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.


The character used in the file for decimal points.


logical. If TRUE then in case the rows have unequal length, blank fields are implicitly added.


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.


character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the 'Encoding' section of the help for file, the 'R Data Import/Export Manual' and 'Note'.


readDataset is a wrapper function that uses read.table to read the CSV file into a data frame, transfers it from long to wide format with reshape and puts the data to getDataset().


Returns a Dataset object. The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:

See Also


## Not run: 
dataFileRates <- system.file("extdata",
    package = "rpact"
if (dataFileRates != "") {
    datasetRates <- readDataset(dataFileRates)

dataFileMeansMultiArm <- system.file("extdata",
    package = "rpact"
if (dataFileMeansMultiArm != "") {
    datasetMeansMultiArm <- readDataset(dataFileMeansMultiArm)

dataFileRatesMultiArm <- system.file("extdata",
    package = "rpact"
if (dataFileRatesMultiArm != "") {
    datasetRatesMultiArm <- readDataset(dataFileRatesMultiArm)

dataFileSurvivalMultiArm <- system.file("extdata",
    package = "rpact"
if (dataFileSurvivalMultiArm != "") {
    datasetSurvivalMultiArm <- readDataset(dataFileSurvivalMultiArm)

## End(Not run)

Read Multiple Datasets


Reads a data file and returns it as a list of dataset objects.


  header = TRUE,
  sep = ",",
  quote = "\"",
  dec = ".",
  fill = TRUE,
  comment.char = "",
  fileEncoding = "UTF-8"



A CSV file (see read.table).


Further arguments to be passed to read.table.


A logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line.


The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "," (the default for readDatasets) the separator is a comma.


The set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "". See scan for the behavior on quotes embedded in quotes. Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.


The character used in the file for decimal points.


logical. If TRUE then in case the rows have unequal length, blank fields are implicitly added.


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.


character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the 'Encoding' section of the help for file, the 'R Data Import/Export Manual' and 'Note'.


Reads a file that was written by writeDatasets() before.


Returns a list of Dataset objects.

See Also


## Not run: 
dataFile <- system.file("extdata", "datasets_rates.csv", package = "rpact")
if (dataFile != "") {
    datasets <- readDatasets(dataFile)

## End(Not run)

rpact - Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis


rpact (R Package for Adaptive Clinical Trials) is a comprehensive package that enables the design, simulation, and analysis of confirmatory adaptive group sequential designs. Particularly, the methods described in the recent monograph by Wassmer and Brannath (published by Springer, 2016) are implemented. It also comprises advanced methods for sample size calculations for fixed sample size designs incl., e.g., sample size calculation for survival trials with piecewise exponentially distributed survival times and staggered patients entry.


rpact includes the classical group sequential designs (incl. user spending function approaches) where the sample sizes per stage (or the time points of interim analysis) cannot be changed in a data-driven way. Confirmatory adaptive designs explicitly allow for this under control of the Type I error rate. They are either based on the combination testing or the conditional rejection probability (CRP) principle. Both are available, for the former the inverse normal combination test and Fisher's combination test can be used.

Specific techniques of the adaptive methodology are also available, e.g., overall confidence intervals, overall p-values, and conditional and predictive power assessments. Simulations can be performed to assess the design characteristics of a (user-defined) sample size recalculation strategy. Designs are available for trials with continuous, binary, and survival endpoint.

For more information please visit If you are interested in professional services round about the package or need a comprehensive validation documentation to fulfill regulatory requirements please visit

rpact is developed by


Gernot Wassmer, Friedrich Pahlke


Wassmer, G., Brannath, W. (2016) Group Sequential and Confirmatory Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials (Springer Series in Pharmaceutical Statistics; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32562-0)

See Also

Useful links:

Set Output Format


With this function the format of the standard outputs of all rpact objects can be changed and set user defined respectively.


  parameterName = NA_character_,
  digits = NA_integer_,
  nsmall = NA_integer_,
  trimSingleZeros = NA,
  futilityProbabilityEnabled = NA,
  file = NA_character_,
  resetToDefault = FALSE,
  roundFunction = NA_character_,
  persist = TRUE



The name of the parameter whose output format shall be edited. Leave the default NA_character_ if the output format of all parameters shall be edited.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


How many significant digits are to be used for a numeric value. The default, NULL, uses getOption("digits"). Allowed values are 0 <= digits <= 20.


The minimum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in formatting real numbers in non-scientific formats. Allowed values are 0 <= nsmall <= 20.


If TRUE zero values will be trimmed in the output, e.g., "0.00" will displayed as "0"


If TRUE very small value (< 1e-09) will be displayed as "0", default is FALSE.


An optional file name of an existing text file that contains output format definitions (see Details for more information).


If TRUE all output formats will be reset to default value. Note that other settings will be executed afterwards if specified, default is FALSE.


A character value that specifies the R base round function to use, default is NA_character_. Allowed values are "ceiling", "floor", "trunc", "round", "signif", and NA_character_.


A logical value indicating whether the output format settings should be saved persistently. Default is TRUE.


Output formats can be written to a text file (see getOutputFormat()). To load your personal output formats read a formerly saved file at the beginning of your work with rpact, e.g. execute setOutputFormat(file = "my_rpact_output_formats.txt").

Note that the parameterName must not match exactly, e.g., for p-values the following parameter names will be recognized amongst others:

  1. p value

  2. p.values

  3. p-value

  4. pValue

  5. rpact.output.format.p.value

See Also

format for details on the function used internally to format the values.

Other output formats: getOutputFormat()


## Not run: 
# show output format of p values

# set new p value output format
setOutputFormat("p.value", digits = 5, nsmall = 5)

# show sample sizes as smallest integers not less than the not rounded values
setOutputFormat("sample size", digits = 0, nsmall = 0, roundFunction = "ceiling")

# show sample sizes as smallest integers not greater than the not rounded values
setOutputFormat("sample size", digits = 0, nsmall = 0, roundFunction = "floor")

# set new sample size output format without round function
setOutputFormat("sample size", digits = 2, nsmall = 2)

# reset sample size output format to default
setOutputFormat("sample size")
getOutputFormat("sample size")

## End(Not run)

Test and Validate the rpact Package Installation


This function ensures the correct installation of the rpact package by performing various tests. It supports a comprehensive validation process, essential for GxP compliance and other regulatory requirements.


  outDir = ".",
  completeUnitTestSetEnabled = TRUE,
  connection = list(token = NULL, secret = NULL),
  testFileDirectory = NA_character_,
  downloadTestsOnly = FALSE,
  addWarningDetailsToReport = TRUE,
  reportType = c("compact", "detailed", "Rout"),
  testInstalledBasicPackages = TRUE,
  scope = c("basic", "devel", "both", "internet", "all"),
  openHtmlReport = TRUE,
  keepSourceFiles = FALSE



The absolute path to the output directory where all test results will be saved. By default, the current working directory is used.


Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


If TRUE (default), all existing unit tests will be executed; if FALSE, only a subset of tests is run.


A list allowing owners of the rpact validation documentation to provide token and secret credentials for full access to unit tests, enabling them to meet regulatory requirements (see for more information).


An optional path pointing to a local directory containing test files.


If TRUE, the unit test files are only downloaded and not executed. Default is FALSE.


If TRUE, additional warning details are included in the test report. Default is TRUE.


The type of report to generate. Can be "compact", "detailed", or "Rout".


If TRUE, tests for installed basic R packages are included, default is TRUE. For more information, see testInstalledBasic.


The scope of the basic R package tests to run. Can be "basic", "devel", "both", "internet", or "all". Default is "basic". For more information, see testInstalledBasic. Only available if testInstalledBasicPackages = TRUE.


If TRUE, the HTML report is opened after the tests are completed, default is TRUE.


If TRUE, the source files are kept after the tests are completed. A copy of them can be found in the subdirectory src.


This function is integral to the installation qualification (IQ) process of the rpact package, ensuring it meets quality standards and functions as expected. A directory named rpact-tests is created within the specified output directory, where all test files are downloaded from a secure resource and executed. Results are saved in the file testthat.Rout, located in the rpact-tests directory.

Installation qualification is a critical step in the validation process. Without successful IQ, the package cannot be considered fully validated. To gain access to the full set of unit tests, users must provide token and secret credentials, which are distributed to members of the rpact user group as part of the validation documentation. For more information, see vignette rpact_installation_qualification.


Invisibly returns the value of completeUnitTestSetEnabled.


For more information, please visit:


## Not run: 
# Set the output directory

# Basic usage

# Perform all unit tests with access credentials
    connection = list(
        token = "your_token_here",
        secret = "your_secret_here"

# Download test files without executing them
testPackage(downloadTestsOnly = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

The Piecewise Exponential Distribution


Distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for the piecewise exponential distribution.


  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  piecewiseLambda = NA_real_,
  kappa = 1

ppwexp(t, ..., s = NA_real_, lambda = NA_real_, kappa = 1)

  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  piecewiseLambda = NA_real_,
  kappa = 1

qpwexp(q, ..., s = NA_real_, lambda = NA_real_, kappa = 1)

  piecewiseSurvivalTime = NA_real_,
  piecewiseLambda = NA_real_,
  kappa = 1

rpwexp(n, ..., s = NA_real_, lambda = NA_real_, kappa = 1)



Ensures that all arguments (starting from the "...") are to be named and that a warning will be displayed if unknown arguments are passed.


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.

t, time

Vector of time values.

s, piecewiseSurvivalTime

Vector of start times defining the "time pieces".

lambda, piecewiseLambda

Vector of lambda values (hazard rates) corresponding to the start times.

q, quantile

Vector of quantiles.


Number of observations.


getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution() (short: ppwexp()), getPiecewiseExponentialQuantile() (short: qpwexp()), and getPiecewiseExponentialRandomNumbers() (short: rpwexp()) provide probabilities, quantiles, and random numbers according to a piecewise exponential or a Weibull distribution. The piecewise definition is performed through a vector of starting times (piecewiseSurvivalTime) and a vector of hazard rates (piecewiseLambda). You can also use a list that defines the starting times and piecewise lambdas together and define piecewiseSurvivalTime as this list. The list needs to have the form, e.g., piecewiseSurvivalTime <- list( "0 - <6" = 0.025, "6 - <9" = 0.04, "9 - <15" = 0.015, ">=15" = 0.007) . For the Weibull case, you can also specify a shape parameter kappa in order to calculate probabilities, quantiles, or random numbers. In this case, no piecewise definition is possible, i.e., only piecewiseLambda (as a single value) and kappa need to be specified.


A numeric value or vector will be returned.


## Not run: 
# Calculate probabilties for a range of time values for a
# piecewise exponential distribution with hazard rates
# 0.025, 0.04, 0.015, and 0.007 in the intervals
# [0, 6), [6, 9), [9, 15), [15, Inf), respectively,
# and re-return the time values:
piecewiseSurvivalTime <- list(
    "0 - <6"   = 0.025,
    "6 - <9"   = 0.04,
    "9 - <15"  = 0.015,
    ">=15"     = 0.01
y <- getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(seq(0, 150, 15),
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = piecewiseSurvivalTime
    piecewiseSurvivalTime = piecewiseSurvivalTime

## End(Not run)

Survival Helper Functions for Conversion of Pi, Lambda, Median


Functions to convert pi, lambda and median values into each other.


getLambdaByPi(piValue, eventTime = 12, kappa = 1)

getLambdaByMedian(median, kappa = 1)

getHazardRatioByPi(pi1, pi2, eventTime = 12, kappa = 1)

getPiByLambda(lambda, eventTime = 12, kappa = 1)

getPiByMedian(median, eventTime = 12, kappa = 1)

getMedianByLambda(lambda, kappa = 1)

getMedianByPi(piValue, eventTime = 12, kappa = 1)


piValue, pi1, pi2, lambda, median

Value that shall be converted.


The assumed time under which the event rates are calculated, default is 12.


A numeric value > 0. A kappa != 1 will be used for the specification of the shape of the Weibull distribution. Default is 1, i.e., the exponential survival distribution is used instead of the Weibull distribution. Note that the Weibull distribution cannot be used for the piecewise definition of the survival time distribution, i.e., only piecewiselambda (as a single value) and kappa can be specified. This function is equivalent to pweibull(t, shape = kappa, scale = 1 / lambda) of the stats package, i.e., the scale parameter is 1 / 'hazard rate'.
For example, getPiecewiseExponentialDistribution(time = 130, piecewiseLambda = 0.01, kappa = 4.2) and pweibull(q = 130, shape = 4.2, scale = 1 / 0.01) provide the sample result.


Can be used, e.g., to convert median values into pi or lambda values for usage in getSampleSizeSurvival() or getPowerSurvival().


Returns a numeric value or vector will be returned.

Write Dataset


Writes a dataset to a CSV file.


  append = FALSE,
  quote = TRUE,
  sep = ",",
  eol = "\n",
  na = "NA",
  dec = ".",
  row.names = TRUE,
  col.names = NA,
  qmethod = "double",
  fileEncoding = "UTF-8"



A dataset.


The target CSV file.


Further arguments to be passed to write.table.


Logical. Only relevant if file is a character string. If TRUE, the output is appended to the file. If FALSE, any existing file of the name is destroyed.


The set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "". See scan for the behavior on quotes embedded in quotes. Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.


The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "," (the default for writeDataset) the separator is a comma.


The character(s) to print at the end of each line (row).


The string to use for missing values in the data.


The character used in the file for decimal points.


Either a logical value indicating whether the row names of dataset are to be written along with dataset, or a character vector of row names to be written.


Either a logical value indicating whether the column names of dataset are to be written along with dataset, or a character vector of column names to be written. See the section on 'CSV files' for the meaning of col.names = NA.


A character string specifying how to deal with embedded double quote characters when quoting strings. Must be one of "double" (default in writeDataset) or "escape".


Character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the 'Encoding' section of the help for file, the 'R Data Import/Export Manual' and 'Note'.


writeDataset() is a wrapper function that coerces the dataset to a data frame and uses
write.table to write it to a CSV file.

See Also


## Not run: 
datasetOfRates <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(11, 13, 12, 13),
    n2 = c(8, 10, 9, 11),
    events1 = c(10, 10, 12, 12),
    events2 = c(3, 5, 5, 6)
writeDataset(datasetOfRates, "dataset_rates.csv")

## End(Not run)

Write Multiple Datasets


Writes a list of datasets to a CSV file.


  append = FALSE,
  quote = TRUE,
  sep = ",",
  eol = "\n",
  na = "NA",
  dec = ".",
  row.names = TRUE,
  col.names = NA,
  qmethod = "double",
  fileEncoding = "UTF-8"



A list of datasets.


The target CSV file.


Further arguments to be passed to write.table.


Logical. Only relevant if file is a character string. If TRUE, the output is appended to the file. If FALSE, any existing file of the name is destroyed.


The set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "". See scan for the behavior on quotes embedded in quotes. Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.


The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "," (the default for writeDatasets) the separator is a comma.


The character(s) to print at the end of each line (row).


The string to use for missing values in the data.


The character used in the file for decimal points.


Either a logical value indicating whether the row names of dataset are to be written along with dataset, or a character vector of row names to be written.


Either a logical value indicating whether the column names of dataset are to be written along with dataset, or a character vector of column names to be written. See the section on 'CSV files' for the meaning of col.names = NA.


A character string specifying how to deal with embedded double quote characters when quoting strings. Must be one of "double" (default in writeDatasets) or "escape".


Character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the 'Encoding' section of the help for file, the 'R Data Import/Export Manual' and 'Note'.


The format of the CSV file is optimized for usage of readDatasets().

See Also


## Not run: 
d1 <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(11, 13, 12, 13),
    n2 = c(8, 10, 9, 11),
    events1 = c(10, 10, 12, 12),
    events2 = c(3, 5, 5, 6)
d2 <- getDataset(
    n1 = c(9, 13, 12, 13),
    n2 = c(6, 10, 9, 11),
    events1 = c(10, 10, 12, 12),
    events2 = c(4, 5, 5, 6)
datasets <- list(d1, d2)
writeDatasets(datasets, "datasets_rates.csv")

## End(Not run)